View Full Version : Sequoia's Got a Nekkid Butt!

06-18-2006, 06:32 AM
I shave it so she can run faster!



This one cracks me up for some reason :lolol



Just kidding.. I dont shave my girl's heiney... Some greys just dont grown hair back there for a number of reasons. Whatever Sequoia's is, I'm not complaining.. makes for good spankin's and pictures!

06-18-2006, 08:30 AM
LOL! You really had me on that one :p I kept thing to myself "Now how can that make a dog run faster?" :o

06-18-2006, 09:49 AM
She is stunning!

LOL! You really had me on that one :p I kept thing to myself "Now how can that make a dog run faster?" :o

I was thinking the same thing :o

06-18-2006, 09:50 AM
LOL! You really had me on that one :p I kept thing to myself "Now how can that make a dog run faster?" :o
Same here lol. She's beautiful nevertheless. ;)

06-18-2006, 09:58 AM
Cute little tush ;). I thought I remembered reading what caused the hair on some to come off there, was that after races they were rubbed with BenGay or something like that on the hindquarter muscles. Not sure if I'm remembering that right though.

06-18-2006, 10:01 AM
I think you had us all fooled! Very cute pictures, though. :)

06-18-2006, 10:36 AM
Cute little tush ;). I thought I remembered reading what caused the hair on some to come off there, was that after races they were rubbed with BenGay or something like that on the hindquarter muscles. Not sure if I'm remembering that right though.

You heard right.. but, actually, trainers rub their racers down with a product called "Trainers Choice" and it's usually done the day prior to racing. HOwever, they rub it all over their bodies, not just their thighs.

A lot of times, you'll hear people tell you the reason why their butts are nekkid is cuz the "spend 22 hours a day in their crates" or that it's something they've given a name to called "crate rub". That's just more anti-racing hogwash.

There are several reason why racers develope this, but, none can ever completely explain it away;

1. "Bald Thigh Syndrome" - I can't remember where I read it, but, this idea has been disproven. What people attribute this to is hypothyroidism. Things that result from it are a loss of hair, appetite, weight, and lethargy.

2. "Crate Rub" - I don't know about anyone else, but, I've never seen a dog.. ANY kinf od dog, much less a greyhound...lay down on it's butt. If this were a valid argument, then wouldn't a dog be naked all the way up from it's hips to it's shoulders?

3. Genetics - This is the idea that I subscribe to the most. Just like people, some dogs are just simply more hairy than others.

4. Being in peak condition - Actually, I believe the baldness can be attributed to both genetics and this aspect. Greyhounds have unbelieveably thin skin. Anyone who has ever seen one in person will tell you it's like onion paper... verrrrrrrry thin. Ergo, the hair follicles are right next to these animals incredibly large muscles. When the racer is in peak physical condition the muscle growth pushes up against the skin and the follicles die off. Sometimes they regenerate, and sometimes they don't.

06-18-2006, 11:13 AM
Ahh thanks for explaining that! I knew I had read something about it but I couldn't remember for sure exactly what. Sequoia is very muscular indeed!

06-18-2006, 12:03 PM
LOL! You really had me on that one :p I kept thing to myself "Now how can that make a dog run faster?" :o

He had me too :p

06-19-2006, 11:40 AM
LOL! You really had me on that one :p I kept thing to myself "Now how can that make a dog run faster?" :o
Yup I thought the same exact thing. I was getting ready to ask too!