View Full Version : Riot and Chime

06-18-2006, 05:55 AM
Riot went to his third CKC show this weekend - here are some pics from it.

Riot in Puppy Sweeps class before his CKC class..


He was tired afterwards lol

This is Rev- Riots "show buddy" lol

Riot and Chime relaxing

Chime getting stacked

Close up of Chimes face

Ginger's Mom
06-18-2006, 08:07 AM
Handsome boy. And Chime is just too too cute for her own good. :)
So Riot is still a pup himself? I was showing your Welcome Chime video (which I loved) to a friend who had two Teruverans in the past, and would LOVE another one. We were wondering how old Riot is. He thought he was young but I wasn't sure.

06-18-2006, 08:15 AM
Riot and Chime are beautiful dogs. It looks like they enjoyed themselves.

06-18-2006, 01:37 PM
Great pics! :) How did Riot do inthe show?!

06-18-2006, 02:22 PM
You've sure got some beautiful dogs!

06-18-2006, 04:10 PM
Awwww chime is so cute! Riot is beautiful!!! :eek: Looks like they really enjoyed themselves. I hope he did well in the show!!! :D

06-18-2006, 08:06 PM
Riot has just recently turned 11 months old! He blew his coat like 2 weeks before this show, so hes basically "bald" compared to what he was, but he'll be in "full blown" by the time the Belgian Specialty comes along! yay! hehe

Well lets see..

Friday show. Riot placed 2nd in his Age Group to Rev(the Gronendael). The reason - the judge was scared of the Tervurens! She wouldn't even check his teeth! lmao I thought it was ridiculous, why judge a breed you are skittish of, it makes the dogs uneasy and become a little bit on edge. Anyways..

Saturday show. Riot placed 2nd in his Age Group again and 2nd in Puppy Sweeps. Puppy sweeps he did AMAZING - it was just judges preferance. He free stacked himself, he allowed judge to go ALL over him (she was extremely thorough). But it was soo hot. I tried to cool Riot off, but he was crouchy so by the time Best of Breed came along he was not a happy camper and did a deep grumble at the judge - I caught it quickly and corrected him for it unvisibley so the judge didn't seem to notice.

Sunday Show. Riot placed 1st in his age group, as well as took Best Puppy of Breed AND Reseve Winners!! YAY! I was soo happy with him. Because he was in the puppy group - they only place to 1st place, so Riot didn't place in that. A Bouvier puppy placed (kicker is it growled!!) Ahh well, to each his own :)

06-19-2006, 06:16 AM
It's awesome to hear that Riot did so well...congrats to you both!

And I must say I just love the picture of Riot and Chime...they are so stunning. Thanks for the pictures!