View Full Version : Doesn't like to walk on the leash

05-13-2002, 01:36 PM
Smokey doesn't like going for walks... yet??
Well, it's not that he doesn't like it, I think maybe he's just scared or something? I don't know.
He'll be 12 weeks on Thursday and this is what happens:

I put his leash on (he's good about this finally), we go to the front door and he follows me out no problem (finally).
In the driveway things are looking good, turn to go down the street, things are fine. 5 yards down that street he freezes. Everytime a car goes by he tries to turn & go back to the house.

So, at first we would just walk (with a little dragging - I know , it's bad) down to the corner and sit there and do some name game stuff, SIT, gotcha, settle... Little stuff. That makes him a little used to the action on the street.
So we'll go a bit further. He'll be OK but then a big truck will drive by and he'll freeze again. I try to coerce him with treats, but it doesn't really work. If I start running he'll run with me for maybe 1/4 a block but then he'll stop.

BUT as soon as we turn around to go back to the house (we have yet to get past 2 blocks - and that takes like 15+ minutes), he'll put the leash in his mouth and proudly walk me back to the house without any problems at all.

What's up with that?
Should I just anticipate replies of "Be patient."?? :)


Dixieland Dancer
05-13-2002, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by manda99
Smokey doesn't like going for walks... yet??
He'll be 12 weeks on Thursday

What's up with that?
Should I just anticipate replies of "Be patient."?? :)



He is still a baby and the worse thing you can do is make him afraid. During this period he needs you to instill confidence in him with all things in his short life. There is a fear factor that comes into place around this age and can do harmful damage to the pups ability to handle certain things if not handled positively.

I can not emphasize enough to be patient! He will be walking non stop with you in a few short months and then you will want him to stop!

05-13-2002, 03:26 PM
Cincy did not like to walk on a leash at first either. I think she was about 3-4 months old when she started doing okay with it...now we are working on the opposite, STOP PULLING!!! :)

05-13-2002, 08:45 PM
I agree with Dixieland Dancer "and BE PATIENT!!!"

2 of my dogs went through a fear period around this age.

Sheba would not walk near a man hole cover on the
side walk when she was a puppy.
It took me almost 3 months of calmly working with her and
desentising her to the evil covers on the ground. lol

Rocky's fear only took 2 weekends to cure.
Rocky had a fear of steps at the breeders
and the breeders husband thought it was funny.
The husband purposly pushed him off the porch steps
and Rocky hurt his leg and his fear of steps
becaue MEGA fear.
So I took him to the park in the kiddie section
and worked with him up at the play area.
I would go up the kiddy
step myself first several times coaching him and
never forcing him. Than after several times
of coaching, working very slowly he went up
the couple of steps. After that their was no stopping him and
even today I periodically take him to the kiddie section
and we climp up the baby steps, and go down the slide
together. ;)

05-14-2002, 09:53 AM
Sounds like there's hope... That's good.

Yesterday he wouldn't even leave the front yard. I tried and tried to coax him. No luck. So then I got the other dog thinking maybe Smokey would follow his lead. Nope.


05-14-2002, 06:53 PM
My dog didn't like walking on a leash either when she was a puppy. When I would take her for a walk, she woould walk for awhile and then she would just stop and I would have to drag her or carry her home. Although she did this because she just wanted to be carried. My vet even mentioned about her back nails never having to be cliped because of me dragging her. She loves her walks now, I was just planning to take her for one right now.

05-14-2002, 07:17 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Stonewind! What's your dog's name? Hope you can post some pics!! Enjoy your walk!