View Full Version : household items to help with chewing?

06-14-2006, 06:49 PM
my cousin just adopted a hound mix puppy. i havn't seen him yet, but i'm gonna go see him soon.
she called me today and asked if i knew of anything that would help stop him from chewing on things outside in the backyard. he stays in the backyard while my cousin is away from home. i told her about bitter apple, but she wanted to know if any household items would help. i told her i'd ask you all! :D i told her maybe vasoline. she said "GASOLINE?!?!" :rolleyes:

are there any household items that would help?

06-14-2006, 08:01 PM
Mix cayenne pepper with water to make a paste and brush it on things. They only chew it once. Cracker was trying to eat my wooden back steps as a puppy until I did that, he quit the first time he tasted tha and never tried again. It won't actually hurt them and will wash off over time.

06-14-2006, 08:14 PM
thanks! :D

06-14-2006, 08:33 PM
i use cayon peper
if it gets in the dogs noses they will remember that as a bad thing to chew and when they smell the cayon peper on whatever they are not sopost to chew they will not go near it

06-15-2006, 07:57 AM
With a puppy, ANYTHING is fair game. They will chew on electrical or phone wires if they can reach them. A better solution would be to limit the puppy to a portion of the yard while no one is able to watch him. Them make sure only chew toys are in 'his' yard. Eventually he will be less likely to chew on everything and can be allowed in the whole yard.

Remember that dogs like to dig, too.