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K & L
06-14-2006, 06:19 PM
Work has not been so pleasant these days. A note came out saying they may be monitoring all Internet use and e-mails. Any inappropriate usage will be subject to termination. Because of that I have very little time to frequent PT and miss it tremendously. Once I get home I don't have much time on the computer. By the time I finally do I'm tired and heading for bed. Hopefully this will die down after a while and life will go on again.

We discovered a mom cat and 5 kittens at the park. In the next week we will attempt trapping. The kittens are gorgeous. 3 Himalyan looking ones and 2 tabbies. I will try and post pictures when/if we get them.

I'm sure I've missed a lot of fun posts. :(

06-14-2006, 06:27 PM
That Would Be So Petty, And Demoralising Knowing That Big Brother Is Watching You.
The People That Run Companies Seem To Have Less And Less Regard For Thier Employees.

06-14-2006, 06:50 PM
I work for the state and they're the same way about our computers but it's not really enforced. Tomorrow one of my friends at the office is going to try and put Groucho's pictures on Imagestation from there to see if that will work. The babies sound absolutely adorable! How's mommycat?How old are the babies? Please let us know how they're doing?

06-15-2006, 05:59 AM
That sucks, though at least you have PT to come and look at when you can and that will cheer you up seeing so many beautiful cats. I hope you're successful with the trapping and find lovely homes for the found cats in the park.

06-15-2006, 06:20 AM
Why don't you trap and neuter the bosses? That way, they will become a dying breed. Then we can all get back to the real business of talking about our pets (and being paid for it... ;) )

smokey the elder
06-15-2006, 06:56 AM
It sounds like someone may have crossed a line, so they have to remind you guys of the policy. Most places, if you use your head about playing on the Web, they don't bother you about it. i.e. don't let it interfere with "real" work (whatever THAT is!) and don't go to..ahem..questionable sites. (Does the purrno thread count as questionable? ;) :p )

06-15-2006, 07:38 AM
Grrrrr -- I'm sure they want to curb the idiots who spend all days online playing. They sent out the same notice at my last job. When they caught one of the MAJOR higher-ups playing all day on porn sites...... well, the internet thing sort of faded into the background. They didn't fire the higher-up for porn, so they couldn't fire a low-guy for just checking his favorite non-porn sites. LOLOLOLOL

06-15-2006, 08:47 AM
Sorry you are working in such a restrictive environment. We are not supposed to use the internet for "personal" reasons either, but as far as I know we do not have active surveillance going on. However, they have come up with a new way to enforce minute by minute compliance with work hours clocked. Now it is not going to be enough to swipe your identity card through a machine. They have installed a new machine that reads fingerprints, and we are all going to have to submit to being fingerprinted. I find that alarming and offensive, but I feel helpless about it. Anyway, I do empathize. I know you were going through hard times with your job and living situation and feeling depressed, and this new burden can't be of any help in making you feel better.

06-15-2006, 09:48 AM
Oh no! What a nightmare if I could not log on PT at work :(

06-15-2006, 12:41 PM
That stinks. I log onto Pet Talk at work sometimes myself. But I put in extra hours so I think it all works out in the end. But it would stink if my work ever did that. We have a new CEO and I'm thinking someday it may just happen.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-15-2006, 03:16 PM
I was wondering where you've been. :) Glad to hear it's only cranky bosses that are keeping you away and not something more serious - like sick kitties or way to many new park cats. The new parkies sound adorable. Can't wait for pictures. :)

06-15-2006, 05:04 PM
Same problem here! That is why I haven't been around. I still try and take a little time now and then to read the threads and posts, but my computer here at home is dial up and so very very slow! I feel your pain, I miss PT very much and everyone involved in it!

K & L
06-15-2006, 06:32 PM
One of my friends was fired the other day. Don't know why, or if it was due to the internet/e-mail usage. I've been trying to reach her, but she won't answer her phone. :( I'm really worried for her.

I guess with such a large Company they have to control it somehow, but gosh I'm only on it for short bouts at a time. How can that hurt? I even got rid of all my favorites that pertained to cat health, behavior, etc. It SUCKS, but I have 2 years till retirement and I sure don't want to blow it now.

06-16-2006, 02:11 PM
Why don't you trap and neuter the bosses? That way, they will become a dying breed. Then we can all get back to the real business of talking about our pets (and being paid for it... ;) )

WOW what a GREAT idea!!!
:D :D :D :D

K & L
06-16-2006, 09:40 PM
WOW what a GREAT idea!!!
:D :D :D :D
Ha-Ha..I don't think they have any to neuter! :eek: Whoops did I say that?

06-16-2006, 09:47 PM
We'll take you when we can get you, and will understand if it is less frequent. But only two years to retirement, that's a good thing!

06-17-2006, 12:38 PM
Aww Lisa, that's a shame, but understandable also. Only 2 more years to go before retirement. Let's hope those 2 years fly by for you.

Good luck with mama and the babies. They sound absolutely precious. :)