View Full Version : motion sickness

06-13-2006, 09:45 AM
Does anyone have any suggestions for motion sickness. I can hardly take my dogs across the street in the car that they aren't gulping, panting and throwing up. I have tried dramine and benadryl, but neither of those work. We camp, and would like to take them along but I end up being throw up on for most of the trip. any ideas? :)

06-14-2006, 04:27 PM
I've never had that problem with any of my dogs, but I know people
who do & it's a real problem.What I've heard they should travel on an
empty stomach, so no food or water before the trip. Also ask your Vet
for help finding something that might work to lesson the nausea.I know
one lady who's pup hates riding in the car & gets sick often. What finally
worked for her was the no feeding thing and letting the dog lay on the
floor of the car instead of the seat. (seemed to be where it was most
comfortable inside the car) Good luck. I hope they will someday be able
to go camping with you. :)

06-14-2006, 10:11 PM
I have had some success with ginger root extract (tablets or capsules -- you can get them somewhere that sells natural supplements). I give mine each a tablet or capsule about an hour before we take a long ride and it seems to help a lot. Any closer to riding time, and it isn't nearly as effective. Belle would actually eat the tablets right up; she liked them. I haven't been able to find them anymore and have switched to the capsules, which I usually have to hide in peanut butter to get them to take.

Also, now that I'm taking Belle for agility classes, she gets excited to ride rather than scared of it or sick, since she knows that she will get to go and play (and play hard :) ). This has helped a lot. If the pups think that the car means going to the vet or groomer or something else out of the ordinary/stressful, of course they won't want to ride.

06-17-2006, 07:00 AM
I had a puppy that got motion sickness when we went places, So I asked my vet about it and she said to put the puppy in the car to where he could see out the window and drive around the yard in a circle so the dog could get its barrings and focus on things like trees, houses, and so forth. Taking short trips around the yard would be better to focus then to take a long trip and be to sick to want to focus and look out the window. Having the air blowing on him seems to help or the window down so he can get air helps. I get car sick and it's not fun :( . Hope this helps.