View Full Version : **Found a dog** He's HOME!!

06-10-2006, 09:24 PM
Let me start off with this part first. At the golf course today the lady that owns us wanted to know if we wanted a dog. She needed to find this girl a home. She is a Boston Terrier, black and white with blue eyes. Her name is Sadie as well and she's 6 months old. She had gottn her for her son but the grandson was a little rough with the dog so they wanted to rehome her. Anyway, hubby and I talked about it and he said I could have her. Told the lady the owned the course we would take her but she wanted to double check with her son since it was their dog. We gave her our phone number to call us if they wanted to rehome her with us. (Side note: Hubby used to work at the golf course, so he knows the owners) So on the way home I pull into our road and get a little bit down the road and there is this little Yorkie walking in the road. It was almost 8pm and sprinkling rain. I told hubby get the dog. No collar, no leash, no nothing. We drove around the neighboorhood a little, we live in a pretty big neighborhood, so we drove around the roads nearest us. No one was out looking for a dog, asked a few people if they were looking for a dog or knew someone who was. Nothing. So we brought HIM home. He's intact but seems pretty well mannered. He has peed in the house a few times, marking the corners of my walls. :( I gave him a bath, he had a few fleas on him but overall pretty clean. His ears were suprisingly clean as well. He's not skinny so I'm sure he's well loved and missed. I plan on putting up some posters and running an ad in our neighboorhood paper. Hubby is taking him Monday to the vet's to see if he is microchipped. I put some food down for him but he didn't eat. He did eat some cheese but that's it. His nails need trimming as well. I'm sure someone is missing him and I will do all I can to find his people. I'd feel a whole lot better if he was neutered because then I feel his people might take better care of him, I hope they are not using him for breeding. I am not sure his age but he seems playful. I have pics of course so here they are.

These were before his bath.
And an after bath video.
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y146/gemini9961/th_2006_06100015.jpg (http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y146/gemini9961/?action=view&current=2006_06100015.flv)

Send some well wishes we can find his family. I have not seen him around when I have been walking my 3 so he might be an inside dog and slipped out. :(

06-10-2006, 09:38 PM
Gosh he's awfully cute. You were so nice to rescue him.

I hope you get that Boston Terrier. And perhaps this little guy can be its brother if nobody claims him.

06-10-2006, 09:40 PM
I hope you get that Boston Terrier. And perhaps this little guy can be its brother if nobody claims him.

Hubby said he if keep the Yorkie (if we can't find his home) then we can't get the Boston. :( That would put us at 5 dogs. :eek: I hope we can find the Yorkie his home. His hair is cut short so he does get haircuts. I'm sure he just slipped out. Poor little guy. He's laying at my feet now.

critter crazy
06-10-2006, 09:45 PM
Awww...what a sweetie! I hope you find his family!!! Good luck!!!

06-10-2006, 09:46 PM
He is quite cute. So good of you to look for his people.
I hope that you find them or they find you and that they are good people. didn't get to see the video b/c id on't have macro. flash, but he's cute dirty. lol.

06-10-2006, 10:31 PM
He's a real cutie! :D Best of luck!

06-10-2006, 11:02 PM
:( couldn't see the video either. i hope you find the yorkie's owners. i'm sure someone is missing the little worm terribly! at least i'm glad he was found by YOU! meantime, how cool you may be getting the BT! Lucky dog!

Suki Wingy
06-10-2006, 11:02 PM
hope the yorkie finds his home! A double blue eyed boston? COOL! we would of course need pics right away once yorkie finds his owners.

06-10-2006, 11:20 PM
Poor guy... :(

I hope you find his home

Ginger's Mom
06-11-2006, 06:39 AM
Aw, he's cute. What a lucky boy to have found such a good home to take refuge. So what does Maggie think about having a friend her size in the house? :)

For some reason the video won't work for me either, but I am sure he looks spiffy after his bath. Thanks for taking the time to help this little guy. I hope you find his home.
(Wait until Carmen hears about the Boston.)

06-11-2006, 08:11 AM
How cute is he! I hope you find his owners.

That's great about the BT! :D

06-11-2006, 08:17 AM
(Wait until Carmen hears about the Boston.)
Lol I was gonna say the same thing!!:p Shes the only one with Bostons on here.

Gooodjob on taking th Yorkie in although he seems a tad bit odd while drying him self. lol

06-11-2006, 08:57 AM
I hope his owners are found... he's such a handsome dog! :D

Good luck on the Boston! She sounds gorgeous. :)

Lori Jordan
06-11-2006, 10:43 AM
Aww your a great person doing what your doing is it just me or does he has eye problems?Best of Luck Hun!!!!!

06-11-2006, 10:48 AM
Aww your a great person doing what your doing is it just me or does he has eye problems?Best of Luck Hun!!!!!

He doesn't seem to have eye problems, the little booger wouldn't sit still for pics and then I'm sure I blinded him with the flash. :o I have looked at him as well as he will let me and his eyes look fine. What can he say, poor guy, has probably never had a photo-op before. ;) But he and I could not let PT down. :D

Talked to hubby a little earlier and he said he is doing well, except he's still marking everywhere. Anything I can do to stop that? We are cleaning up where he does it. I know he's trying to get rid of Grant's smell, or at least make himself known. He's not neutered, if he was neutered would that calm down some?

06-11-2006, 11:03 AM
He is cuuute, and the video is adorable!

For his marking problems what about a belly band? You can buy them at stores and stuff but I know some people just use an ace bandage and wrap it around the dogs middle with a sanitary napkin in it. Less of a mess to clean up that way ;)

The Boston sounds cute too though, best of luck!!!

Oh and five dogs isn't too bad ;) And four of em would be small...so it would really only be like having 3 big dogs!

Lori Jordan
06-11-2006, 11:17 AM
That is great most likely was the flash i have issues with my dogs too lol there eyes are usually always closed lol!

06-11-2006, 03:26 PM
Oh no, a marking dog. I'm afraid I'd have to vote for the Boston. Some male dogs feel the necessity to mark when living with the ladies. This might not be easily extinguished even after he is neutered since he has already established the habit.

06-11-2006, 03:30 PM
What a cutie! I hope you can find his parents.

I'll take the Boston if you keep him. ;)

06-11-2006, 03:37 PM
Well I have my signs ready to post when I get home. Hubby said he has seen no signs around our neighborhood of anyone looking for a dog and no one has come by. :( Off to the vet's tomorrow to check for microchip. I will surely have some tough decisions to make it we can't find his family and if the Boston is ready to be rehomed. :( I always think to myself that I just want to find a dog on the road to rescue and yesterday that happened. Too bad it was on the same day we got offered a Boston for FREE. :eek: I will keep everyone updated.

06-11-2006, 07:41 PM
Well we took him out walking this evening because there were a few houses we wanted to ask if it was there. 1st house, no luck. 2nd house, which is 2 houses up, he walked right in the driveway and when she opened the door he walked right in. Good for him, we found his home. Now I know why he's not neutered. These are the same BYB's that breed their boxers. This is her 2nd litter I know of. I have seen the pups outside, they are not newborns but they are still pups. She has 4 other adult looking Boxers and a few other mixed breeds in the yard. There was another dog in the house too when she opened the door. I suppose she is using the little guy as a stud dog for something or else doesn't care. Well it's obvious she doesn't care. I would like to report her, but they have shelter out there and as far as I can tell they get fed. No abuse per se, just outside dogs. :( :mad: Either way, he was not far from home when we picked him up and now I know where he lives. For her dog being gone 24 hours she didn't seem too concerned he was gone nor too excited he was back. She said she lets him out and he comes back. Well I wasn't chancing him getting hit when I saw him out walking. Well I'm happy he's home, but upset it wasn't a better home, at least a home I thought was better.

Still waiting on news about the Boston though. :) At least I don't have to worry about having 5 dogs. :eek:

06-12-2006, 10:39 AM
Thanks for the follow up on this situation. I too am disappointed this little fellow wasn't part of a better life style, but at least he didn't resist going home.

Now let us know what develops with the Boston.

06-12-2006, 10:47 AM
Well we took him out walking this evening because there were a few houses we wanted to ask if it was there. 1st house, no luck. 2nd house, which is 2 houses up, he walked right in the driveway and when she opened the door he walked right in. Good for him, we found his home. Now I know why he's not neutered. These are the same BYB's that breed their boxers. This is her 2nd litter I know of. I have seen the pups outside, they are not newborns but they are still pups. She has 4 other adult looking Boxers and a few other mixed breeds in the yard. There was another dog in the house too when she opened the door. I suppose she is using the little guy as a stud dog for something or else doesn't care. Well it's obvious she doesn't care. I would like to report her, but they have shelter out there and as far as I can tell they get fed. No abuse per se, just outside dogs. :( :mad: Either way, he was not far from home when we picked him up and now I know where he lives. For her dog being gone 24 hours she didn't seem too concerned he was gone nor too excited he was back. She said she lets him out and he comes back. Well I wasn't chancing him getting hit when I saw him out walking. Well I'm happy he's home, but upset it wasn't a better home, at least a home I thought was better.

Still waiting on news about the Boston though. :) At least I don't have to worry about having 5 dogs. :eek:

Thats too bad he has to live there :( But I'm happy you found his home.

06-28-2006, 07:29 AM
It's good you found his home. I can't believe this lady let's him roam the neighborhood, though. :mad:
Bless you, for taking care of him.

06-28-2006, 08:26 AM
Hey Amber! Any update on the Boston??