View Full Version : I can't get them to understand..

06-09-2006, 03:39 PM
I have always loved pitties. My family has always thought they were mean. Well, my brother was attacked by a friend's pit bull, and now my family really think they are bad dogs. I try and make them understand it's NOT the breed. UGHHHH. This is just kind of a vent thread.

06-09-2006, 03:42 PM
Hmmmmm, maybe Jadapit's pitties can come over to your house and smother your family with kisses - that oughta at least make a dent in their attitude!

06-09-2006, 03:51 PM
I wish!! :D

Suki Wingy
06-10-2006, 12:34 AM
Make them watch this:
Pit Bulls are the real victems, in every sence.
You have to understand how emotionally sensitive these dogs are. Their incredible capasity for love and trust and understanding. But these dogs have been through hell and back. They have people who believe the crap the media puts out and then tie them to a chain, fight them, beat them, starve them, burn them, and some STILL find the courage to love a kind human. They are literally driven to insanity. When a few finally can't take it any longer and lash out in what they percieve as self deffense, the whole breed is blamed. What about the @$$wh01es who skrewed them up it the first place, huh? And then theirs the pitties who were lucky enough to be raised by a loving family, who are truly heroes. If we don't stop it, the whole world will soon have banned them. Even if they are lucky to live away from it they still get the crap from people on the streets.

06-10-2006, 06:20 AM
My parents are the same way, no matter how many times I have told them otherwise about pitbulls, they still think they live to attack children on the streets. They spent around 5 years or so living in a big city where there were reports of dog attacks atleast everyweek (so they say). They have got it stuck in their minds that they are vicious animals.
If I ever get the chance to introduce them to a real pitbull, I certainly won't pass it up. I'm determined to do my best to change their minds. :D

06-10-2006, 06:33 AM
My dad is very open-minded about pitbulls. He won't judge a breed because of what media say. But my mother is a totally different story. If I want to show her something about pitbulls, she'll get all mad and say "NO! How can you even like to look at those things!". She calls them monsters and eating-machines. I really can't blame her because of what media says/does. I asked her if I wound up getting a pitbull and needed someone to watch it, she wouldn't! You don't even know how mad I was. But I'm going to keep trying with her no matter what. The only thing I have really realized from this situtatuion is that media has a huge impact on peoples lives. Danielle, just keep trying. I wish you lots of luck!

06-10-2006, 10:17 AM
Make them watch this:
Pit Bulls are the real victems, in every sence.
You have to understand how emotionally sensitive these dogs are. Their incredible capasity for love and trust and understanding. But these dogs have been through hell and back. They have people who believe the crap the media puts out and then tie them to a chain, fight them, beat them, starve them, burn them, and some STILL find the courage to love a kind human. They are literally driven to insanity. When a few finally can't take it any longer and lash out in what they percieve as self deffense, the whole breed is blamed. What about the @$$wh01es who skrewed them up it the first place, huh? And then theirs the pitties who were lucky enough to be raised by a loving family, who are truly heroes. If we don't stop it, the whole world will soon have banned them. Even if they are lucky to live away from it they still get the crap from people on the streets.

very well put! great video too!

my parents were against anything about the breed. they told me to never go near one and they were pretty much the same way about pits as your parents are. then came Juicy! if you remember Juicy was a pit bull/staffie mix that we pretty much adopted. he was so sweet both my parents think compleatly different about the dogs. my parents have taken a huge step with dogs in the past year. they have coem from thinking dogs are disposable to dogs are totally part of the family and love them forever. good luck with helping your parents get passed the attack and understand it's not the breed, it's the deed!

06-10-2006, 10:53 AM
Thank you! I plan to show my parents that video. I'll keep trying no matter how long it takes. And when I get older, maybe I'll adopt a pittie and show them how sweet they are!

06-10-2006, 12:54 PM
I'm really sorry that happened to your brother! Is he ok? Are the people that own the pit good owners? A pit bull shouldn't show any human aggression at all. I hope the owners work with the pittie.

Suki, is right pit bulls are so super sensitive. Ebony and Jada both get their feelings hurt real easy. Most of the time when a pit bull goes at a human it is the owners fault. My two have never, ever shown any aggression at humans period. I so wish your parents could meet Ebony and Jada I promise you those two would help them change their minds about the breed. :)

06-10-2006, 02:09 PM
I'm really sorry that happened to your brother! Is he ok? Are the people that own the pit good owners? A pit bull shouldn't show any human aggression at all. I hope the owners work with the pittie.

Suki, is right pit bulls are so super sensitive. Ebony and Jada both get their feelings hurt real easy. Most of the time when a pit bull goes at a human it is the owners fault. My two have never, ever shown any aggression at humans period. I so wish your parents could meet Ebony and Jada I promise you those two would help them change their minds about the breed. :)

My brother's ok. The owner is my brother's friend from the marines. I'm pretty sure he's a good owner... but who knows?

06-10-2006, 02:16 PM
My mom is the same way! :o :o :mad:

06-10-2006, 11:30 PM
Thats dumb :( My parents are the same way... :mad: :(

06-10-2006, 11:45 PM
ok.. we all know by now I almost lost my hand to a Rottie while protecting a baby pit. how's that for irony? i never blame a breed. all dogs, like babies are born innocent. anyway, the neighbor's have always had pits. the most friendly, obedient, yet protective, big block headed goofballs. there's nothing like a huge black head on your knee, whining in sympathy as i was hysterical when Cody died. he understood everything. this baby pit is so adorable with his blue eyes. he is uncontrollable when i come over because he knows kisses and hugs are on the way. A vet i know. thinks pits are the most loyal, wonderful dogs. in todays news here, a woman was severly attacked and injured by 2 pits, so my phone rang off the hook. i don;t know the history behind it. a lot of pits in the inner city are used for fighting or drugs. when they get lose, they have no social skills. off my soapbox. i just think there are good and not so good dogs depending on the circumstances, not their fault.

06-11-2006, 11:27 AM
i just think there are good and not so good dogs depending on the circumstances, not their fault.

I agree.