View Full Version : Fun in the Sun!

06-09-2006, 05:15 AM
We have had some very hot weather recently (purrfect for sunbathing) and well the blackies braved the heat to let me take some pictures that I hope you all enjoy :)

Firstly, lets start off with our good neighbour, Dusty. If the Found Cats don't mind me using their terminology, she is truly the Catzilla round here!


Clever Dusty has found a nice shady spot


Tom and Dusty are good pals, whereas Candy CANNOT STAND :mad: :mad: the sight of her, and hunts her down


Maybe in fact my fuzzy girl is on such a mission here....she kind of looks like there is some important business pressing....


More coming....

06-09-2006, 05:18 AM
Here's Tom relaxing by the summerhouse


Candy, too, decides this would be a good spot to chill out for a bit. Its situated at the very top of the garden which is long and on a slope so its the place to be to see all the action!



Tom shows off his cute bottom ;)


06-09-2006, 05:22 AM
Grrrrrr.....I mean it Tom....... I'm going to GET YOU!!!! :mad: :mad: :eek: :eek:

The gap beneath the fence is an excellent place for paw-batting and general pounce related fighting from side to side. One blackie positions themself at either side, as Candy demonstrates here. Just picture Tom on the other side!


Finally, after all the exertions in such heat (it must have been at least 80F yesterday, it was just baking hot) Tom decides a bath is in order


Then a snooze for my sweet blackie boy


(Sigh) its a hard life being me, PT, don't you agree. (But don't you just LOVE his walrus whiskers in this shot!! :D :p )


That's all for now, hope you enjoyed sunbathing with us!!

love, Candy and Tom xxx

06-09-2006, 10:21 AM
Lovely, you look very content guys. It is extremely hot here in Wales too, in Cardiff it's the hottest in Britain today. Jack and Sunny send sunbathing vibes up to our Celtic cousins ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-09-2006, 11:17 AM
80C??!!!? :eek: I think 80F is hot, I can't imagine 80C! Sure glad the kitties got a chance to enjoy the heat....and the shade. :D

06-09-2006, 11:39 AM
In spite of the heat, they seem to have a wonderful time. :D

Whatever you say, I don't believe it's 80 Celcious,you would almost be boiing .... it must be Fahrenheit, right?

Great pictures! :)

06-09-2006, 07:40 PM
80 C Would Be About 176 Dgrees Farenheit.
That Would Be Hot.
Catzilla Still Comes But With The Porch Up, I Dont See Her As Much.
Is It Me, Or Does Dusty Look Like The Moose?

06-10-2006, 02:20 AM
You're so right everyone, and I'm soooo embarrassed at my stupidity- 80F of course is what I mean. I must have been somehow thinking how hot it seems to the poor blackies. They just soak up the heat like little furry, four-legged solar panels. Max though being about half white/pale grey doesn't suffer as much.

Another couple of days of it we're promised so its BBQ time tonight :D :D I've been off work all week with really painful sciatica and as I can't sit down, well I can only really manage to lie in the sun :cool:

Gary, yes you're quite right in what you say. I always think Dusty is the Moose's long lost sister. Why, if it wasn't for her Scottish accent, how on earth would we tell their little faces apart?? :confused: :D She asked me to pass on her regards to her fine buddy in Catada

06-10-2006, 10:37 AM
Gorgeous pictures, thanks for sharing. :)