View Full Version : Louise, Emma & Muffin Update

05-11-2002, 05:19 AM
well things are about the same, Muffin and Emma are kinda friends, but Muffin is a bully to Louise., traps her under the bed then sits there waiting for her to come out. I have seen tiny scratches on this one and that one, nothing big. I am doing better about it now. Emma keeps trying to play with Muffin, then she gets scared when Muffin plays back but I think they will be friends first.
I will post some new pics this weekend.:)

maybe I need a 4th kitty? does anyone think this might help, or am I asking for more trouble?:confused:

Emma and Louise are getting big!

05-11-2002, 08:58 AM
Well, I haven't experienced it myself, but I have heard that three-some can be awkward if you don't have the perfect personality mix. I should let some of the parents of three-somes speak to this though, so it's not hearsay...

Former User
05-11-2002, 12:05 PM
Yeah, you definately need another cat, go for it!
But serioulsy, I also don't have advice to give. We have two as you know, and I'm glad about that, they keep each other company. Maybe 3 is weird number, I don't know. We are also planning to have more cats later (few years from now) and we will keep the number even, so everyone has friend... I don't know if this counts when it comes to you...

05-11-2002, 01:36 PM
thanks...I will think about a 4th, because I know with 3 it seems like ther is always one left out, and lately it has been Louise a few times:(

05-11-2002, 06:27 PM
As many of you know, I have three cats. They are also all males. They get along very well together. Pepper tends to sleep more than Storm and Sunny so when he's sleeping the other two can play with each other. Sure they will fight like siblings occasionally but this also happens with two cats as well. Before I got my third cat Sunny, Storm was fighting with Pepper much more than he does now. He needed another cat to play with. I guess I just lucked out personality wise too. Good luck in whatever you decide to do toughCookie.:)

05-12-2002, 01:00 PM
We have 3 cats... 2 tend to play more together but no one minds if cat #3 decides to join in and play.
Milo sleeps a lot (in fact she is sleeping on my bench right now) and doesnt play AS much as the other 2.
Out of the 3 Max is more then happy to play on his own.... I really need to buy him more mice. He loves those goofy things.