View Full Version : I am a Sucker--with a capital s!

06-07-2006, 03:28 PM
That's me! Sucker stamped right on my forehead I am sure! I got a phone call this morning from the local humane society. We cut most of our ties with them a few months ago, but have slowly been getting a little more involved. A couple of the staff members from Stuart's stint as manager are still there. One of them, Rose, called this morning because she recalled that I have adopted a couple senior cats (Twicket & Kasha). She had just got back from the city pound, which is a kill facility. She has a old boy with her who was to be euthanized today. So I agreed to come meet him on my lunch break.....I should have known better. I am not capable of "just looking!"

I was greeted by a very large, short haired classic tabby!! I don't have a tabby. Well, I have a ginger tabby, but not a traditional brown and black tabby!! Doesn't every house need a tabby(catnapper, back me up here!)??? He is old, has that old cat bony feeling to him. I'd say he's around 15, but appears to be generally healthy. He likes to be held, drooled all over me while he was purring and made biscuits on my arm. He did not want to go back into his cage and clung to my coat.

I was reminded again today that my hubby is a keeper! I told Rose I'd have to get Stuart's approval. He called as I was walking out of the shelter so I filled him in on the situation. His exact words were "do whatever you think you have to for him. Ivy might like him. You might want to tell Twicket that's enough now though!"(We both believe that Twicket sent Kasha to us). Twicket was Ivy's best friend and she hasn't really had a kitty buddy since he passed.

He doesn't have a name right now, but I'm pretty sure he told me his name is Beau. I took some pictures and I'll post them this evening. I"m at work and can't get them off my camera from here.

06-07-2006, 03:32 PM
Oh, I don't think you are a sucker at all... rather, I think you are a special person with a special love in your heart for seniors! Bless you.... and welcome home Beau! :D


06-07-2006, 03:33 PM
That is great!!! I'm so glad you are a Sucker! He sounds wonderful and I can't wait to see pictures. :D

06-07-2006, 03:41 PM
believe me, "suckers" like you, is what this world needs.......... ;) :D

cant wait to see pics of that beautiful beau.......LOVE THAT NAME!!!

06-07-2006, 03:46 PM
You are a GOD SEND!!! Thank you for giving this poor senior citizen a furrrever home.

Call me Sucker too. I was on Petfinder.com just "looking" and saw at least 5 seniors that urgently need homes. I get depressed when I see that. I would adopt a senior in a NY minute if I was going to be gainfully employed. Unfortunately, my temp assignment ends and I'll only have my part-time BB&B job.

It breaks my heart to see these seniors at shelters (most of them were in animal rescue or no-kill shelters). There was one beautiful girl who has been at the (no-kill) Meriden Humane Society for 6 years!!! :eek: She's 12 years old and getting depressed being in a cage. She has a very MINUTE hernia which has caused people to pass her by. :(

06-07-2006, 03:48 PM
Aren't you an angel!? Wow, you and your husband just bring tears to my eyes. "Sucker" isn't the right word for you, maybe "easy"? That sounds better.

Beau is one very lucky guy!!! Can't wait to see pictures!!

(that thing you said about him being old & bony just tugged at my heart)

Bless you both!

06-07-2006, 03:53 PM
If You Are A Sucker
Then Send Me A Crown Of Lollipops
Even With 14 Cats, And The Recent Too Many Cat Scare, I Am Trying To Tame Scratchier.
If You Are A Sucker To Show Beau Love Ans Affection, Then I Say That Its A Damned Shame That There Are Not More Suckers.
I Dont Think Our Lord Jesus Would Call You A Sucker.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-07-2006, 04:07 PM
:D :D Just can't help but love suckers like you. ;) :D Can't wait to see the precious boy. :D

Queen of Poop
06-07-2006, 04:32 PM
You and Stuart are AWESOME!!!!! Can't wait to see the photos of Beau. He sounds like he really needs the special kind of loving he can only get in one place - yours!! :D

06-07-2006, 05:01 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/shininheart/groupwave.gif http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/traurig/sad-smiley-019.gif http://www.imom.org/pin/forum/images/emoticons/aktion033.gif http://www.imom.org/pin/forum/images/emoticons/happydance.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/shininheart/groupwave.gif
What a wonderful world it would be if more people were like you and Stuart!

06-07-2006, 05:51 PM
This world needs more "Suckers with a capitol S". Thanks for giving an old senior a chance on life again. They are so overlooked at shelters and it breaks my heart...and by the way, in my book your an angel not a sucker. :)

06-07-2006, 06:06 PM
Oh definately! EVERY house needs aclassic brown and black tabby --- preferably two or three ;)

He sounds wonderful, YOU are wonderful! What a fabulous new addition to your kitty family.

Now where are pictures of this old boy?

06-07-2006, 06:15 PM
Happy to see another senior cat find a home. :)

06-07-2006, 06:39 PM
LES! Welcome Beau, to the life you deserve. And yes, Bonnie, Kim and Sterling along with foster Carolyn all agree........a TABBY is a must in every home. :D:D

06-07-2006, 06:44 PM
I looked in the Dictionary - and the word "sucker" was pretty close to SUPER!!!!! :D

Tamara, you are a god-send ......... said that before, and I am sure I will say it many many more times.

06-08-2006, 03:04 AM
That's so great that you've adopted Beau and I can't wait to see pictures. He sounds so gorgeous, I love dribbly affectionate cats!
You're not a sucker, you have a heart to help, and I think everybody on here is the same, they just love cats. Until I came on this forum I really didn't believe there were so many people willing to help cats and were just so nutty about them. It's wonderful.
When I decide to get another cat to add to my two I'm going to go to the animal shelter and say i want your oldest, longest resident, the one that nobody wants please! It breaks my heart to think of cats being passed be cause they're old. I really don't understand the mentality of it. Older cats are litter trained and have a set personality that you can get to know.
Getting to know Jack & Sunny in the two years (almost the end of the month!) I've had them has been such a cool experience. Getting to know the things they like to do, what makes them tick, what they don't like, what foods they like, it's all such fun. I love it.
They were supposedly 9-10 years old when I adopted them, but that's not old compared to some cats that are in shelters.
I guess it's the same in society with people, nobody wants you when you're old :( and that's just a wrong that needs to be put right.
Moosmom, I can't believe a cat had been at a shelter for six years! That's just so long, and probably a 3rd of it's life. That's so sad. I pray she'll find a home and a loving one too.