View Full Version : Trying to get out of a Lease, HELP!!! - Looks like its Solved!

06-07-2006, 02:24 PM
As most of you know, Rob & I are no more (YAY!!)... however I signed a lease with him to a town house. I was told by the company I need to write them a letter stating that I had moved out & where I had moved to. I did this over a month ago. Then Rob had to write a letter stating I no longer lived there & that he was taking over the full lease.


I'm super stressed right now, casue his brother is moving out on the 15th & taking his car! Now Rob has to pay the rent & bills all on his own, which I KNOW he cannot afford, cause he has to rent a car to drive 500km to doink his *insert swear word here* in Sudbury. I know he has been borrowing money from his brother as hes completely broke!! His credit already sucks, however mine is good!! I know if worst comes to worse then Tom(Robs brother) will pay it for me.. but that doesn't make it right..

I'm the co-signer, so how do I get out of this?!?!?!

I'm trying to do this without the law getting involved. If there is a loophole I can use, then PLEASE tell me so I can use it.

I'll be calling his father tomorrow morning to tell him whats going on. Then his father will tell the mother (I don't like talking to her) & then she'll go psycho on Rob! Which will hopefully make him write the 2 sentince letter!!

I'm a very peaceful person & I hate causing issues. I like peace, so I'm trying to avoid getting the law involved.. but I have to get them involved next week if I cannot get his lazy @$$ to write the 2 sentince letter.

*looks for a dark hole to hide in*

Queen of Poop
06-07-2006, 02:39 PM
Perhaps if you wrote the letter for him and he only had to sign it it would be easier to get this done. Tell him if he refuses to sign it you will pursue it with legal action and you know he cannot afford that. That it would be in his best interests to sign off and be done with you rather than hiring a lawyer to defend himself from your legal action.

It's like getting divorced. Best to signoff early than pay all the money to the lawyers and have nothing left for yourselves.

06-07-2006, 02:49 PM
Perhaps if you wrote the letter for him and he only had to sign it it would be easier to get this done. Tell him if he refuses to sign it you will pursue it with legal action and you know he cannot afford that. That it would be in his best interests to sign off and be done with you rather than hiring a lawyer to defend himself from your legal action.

It's like getting divorced. Best to signoff early than pay all the money to the lawyers and have nothing left for yourselves.

I'll give that a shot.. I'll write the letter, buy a stamped envelope, fill out the address' & will drop it off this weekend while hes away (I cannot go near Rob & weekends are the best times for me to bus to his place, as I'll have to spend 2hrs on the bus traveling).

I sent him another email a few mins ago reminding him that Peel Living said they have not received his letter yet. I'm HOPING he'll actually reply to this email, as he keeps ignoring me. If I get nothing by tomorrow night I'll write the letter & will drop it off this weekend.

What Rob doesn't know (& well I forgot until typing this reply), is that I already have a free lawyer. I totally forgot that my grandfather is a NASTY lawyer.. meaning hes too smart, fights dirty & knows his stuff & isn't even a real Lawyer lol.. Still don't wanna go that route if I can avoid it *bangs head off desk & watches more hair fall off her head, oh boy!*

06-07-2006, 06:10 PM
WOOT, Rob is moving out next week so the lease will be GONE!!!

Queen of Poop
06-08-2006, 08:55 AM
Good news!!

06-08-2006, 09:19 AM
A lease is generally for a certain time frame. Moving out does not change the financial obligation for that time. Unless the lease is timed to end when he moves out, you both could be financially responsible for the remainder of the lease.

Example: Your lease is for one year. You move out after 9 months, he moves out after 10 months. You both are expected to pay for the other 2 months, even if you don't live there.

Be sure you don't get stuck.

06-08-2006, 09:22 AM
I only claim to know the law in Ohio...but, someone moving out does not make the lease disappear. What would happen in Ohio, with the facts you have given, is the landlord would have the **right** to pursue both of you for the entire amount due under the lease. Doesn't mean that they would, but, they would have that **right**. Of course, they would have the burden of getting the place re-let, using reasonable measures, to mitigate their damages. They couldn't just let the place sit empty, and say to the court, "wah. No one moved in, so, King and ex-King have to pay us everything".

I wondered, when I saw that they asked you for your new address, if that wasn't just an easy way for them to track you down, if they decided to pursue you.

Here, in Ohio, the landlord could pursue you both, or, either one of you individually, to collect 100% from either one of you, alone. So, if ex-King was a jerk, with no financial resources, you, as the co-tenant, could end up paying the whole thing. :eek:

Russian Blue
06-08-2006, 09:42 AM
The same thing happened to me. I was renting with 3 roomates and we all had a big fight. We all moved out but had to find someone to assume the left over portion of our lease.

So either you and Rob split the money and pay out the lease or find a new person to take over your lease.

06-08-2006, 12:04 PM
From what I was told he already gave Peel Living his 2 months. I know about the 1yr & moving out after 10 months.. this is a month to month lease. They just request 2 months in advance..

The only thing I don't get is, that the lady I've been talking to, doesn't seem to know about him moving out.. aslong as he pays the rent, i don't mind being attached to the lease for a bit until the time runs out.

06-08-2006, 01:01 PM
They request two months notice to quit a month to month tenancy? Things ARE a bit different up there. Here, at least in Ohio, you give a 30 DAY notice to quit a month to month tenancy.

06-08-2006, 01:15 PM
They request two months notice to quit a month to month tenancy? Things ARE a bit different up there. Here, at least in Ohio, you give a 30 DAY notice to quit a month to month tenancy.

I know odd eh?

Well I got ahold of his brother a few mins ago. Turns out Rob just gave his notice TODAY!!!

OMG what a retard! Hes gonna have 1500.00 bills for 2 more months because of this stupid stunt & then hes gonna have to spend $$ where ever hes gonna live.. Tom said hes moving to Sudbury. I can't WAIT until he gets fired HAHAHA!! hes carless & when a server goes down at work, it'll take him 5hrs to get into work & THATS if he can rent a car right away!! OH MAN, hes gonna learn its NOT easy getting a job in Sudbury.. MAN hes gotten super stupid!!

All this crazy stuff hes doing is insane & makes no sense to me.. Glad I'm not there to exp. it hehehe Still feel sorry for the poor girl that hooked up with him.. dumb thing has no idea what shes gotten herself into

06-08-2006, 04:33 PM
All this crazy stuff hes doing is insane & makes no sense to me.. Glad I'm not there to exp. it hehehe Still feel sorry for the poor girl that hooked up with him.. dumb thing has no idea what shes gotten herself into

Thats her problem now ;) and about the money I think that might be a sign of Karma with all he put you through :p