View Full Version : What would be the best match?

06-07-2006, 12:24 PM
i was wondering as i´ve been reading some breeds get along with some breeds better than others, but i cant remember where i read it :rolleyes:
so i wondered

working/herding ??
terrier/non sporting ??

i have no clue i cant remember and the reason i ask is because i want to know
which breed would be more willing to get along with an adult female doberman, so they can complement together adn no reinforce negative behaviours and such.

right now im brain dead so i cant think if you can give me a hand and/or maybe you know what im talking about point me in the direction to where ti find what i read before, thanks

06-07-2006, 12:30 PM
hm that is interesting. I wonder too! :)

06-07-2006, 02:30 PM
there are lots of different things that make dogs get into a brawl. temperment- some dogs just aren't good with other dogs. sex- two unspayed females can get into some NASTY fights! breed- i honestly don't think breed makes any difference. if the dog is well socialized, spayed/neutered, and trained they should be able to get a long with any dog.

06-07-2006, 02:37 PM
yeah, the thing is i recall reading somewhere mentinind breed dispositions and temperaments and such as having a high drive herding dog with a mellow couch potatoe or a big softie dog and a small bossie dog could balance things but i´m not sure where, i know it depends on the dog itself and how socialized and trained they are.........

just out of curiosity :D

06-07-2006, 02:48 PM
the biggest thing I know is that many times Border Collies,and Kelpies, dont get along with dogs that have high set tails and very upright postures, its because the dog perminantly looks threatning, while BCs/Kelpies are "eye" dogs they slink around and wlays look like they are on the prowl, the potures and looks are often mistook by the other dogs to be threatning, and therefore they either run or fight.

06-07-2006, 02:52 PM
oh ok. i misunderstood your first post. with a female dobe you'd want a male dobe or a male from another breed that would be about the same energy level. like a boxer, pit, bull terrier, etc.

smaller high energy dogs do tend to push around low energy dogs. Beanie my pomerainian pushed around Jake my great dane. he still pushes around Gracie my sibe.

06-07-2006, 03:17 PM
I'm not sure groups as a whole could be considered compatible, but I do think generally speaking, some breeds can work better with certain ones. I know with having Terriers, I'm very cognizant of not getting other dominant breeds to go with them. I found that mine did much better with breeds, like Collies or Shelties, but I wouldn't go so far as to say herding breeds as a whole, because they didn't much care for GSDs.

I think trying to put together similar energy levels with opposing temperaments can work well. When I had 2 terriers, 1 male and 1 female, I had a bit of an issue. One was a couch potato, the other a whirlwind of energy. Also, there was not enough difference in temperament. Although Maddie was clearly the dominant one, Murph was not so submissive that he would cowtow to her every demand. But now, even with 3 males (1 terrier, 2 Collies), I have harmony, because although the 1 Collie is somewhat dominant for a Collie, he'll back down in an instant if the Terrier, who's somewhat submissive for a Terrier, challenges him.
