View Full Version : How quickly did you know you were pregnant?

06-07-2006, 11:20 AM
WEEEEELLLLLL, I forgot to take my birth control pill two days in a row last week; second week of the pills. :eek: I've done this two other times in the nine years I've been on birth control and have always spotted beginning the day I remember to take them and will tend to bleed for at least 2-3 weeks after. No bleeding AT ALL.

Now I'm not sure how quickly one knows they are pregnant without taking a pee test. Did you start feeling nauseas right away? Did it take a couple of weeks? Were there any other signs you had to make you suspect early on before you had missed your period?

Hubby and I were planning on waiting at least another two-three years before we started trying. I'm still in school and have two more years to go. I would like to hold off on the whole baby thing but will still be happy if I am. ;)

06-07-2006, 11:45 AM
Are you feeling sick? Missing 2 pills in a row will make you feel sick! I did that last month! Missed 2 pills in my . . . I think 2nd or 3rd week. Can't remember which one it was. Anyway, I probably wouldn't have figured it out except I got so sick, I thought I was going to vomit and I was like, what's the deal??? Did I forget to take something? So I started looking at my pills and sure enough, I had missed 2 in a row. And I'm not pregnant . . . so . . . you may just be sick from having missed those 2 pills. :)

edit: Forgot to add . . . I didn't spot either.

06-07-2006, 12:31 PM
That does make me feel a little better. I didn't feel well the day I remembered to take them but have felt fine this week.

My Peanuts
06-07-2006, 12:33 PM
I've never been pregnant but I am on the pill. It's possible, but unlikely you are pregnant from missing 2 pills. What I've been told is that everyday you miss the chances go up, but it's still better than no pill at all.
My friend was off the pill for weeks before she could get pregnant. I'm sure that isn't the same for everyone. I think maybe you should call the doctor. If you are pregnant, but don't know, if you stay on the pill will it hurt the baby? I'd call and ask that. Everything I read about that was inconclusive for the most part.

06-07-2006, 02:25 PM
The insert for the birth control pill state it is not harmful to the fetus if you continue to take the remainder of your pills for the month; I only have a week left (this week) before the "sugar" pill. If I do not start next week, I will be in to confirm whether I am pregnant or not.

I thought some of the pee tests state you can find out you are pregnant as soon as two days after conception. Others I've read stated about five days after your missed period.

Has anyone taken a test to confirm pregnancy before they missed their period? Was it accurate??

06-07-2006, 02:25 PM
I seem to be an odd one and with a healthy pregnancy, I start to feel the syptoms about 7-10 days after I ovulate. Most people don't seem to notice syptoms until after they miss their period!

06-07-2006, 02:30 PM
Don't ask around here! Ashley didn't know she was pregnant until she was almost 7 months along! :D

06-07-2006, 02:56 PM
I took a pregnancy test when I was 6 weeks pregnant. Didn't know I was pregnant because my period had come and was on time - not late at all :eek: So when I started getting morning sickness, at about 3 weeks pregnant, I just KNEW I wasn't pregnant. My mom talked me into taking a home pregnancy test anyways, and lo and behold, it came back positive! Sooooo my first symptom I had was morning sickness and that started at about 3 weeks pregnant....

When I was 18 I miscarried at 12 weeks pregnant, and that was more than likely due to the fact that I didn't know I was pregnant and continued to take birth control pills. I didn't find out I was pregnant until about 6 weeks then too, so I had taken 6 weeks worth of pills - which severly screwed up the baby (or so the dr. said).... If you're unsure at this point, I'd stop taking the pills, until you either get AF or can test.... Better to be safe than sorry

06-07-2006, 08:46 PM
I haven't found a test that is accurate that you can take 2 days after conception. There are some tests that you can takeup to 5 days BEFORE your period is due. Read the packages if you are wanting to use one of those- I've tested positive with those a few days (2-3 days) before I was due for period. They can come up negative and then the next day be positive because it takes some time for the hormone to get to your urine. It just depends on how your body is reacting if you are pregnant. If you are in doubt, take a test. The most accurate way to take an early pregnancy test is by using your urine first thing in the morning. If you get a confirmed positve, stop taking the pill right away.

06-07-2006, 08:55 PM
I really couldn't tell you as you Know from Kim I didn't Know till I was almost 7months pregnent and I wasn't even showing till then. Everything was normal for me No sickness or pains or anything. Sorry I can't help you out.

06-08-2006, 10:24 AM
I wouldn't rely on symptoms. My hubby and I were trying, so I knew when my period would come. Mine is like clock work. When I was one day late, I took a test, negative. I waited a week, and got a faint positive. I had no symptoms at all. I never had morning sickness.

Samantha Puppy
06-08-2006, 11:56 AM
I never had morning sickness either - with Aidan and so far, with this one.

Keep in mind, I took my pills flawlessly and still became pregnant with Aidan... so as you missed a couple days your chances are greater than they would've been had you not missed any - and even then it can still happen.

How many days late are you? I wait until I'm at least 6-7 days late and then test.

06-08-2006, 02:25 PM
I'm not late yet. I don't start until next week but the fact that I missed two pills at the end of the 2nd week of pills and I wasn't aware of it until after...hmmm..

If I haven't started by this time next week, I am going to take a test. I'm terrified waiting for next week to start. :sigh:

Money is just really tight right now with us trying to save for a house. We might have to hold off on the house for a while if I am prego. Oh well. ;)