View Full Version : Forget Jack In A Box, It's Jack In A Sink!

06-07-2006, 04:10 AM
Some pictures of Jack just now sitting in the sink! he hasn't done this for about a year then just got in so I had to take a picture :)
I'll post some pics of Sunny later on ;)

06-07-2006, 05:02 AM
What a handsome boy! And such a kissable face! :D

And as a side note, that is THE most interesting sink I have ever seen. :)

Killearn Kitties
06-07-2006, 05:17 AM
Ooooooo, posh sink and taps you have!

You know Jack, celebrities such as yourself are allowed a little eccentric behaviour. If you like it there, sweetheart, just you stay there. I'll bet it is lovely and cool in this hot weather. :D

EDIT: I forgot to say, Jen is right, that is a MOST kissable face! mwah mwah mwah

06-07-2006, 05:29 AM
I have to tell you, the sink is a pain in the neck! It looked fancy at the time, but ahhh it's a nightmare to keep clean, as soon as you've cleaned it, it's dirty when you brush your teeth, my advice, have a nice white porclain one instead! Jack likes it though! He fits his big fat bum right into it perfectly :D

06-07-2006, 07:28 AM
Oh Jack, you are so cute in your sink-bed! It is all yours! You should ask meowmie to add a little pillow to make it more comfy :D :D

06-07-2006, 08:16 AM
What an elegant sink! No wonder kitty couldn't resist!

06-07-2006, 09:50 AM
Thats a great sink, and you were so considerate to have it made to order for Jack to rest in.
I would send that to the Cat Fancy Spoiled Cat Contest.
I bet Jack would win.

06-07-2006, 11:43 AM
What a perfect sized sink for a kitty! Cute photo.

06-07-2006, 12:57 PM
Oh Jack, you look so cute in your sink! And yes, your face is very kissable.... kissie, kissie, kissie!

Tabitha and Sasha would like to have a sink like that, as theirs is a boring white! However, the good part of theirs is that there is room for them both to sit on the edge. Looks like your sink was made for one!

06-07-2006, 01:30 PM
hehe! :D

06-07-2006, 01:32 PM
Awww! Very cute!