View Full Version : New job offer.

06-06-2006, 07:58 PM
The vet that my brother takes his cats to and does computer work for is really interested in hiring me. I guess my brother talked to him about me the other day while he was doing work for him.

A part of me REALLY wants to take the job, another part of me is beyond nervous, scared, and unsure.

I'm nervous and scared because I will be working with people I don't know. I knew everyone at my current job before even applying. But at the same time I'll be working with animals and what could be better than that?

I hate how I'm unable to make job decisions. I've wanted a job change for quite a while just haven't been able to do it. I even have applications with different vets completely filled out that I've been too chicken to hand in.

The other day my boss told me jokingly that I couldn't quit. Which a part of me feels that way. My co-workers there are like family.

-sigh- I'm just really scared.

06-06-2006, 08:02 PM
Oh Kay, what a great opportunity! I know exactly how scary it can be, I've been there too! But just think that after just a few days, your new co-workers will seem like a new family.

But watch out -- Simba, Nala, and Kiara might get a wee jealous that you smell like other doggies!! :eek: :D

06-06-2006, 08:04 PM
Be brave, Kay! If you've already been thinking about a change, this sounds like a perfect opportunity! If he's alrady interested, I say Go for it! It is working with animals, and that's something you know you enjoy.

The job you're working at now is a fine "first job," but they really don't expect someone your age to stay long-term, despite what your boss said to you. Do plan to give two weeks notice, to be polite, and I bet if you do get the vet office job, everyone will wish you well.

06-06-2006, 08:10 PM
The job you're working at now is a fine "first job," but they really don't expect someone your age to stay long-term, despite what your boss said to you. Do plan to give two weeks notice, to be polite, and I bet if you do get the vet office job, everyone will wish you well.

Yep.. I even have a 2-week notice note written out (because I'm horrible at telling people that type of stuff face-to-face.)

Everyone that I talked to at work told me to go for it. They always ask my WHY I'm still there as they know I should be doing something with animals. But, STILL. I'm crying now thinking of it. I can't stand some of the people there but at the same time I love it.

I KNOW at the second I'd walk back into that place I'd have my same job back if I wanted. There's no doubt my boss would take me back with the vet's office didn't work out.

I have a long, long e-mail written out to Sal (vet) but haven't pressed sent yet. Another thing I'm worried about is how much I'll be making. I can't take a pay cut.. no way, no how. Especially now that I'm trying to feed the dogs raw.

-sigh- Why do things have to be so silly... or is it just me? :p

(Hey, don't answer that!)

06-06-2006, 08:15 PM
I'd go for it if that's what you really want to be doing. :) Just be yourself.. everything will be okay. :)

06-06-2006, 08:20 PM
I'd say go for it. You can't stay at your current job for the rest of your life, you love animals, and you'd get to meet some new people who, in time, you'll probably enjoy being almost as much as you do the people at your current job. Everyone needs a change at some point in their life and this job at the vet's office sounds like it would be wonderful for you, Kay. The Vet should tell you how much you'll be making before you actually give him an official answer (or do you already know how much?), and if it's not enough, stick with your job right now and send in the applications that you've already filled out. I'm sure if you take the job working for the Vet, you'll absolutely love it if it meets your requirements as far as amount of pay goes. I don't really know what else to say, but good luck and I hope you're able to make a decision. I know how hard it can be to make changes :)

06-06-2006, 08:21 PM
What for??? Scared of what? Break it down to the simplist terms. What are the pros and cons of both and think of the excitement and enthusiasm a new job offers.

I only speak from experience - bad experience. I too used to be so paralyzed by the thought of leaving my comfort zone. Fear of the unknown. Easier to just leave things status quo.

But wait... let's just look at the other side of the coin. The "things will go great" side. Isn't funny how we stress over "all the things that could go wrong" and we rarely ever consider the more likely scenario that things will be just wonderful. REALLY... what is there to fear but fear itself.

You like animals - there will definitely be lots of animals there! The other people working there likely like animals too - so you have something in common with them. The people who visit vets "like animals". And they usualy develop a positive warm relationship with the vet and his staff (you), so you will be welll received by clients. [If they don't like the service, they go somewhere else - so you only really see people who like you].

Now what about your current job? What do you make there? Do you make so much (6 figures+) that you couldn't possibly consider leaving. Is there no other place like it - so if things don't work out with the vet, could you maybe go back to another company "like" the one you're at now. YES. YES. and probably YES. YES is usually the answer! We always think NO, but really, isn't the answer usually YES. We can always pick up the pieces and start over!!!

Do what you think would be cool and fun. It will work out. And if it doesn't - something else will!!!

06-06-2006, 08:27 PM

I'm the same way about changes.. especially when it's a change in surrounding. Once I'm comfortable in an environment, with people in that environment, and the routine, I feel like I can't leave. It's really weird!

But after a while, we all adjust and the vet's office may even feel like your current job now! Maybe it won't ever feel the same, but you'll become comfortable and adjusted to it the same way!

06-06-2006, 08:28 PM
It sounds like a great opportunity Kay. Go for it! I'm like you - change like that scares the pee out of me but usually well worth it.

06-06-2006, 08:33 PM
Do it. You will never get over the fear if you don't. Not only will you feel amazing that you overcame your fear, but you'll be less nervous the next job you want. The nervousness doesn't last. Trust me, I was so scared when i came to the farm, and I just love it now. I'll be more likely to do this again sometime. Goodluck. I hope you go for it. I know you'll kick yourself later if you don't!

Edwina's Secretary
06-06-2006, 08:41 PM
Why don't you see if you can work out a deal with your current boss? Continue to work there, part-time and accept the other job. If the other job doesn't work out...increase your hours and you have your old job back!

You may find you like working two jobs...or at least the money...for a while.

06-06-2006, 09:10 PM
:D That sounds like an awesome job. I would certainly take it. You can meet new people and new friends and you get to work with animals. That's my dream job. Good luck in making your choice and getting that job!

06-06-2006, 09:46 PM
Oh my! There's no queston what to do! Sounds like you've got yourself a wonderful new job

Change is scary, but also wonderful. Take a deep breath, then plunge into the unknown. You never know where life takes you, but you also never know what pleasures you'll miss if you don't take new roads once in a while.

06-06-2006, 10:04 PM
i'd take this job if it were offered to me! just imagin all the stuff you'll learn! good luck on whatever you do!

06-06-2006, 10:26 PM
I am sure your current boss couldn't fault you for wanting to work with animals and if it doesn't work out they would gladly take you back. I say go for it.

06-06-2006, 10:52 PM
WOW! What an opportunity to just fall into your lap. Take it! Take a big breath and a leap of faith and hit that send button. Don't worry about the money right now. If you're truly following what you know in your heart and soul to be your path, your needs will be met. It may not look like what you imagine the perfect job will be. Just trust the process. Change is hard, but it sounds like this one is being handed to you - take it!

06-06-2006, 11:00 PM
I have sent the message since posting.

Not worry about money? HA! Not possible for me at the moment. ;)

Just spent hundreds on my trip, Simba is due for his yearly, and I still have rent to pay and 3 dogs to feed. ;)

06-06-2006, 11:06 PM
Kay - working at a vet was probably the best thing to ever happen to me. I met most of my friends there and really got into dogs from working there, and also gained so much invaluble knowledge. At 16 I was allowed to do nearly everything a technician could do. I can only remember not being allowed to draw blood, assist in surgeries, and assist in x-rays. I was allowed to fill prescriptions though probably shouldn't have been allowed since I am not old enough. You could probably work yourself up to technician really fast, if that is not what they are already hiring you for.

The downsides - the biggest is euthanasia is seen almost every day, you may see it multiple times a day if the office you might work for is really busy. Most of the time, I didn't know the animals, even after 1.5 years of working there. Some of the times, though, it was an animal that had been a favorite of mine and I would just start bawling in the middle of work. Another big downside is sanitation. It is really, really hard to stay clean in a place like that and who knows what you could bring home to your dogs. You have to clean your tennis shoes often (or use rubber shoes that won't absorb liquid), especially if you work in the kennel, because diseases are all over there and when you clean out the runs the bacteria easily gets into your shoes. Another downside is animals who are a PITA. Most animals were good, some animals required a muzzle to be calmed, but some are just downright nasty and no matter what will bite, snap, growl, etc. The thing about working at a vet is that you usually don't refuse service to a dog or cat if it is aggressive, so you have to deal with these animals. I was bitten so many times I lost count. Most of the times it was from cats, but there were some dogs who would bite. I had a Husky and a GSD try to rip my leg off one time. Another time I made the mistake of letting a GSDx run free in the backyard, and he ran to guard the door and growled at me. When I tried to calm him (hey I was new then) I was nearly bitten, so I just waited outside until someone "rescued" me. Some of the animals are really, really scary. Also people can be a real PITA sometimes, but I'm sure you get enough of that at your current job anyway.

However, I'd say it was the best experience I've had yet. The amount of knowledge I aquired is truly priceless. You would be a great addition to a vet office. Do what you think is right for you, not for the two places needing your help.

Also, I know the situation you are caught in. I tried to quit for six months. I made up many resignation letters, filled out many applications, but never turned any of them in. I couldn't leave because I was comfortable there. I wanted to switch to another vet office because I hated my boss, but I thought I may not be able to do so much at the other ones, or I may be stuck back in the kennel even longer before I had a chance to be promoted. I got fired in January (unfairly) and it was actually a huge relief. I wished I had quit, but I was glad to be out of there. So maybe since you are thinking of quitting, you should? I think getting different jobs is a great way to gain more knowledge and to better prepare you for the future. :)

Oh, one more thing - the 50% break is a nice chunk you save on vet bills! 50% is standard employee discount at a vet clinic around here, not sure if it is the same everywhere.

06-07-2006, 12:13 AM
This is prety exciting, Kay. When the universe hands you an opportunity, take it! You've been wanting to do something else, here's a good option.

What's the worst that can happen? If you hate it, go back to your old job.

What's the best that can happen? You'l love it and may find that it's some very rewarding work.
Good luck!

06-07-2006, 06:31 AM
I think you have been given some excellent advice, so I can't add to that. Making decisions doesn't get much easier as you get older either. It does seem that this job will be valuable in helping you determine where you want your future to take you. And like has been mentioned, you can always work at your current job on a part time basis for additional funds. Good luck.

06-07-2006, 06:36 AM
You can always go back and visit the people at your old job, and you will meet new people at the vet job AND be working with animals, and be around people who love to talk about them and havhe as much knowlage about them as you. What ever you decide good luck.

06-07-2006, 07:21 AM
This sure sounds like a golden opportunity Kay! I hope the pay is what you want/need and it all works out.

I know the feeling of being scared...why do you think I'm still at the same job for almost 11 years now :rolleyes: :o

Take a chance!

06-07-2006, 03:56 PM
I'm not sure about what job you have now but I would defiantly see this as a sign, Its not often that vets go looking for people its normally the other way round! About not knowing anyone, It would be a great chance to meet new people and they are guarenteed animal lovers so you will have something in common with them from the start. I was so nervous about my job when I first started because I was so shy but meeting new people really boosts my confidence!

06-07-2006, 08:06 PM
Any update Kay?

06-08-2006, 02:03 PM
Just talked about it.

If I take the job these will be my hours.

Mon: 1pm - 7pm
Tue: 1pm - 8pm
Wed: OFF
Thur: 6 - 1 pm, 3-7pm
Friday: 1pm - 7pm
Saturday: OFF
Sunday: 6-10pm, 1-3pm, 8-10pm

I'd be kennel/grooming/walker/etc and I'd get a vet discount. I'd be getting $8.50/h which isn't all too great and not quite what I expected.

If I want to work part time I could, too.

The hours are a bit wacky to me, especially since I don't have my own transportation yet.

I'm going in tomorrow after work to meet/interview/see what it's all about.

I don't know. :(

06-08-2006, 04:38 PM
While I don't know if you will take this new job, I do know you would
be an asset to any Vets office.You & animals just seem to go together. :)
Good luck at the interview.

06-08-2006, 04:41 PM
Can you ask them if their is a chance of a raise in the future? Is there a bus going near there? While you love animals you don't want to be taken advantage of and just cleaning kennels, etc and be underpaid doing it.

06-08-2006, 07:21 PM
Oh, definitely take the job. :) You'd love it.

06-08-2006, 11:20 PM
Doing split shifts are exhausting. And it completely takes up your ENTIRE day. Maybe ask if you can work part time to start and see how it goes?

06-09-2006, 12:57 AM
I've been working in Veterinary Medicine since I was 18, and I've been at Banfield now for a year and two months. Part of me LOVES the job, but honestly it's so emotionally draining. Today, a couple came in who were homeless. Their dog had a huge 4 inch gash on his leg that had been there for about a week. His whole leg was twice as large as the other. Knowing these people could not afford any treatment and knowing the dog would just get worse and sit there and suffer really upsets me. If you think you can handle situations like these than by all means definitely persue it. It can be very challenging but very rewarding. Especially if you're into medical stuff like I am. :p I love helping with surgeries and emergencies. There is nothing funner!

Good luck! :)

06-09-2006, 09:20 AM
Just talked about it.

If I take the job these will be my hours.

Mon: 1pm - 7pm
Tue: 1pm - 8pm
Wed: OFF
Thur: 6 - 1 pm, 3-7pm
Friday: 1pm - 7pm
Saturday: OFF
Sunday: 6-10pm, 1-3pm, 8-10pm

I'd be kennel/grooming/walker/etc and I'd get a vet discount. I'd be getting $8.50/h which isn't all too great and not quite what I expected.

If I want to work part time I could, too.

The hours are a bit wacky to me, especially since I don't have my own transportation yet.

I'm going in tomorrow after work to meet/interview/see what it's all about.

I don't know. :(

I was one of the early go-fer-its... but hearing your hours and the pay, I DON"T KNOW. See if you can negotiate anything better, or ask that if you are doing a good job and things are working out, can you revisit the issue after a month. Also, see if you "like" the guy and try and decide if you think you can work for him. remember the interviewing process is a two way thing (at least it should be). In a sense, you are interviewing him too!!!

06-10-2006, 01:01 PM
Well, after the interview, I've decided NO.

The job would be very rewarding in the fact that I would be working with animals and learning more vet stuff, however there are many down sides that outweigh that.

I don't want to sound like a lazy person, because I'm not when it comes to my job, but there are far too many responsibilities for ME, a 18 year old looking for her second job.

First of all, this is my main problem. I'd come in the morning for 2-3 hours BY MYSELF with 30+ animals. It's horrible to say, but WHAT if one of the animals decided to attack me, what if someone broke in, what if, what if...

I don't believe having one person all alone is safe at all. I think atleast 2 people at all opening hours/closing hours.

Secondly, besides cleaning every examining room, kennel, outside, feeding, bathing, etc. I would be in charge of making sure so and so's dog gets this surgery then, gets this shot then, gets this medication then, and making sure each of the 30+ animals get the medical attention from the vets at the necessary time.

I'm sorry, but WHAT IF I forgot to schedual Fido in and he died. Who's fault would it be.

All of that complied with the $hitty hours....Not for me. Especially since I'd rarely even have time for my three.

06-10-2006, 02:05 PM
Kayann, I completly agree with your evaluation of the situation. Good assessment of the situation in which you would have found yourself and that it would have been more than any person could handle, especially someone just starting out in this type of work.

Don't worry, other opportunities will present themselves, especially if you seek them out.

06-10-2006, 02:55 PM
Wow, things are a bit odd here. The hours are really strange! Also, I completely agree that there should be at least two people there at all times, and I think this should be true of any workplace.

And I've never heard of a kennel person carrying so much responsibility! Usually you are the poop-scooping grunt worker who makes minimum wage even though you do lots of physically demanding things.

Probably a good idea not to take the job, this vet office seems a bit odd to me.

06-10-2006, 03:13 PM
I would be uncomfortable being there alone, too. There are always at least 2 people, any job I ever had. And that sounds like a heck of a lot of responsibility for one low-paid person- seems like it shoud be someone who knows more in charge of all that scheduling-like a secretary or vet assistant. At least you know that you looked into it, so you don't have to wonder if you passed something great up!

06-10-2006, 04:15 PM
Good for you for taking the time and carefully evaluating the situation. I wouldn;t have woried about being the only person there, I have been the "opener" for retail places before, but Paul claims I do not know the meaning of the word "worry."

I still think you should start your own Pet portrait photography business on the side!

06-10-2006, 06:22 PM
I think being alone would be dangerouse, I love my dogs but dogs can turn on a stranger, especially when they are sick are in a strange environment.

Sounds like way too much responsibility for what they wanted you to take in pay.

06-10-2006, 07:27 PM
Wow, that's extremely low pay for what they want you to do! I think you made the right decision, it did sound great to me at first, but not so much now.

06-10-2006, 08:42 PM
I still think you should start your own Pet portrait photography business on the side!

Ahem - I think I've mentioned that before too.