View Full Version : Choosing the right dog for you???

06-06-2006, 02:48 PM
HI Group, I want to get a big dog, but don't know what breed would do best in my home. I have two Chihuahua's so the dog would have to get along with small breeds. I want a big dog because I would like to have a dog that would go on walks with me. I want a dog that is very obedient, learns fast. Loving and playful, not dominant. Or if they tend to be dominant, you can train it out of them. Like I said I have two chi's and they tend to be a bit dominant, but if you work with them they will back down. So I want a dog that is not too hard headed you can't train them. I don't want or need a hyper dog. I will be gone away from home for about 8 hours a day, so I need a dog that wont mind being left alone most of the day. I play with my chi's in the morning and play with them at night. So they get a lot of love and attention during those times. I have been lucky with them in that they don't mind being left alone most of the day. I love German Shepard’s, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Golden Retrievers, but the more I read up on these dogs the more I find they are not a good dog for what I need. I take walks but they are not your blow your mind with exercise type walks. I have fibro, and so I don't move as fast as I use to. So the dog would have to learn fast to work on a leash well. OK I think I have filled in enough for you to get an idea of what I am looking for. If any of you can help out that would be great.


06-06-2006, 03:16 PM
Perhaps an adult dog from the shelter would be the best bet for you! That way you will have more an idea of the dog's size and temperament, and you could end up with a lovely dog and be saving a life at the same time!

You could also ask about how the candidate dogs get along with small dogs, which will be important with your two Chihuahuas!

A Golden or Lab could be a good dog for you after it is out of puppyhood, for example. A 5-year-old Lab is worlds different than a 5-month-old one! Same for Shepherds, and all of it varies dog to dog. I do not think most German Shepherds would be a good match, with your being gone for much of the day, but maybe the right one would be ...

06-06-2006, 07:03 PM
I agree, I think an adult dog would suit you best. An older dog should already be houstrained and may be used to being left alone during the day, and may already be good on a leash. You'll also be able to tell right away if the dog has any dominance issues or dog aggression. I agree that a GSD would not suit you --- they have TERRIBLE seperation anxiety. Goldens, collies, and shelties may fit you (if the dog can get some offleash exercise).

How do you feel about shedding? Barking? Drooling? How much grooming are you willing to deal with?

06-07-2006, 08:01 AM
I would love to get an older dog, and have been looking into our local rescue animals shelters. But the proble is I have a husband that thinks puppy hood is the way to go. I am trying to talk him around it. Because I know it will be me who deals with taking care of that puppy. LOL Thanks for the advise.

06-07-2006, 12:07 PM
go to http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/ there they have a quiz you can take to decide what dog is best for you. It says find the perfect dog. I hope it helps. Oh and everytime you click on the link a different dog picture comes up!

06-07-2006, 03:32 PM
I agree an adult dog would suit you best.

06-07-2006, 10:10 PM
I would love to get an older dog, and have been looking into our local rescue animals shelters. But the proble is I have a husband that thinks puppy hood is the way to go. I am trying to talk him around it. Because I know it will be me who deals with taking care of that puppy. LOL Thanks for the advise.Obviously he has no idea of the time & energy it takes to keep up with a puppy! :rolleyes:

Since YOU are the one taking care of it, then YOU should insist on what YOU want to take care of. :) If you have a condition that limits your energy, it would be unfair to both yourself & a dog to end up with more than you can handle.