View Full Version : Meet Jenna!

06-06-2006, 08:47 AM
Hey ya'll! I wanted to introduce you to my new baby girl, Jenna. I adopted Jenna at the local animal shelter on June 2, 2006. On June 1st, my cat of 17 yrs passed away. He had kidney disease and the vet said there was really nothing they could do for him. My family and I decided it would be best to put him to sleep. Gosh...that was a rough day. That night was even worse. I hated the feeling of not having an animal in the house. I have had Frisky since I was three, so I was for sure lonely! I woke up Friday morning and knew I had to start looking for another pet. So..a friend and I went down to the animal shelter and started looking at cats. I knew I wanted to adopt an older animal just because they are more in need. I saw Jenna there and I fell in love. She is the most loving animal. :) I just thought I would share my story and some pics of my girl! Hope everyone has a great day!

06-06-2006, 08:51 AM
Here is another really cute pic! :)

06-06-2006, 10:09 AM
What a cutie! Is she gray and white or black and white?

Congrats on your new kitty!

06-06-2006, 10:38 AM
Gray and white

06-06-2006, 11:09 AM
Congratulations on getting such a cutie pie!
Do you know any background history about her, where she came from, why she was in the shelter, her age etc? Is she neutered and microchipped too cause they're very important.
That's so good you adopted an adult cat, as they are so often overlooked, my two cats Jack & Sunny were said to be around 10 years old when I got them. Two years the end of this month! :)
Keep posting picks of the lovely Jenna, she seems to look pretty settled already, is she an affectionate cat?

smokey the elder
06-06-2006, 11:34 AM
I'm sorry about your old kitty. Thanks for adopting an older kitty. They are very grateful and turn into big mushes. Jenna is pretty!

06-06-2006, 11:52 AM
Awwww, what a great tribute to your baby to adopt another one. What was your 17-year old's name?

06-06-2006, 02:51 PM
Yes! Jenna is very affectionate. She sleeps by my head every night and sometimes wakes me up for loving. :) From my understanding Jenna was dropped off by her old family. I think they just didn't want her anymore and frankly I have NO clue way not. She is so sweet. She just had kittens 7 weeks ago. I plan on getting her spayed and getting her shots at the end of the month. She stays inside ALL the time so don't worry about her populating more LOL.

My 17 yr. old cat was named Frisky. He was actually cat of the day on May 16, 2001. Look him up! He's a cutie too!

06-06-2006, 03:20 PM
Welcome, Jenna! I'm so happy you have a wonderful loving furrever home.

Thank you for adopting this sweetie. I just cannot imagine why a family would just give away a pet (unless there were dire circumstances you weren't aware of).

I know, I couldn't bear living without a pet; my boys mean everything to me and I know Jenna will be the love of your life!

So sorry about Frisky. But, 17 years were a long time that he had with you and your family and I'm sure he was well loved and cared for.

Keep us posted as to Jenna's new life!

P.S. I looked Frisky up...what a gorgeous boy he was!

06-06-2006, 03:38 PM
My sweet baby boy, Frisky

06-06-2006, 05:30 PM
If You Can Pm Us,we Will Send An Animal Association Welfare Mouse For Adopting Jenna, And Saving Her Life.
God Bless You And Jenna Will Make You Very Happy, And Pay You Back A Million Fold For Giving Her A Second Chance.