View Full Version : Updates and new pictures

06-03-2006, 06:36 PM
If anyone remembers me and the nawtees ;) , we are all doing well. I'm finishing up my first year of my graduate program in August and hubby and I are looking for a house. We've decided to settle in the area to raise our family.

Cats are doing well, also. Whisper is beginning to aggravate Shadow again :mad: but we are working on that. Spraying him with water works wonders. Other than that, nothing new with S/W.

Callie's fur is finally growing back after the surgery. She's back to eating copious amount of food :rolleyes: in an attempt (I believe) to make up for the week she couldn't eat. She begins banging on the door knob about 6:30 AM and constantly cries until you finally feed her. My hubby and I now joke that it would be great if we had a mute button as she is ALWAYS CRYING for food. :p You look at her, she cries. Heaven forbid I come home for lunch, she thinks it's dinner time. Opening door = food. LOL

I usually feed them as I'm eating breakfast on the computer because if I don't the others eat Shadow's food. I have to watch them so she gets all her food. This leads to Callie following me around for 20 minutes scratching at the closet for food as that is where I keep her food.

She's back to being horribly nawtee. Jumps on the furniture as if it is a jungle gym. Instead of just jumping on the kitchen counter she jumps on the dining room table, to the hutch, to the counter. :rolleyes: Nawtee.

She goes in for her cardiology appointment in September. I'm just hoping her heart murmur is caused by hyperthyroidism. We discontinued medicine as she was so border line back in February and that was just about the time she had surgery to remove the toy from her stomach. Vet said just to wait until we talked to a specialist.

Okay, onto pictures:

The other day I was eating lunch at the computer and I had three little bodies watching. Kind of creepy.

I think they were telling me to drop my food.

06-03-2006, 06:40 PM
Whispy pics:
Whispy is pretty and knows it. He has the most feminine meow compared to my girls.

Shadow is still my sweetest girl. I think she was created just to bring a smile to whoever meets her. No one likes giving kisses more, sitting in your lap, and getting pats as much as this girl.

06-03-2006, 06:43 PM
Callie, my <3 kitty:

Callie not liking the vacuum. She freaked out when hubby came into the study and jumped up three feet against the wall putting a little gouge into it. :eek: Poor thing.

When your orange and slightly chubby, you cannot hide so well.

I cannot get over how much I love her. She is simply a perfect mix of nawtee, loud, and sweet.

06-03-2006, 07:09 PM
Very nice pics!! cute kitties! Raliegh NC eh?

06-04-2006, 11:25 AM
I Get That All The Time From The Found Cats, You Will Drop That Chicken, Hambuger Etc.
Right In Front Of Us If You Dont Mind,
Just The Meat , You Can Keep Your Salad.

06-04-2006, 01:14 PM
Good to see you back and thanks for the update on everyone! I'm glad to hear Callie is back to being her nawtee self - that must mean she feels well. :)

Great to see your beautiful kitties.

06-04-2006, 05:21 PM
Glad to hear you're doing well. I love those pictures, and your babies are as beautiful as ever!

06-05-2006, 07:23 PM
bump :)

06-05-2006, 07:41 PM
Nice to see you and the beautiful kitties.

06-05-2006, 09:09 PM
Of course we remember you. :D I'm glad to hear that you are doing well.

Now Whisper, you have to stop aggravating Shadow. Now don't tell the others, but out of the 3, you are my #1, BUT, if you keep aggravating Shadow, you will have to be demoted to #3. Now you wouldn't want that to happen, would you?

Shadow is just to darn beautiful and I am so glad to hear that Callie is doing so much better and I pray that she continues to do so.

Great pictures. :D

06-06-2006, 03:09 AM
Nice to hear from you, Sarah! Good to know that Callie is back to being her bad self again! ;) (don't worry, honey, my boys HATE the vacuum)

Shadow and Whisper are just simply gorgeous. It must be something about black cats and niceness-my RB Mikey was the ultimate lover boy, always in my lap, always meowing for pets and scritches, always going up to people and rubbing.

Sounds like you have everything under control! Let us know when you find a home and get settled, that's always exciting news!