View Full Version : Training tips for Rita...

06-03-2006, 05:05 PM
Hello all... I've kinda started working on training miss Rita, and she's doing pretty well... she sits on command when I have something for her.
I just don't want her to think, "I'm only going to do what you say, if you have a treat for me!".
Soooo. if any of you guys have any tips, or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated!

06-03-2006, 05:28 PM
Try doing it with out the t reat and praiseing her like crazy or give her a special toy that she only get's when she is training..

06-03-2006, 05:53 PM
I started training my pup just with very yummy treats, now he will sit/down/stand on command even if he doesn't get a treat, just a "good boy!" I think treats are used more for luring with puppies. I never really had to transition from treats to just praise, I always mix it up. For her first time, give her a treat; the next few times, just give her praise or petting; the next time, give her a treat. It will keep her guessing & waiting for the treat which is added mental stimulation.

You could also try clicker training! :)

06-03-2006, 06:00 PM
I started training my pup just with very yummy treats, now he will sit/down/stand on command even if he doesn't get a treat, just a "good boy!" I think treats are used more for luring with puppies. I never really had to transition from treats to just praise, I always mix it up. For her first time, give her a treat; the next few times, just give her praise or petting; the next time, give her a treat. It will keep her guessing & waiting for the treat which is added mental stimulation.

You could also try clicker training! :)

Yeah, I agree and good luck!