View Full Version : What bones are they not supposed to have?

06-03-2006, 01:31 PM
Hubby gave Charlie a buffalo wing. And he swallowed it whole :eek:

should I be worried? what should I look for? Do they come out whole? or do bones digest ?

06-03-2006, 01:38 PM
Cooked bones of any kind are a bad idea. They can splinter or cause an obstruction, and will probably hurt on the way out.

I'm not sure what you should do ... induce vomiting? Wait to see if there's any discomfort? I'm not sure really, sorry. Someone else will know.

Also, the sauce that the wings are covered in probably won't be nice to his tummy, especially if it's really spicey sauce. It might not be too bad since he only got one wing.

06-03-2006, 01:42 PM
some others will definetly no more about it! I hope charlie is okay. Maybe you should call the vet. I hope he is okay! :( :eek: :eek: :eek:

06-03-2006, 01:43 PM
He seems fine right now lol. I was a lil worried cus he hadn't pooped this morning. But he finally did in the middle of my first post lol. So I deleted where I said he hadn't pooped yet.. lol

06-03-2006, 04:03 PM
Next time he gets a hold of cooked bones and you're scared of the splinters puncturing his stomach and GI tract, you can feed him handfuls of bread because that supposedly coats the sharp ends. I wouldn't induce vomiting, however, because the pieces might come back up and scratch his throat.

Like .sarah mentioned, the wings could have been coated in some heavily spiced/spicy sauce, so it might upset his stomach. You can fix this conventionally or holistically. Stomach upsets and nausea are usually fixed with lemon extract, ginger, and cayenne pepper, and then you can help firm up his poops with canned pumpkin. OR you can just feed Charlie a spoonful of Pepto Bismol, LOL. I usually do the latter.