View Full Version : someone please help

06-02-2006, 10:25 PM
I have a 20 pound male cat named MOJO that is a big loveable baby but we have developed a problem. He was neutered about a year ago and everything was fine with him and the other cats until I adopted a mother cat and her kitten who have been spayed. At first he would treat them both like they were his family cleaning and loving them but recently he has started acting like a male that is not neutered with just those two. I have tried the water bottle and being stern with him but he will still go back later and do the same thing. He also is constantly picking on an older kitty and making her life miserable. Has anyone have any thoughts on what to do. :(

06-03-2006, 05:40 AM
I have read about similar problems in my cat magazines and it could be behavioural, and could be good to keep them seperated for a while perhaps?
Make an area for the older cat, somewhere where she has a bed and can have peace and quiet to save her from the stress of being picked on by mojo.
It may also be a seasonal thing with him, my cat is neutered but since it's started to get hotter he's been carrying socks around in his mouth and fighting with my girl cat a lot more than usual, and sometimes more aggressively.
I'd keep the older kitty happy, and give her time for just the two of you where you pet her and feed her etc, and I think MOJO may just get over it once he settles down again.
It may also be good to introduce them every now and again but under supervision, so you watch MOJO and make sure that he interacts with her in the proper way without being agressive, etc, as soon as he shows that move him away from her. He may eventually learn that once he shows aggression he'll be moved away. If he wants to be with the older cat, then he may start to behave properly.
I don't know if this will be of any help, but I have read similar problems on the Q&A parts of my Your Cat magazine and they say that's sometimes a good thing to do with behaviour problems between two cats.
Hope it helps....

06-03-2006, 10:31 AM
I've used Feliway with Ripley when he began showing bad behavior after adding new kitties to the family. It helped to calm him. It also worked well after we remodeled the house and he was stressed. You can buy it at pet stores. I've found better deals for it online - it's not cheap. It comes in a spray or you can get a 30 day diffuser that plugs in your wall outlet.

There is also medication like Prozac to help calm aggressive kitties but that would be a last resort for me.