View Full Version : Sadie's vet visit....and a question..

06-02-2006, 07:28 PM
Took the big girl in today for her annual shots. All went well, she got a clean bill of health, she has a little tartar on her teeth and she could loose a few pounds. She has been having some issues with dry skin so the vet gave me some topical anti-inflammatory spray and some Omega 3 capsules to put on her food. Most important though is she got microchipped today. Hubby noticed her nose was a little swollen on top. Think it could be a reaction to her shots? She didn't get anything out of the ordinary, but they did give her a shot of Lidocaine to numb where the microchip needle went in since it was a pretty big needle. She did very well with the shots as usual, no growling or whining, just stood there pretty. I will of course keep a close eye on her nose and if need be take her back to the vet. She has been outside but I don't think she got bit by anything, I'm leaning towards her shots today. Anybody else have any suggestions?

Edit/Add: I just noticed that around her right eye is a little swollen too, maybe something did bite her. She ate her dinner and has been drinking water so that's good.

06-02-2006, 07:51 PM
Glad she got a clean bill of health!

I would just watch her and see if she has anything else. It could be a reaction to the shots or to something she got into outside.

Is it REALLY swollen or just slightly? If it doesn't seem better by the morning I'd talk to the vets.

06-02-2006, 07:54 PM
Thanks for replying Kay. I just pulled this off the website for the emergency vets in Countryside by you.

Typical signs of an allergic reaction are skin redness and itching. Other signs include swelling of the muzzle and area around the eyes, as well as wheals or hives.

It's not swollen so bad where she can't breathe. It's not red and she is not itching it. Should I give her some Benadryl? She has never had a reaction before, this is a first for her and I.

06-02-2006, 11:51 PM
I do think Benadryl may help her.

Has it gone down at all? Does she seem bothered by it, like if you touch it?

I've never really experienced swelling of the muzzle/eyes so I really don't know what to tell you. :( Thinking of you guys, of course.

06-03-2006, 12:36 AM
Amber, how's Sadie? did you give her Benydral? hope she's better. there are a lot of "no see ums" outside this time of year

06-03-2006, 09:37 AM
She seems to be fine this morning. I gave her a Benadrl last night and I think I am going to give her another one just for good measure. Her eye area that was swollen has pretty much gone down but her muzzle/nose is still a little swollen, barely noticeable. Seems to have been an allergeric reaction, probably to her shots. Thanks for the thoughts. :)

06-03-2006, 01:51 PM
Glad she is okay except for the swelling. I am sure it is just a light reaction to the shots. As long as it isn't to bad I wouldn't worry. You might want to call the vet just to make sure! :)

06-03-2006, 02:05 PM
I would certainly call your vet to report what had happened so they can record it in her file and also give you any advice. Last year Tucker had a reaction (for the first time) to his shots. Fortunately it happened before we left the parking lot. He started throwing up. We took him back in and they quickly took him into the back and gave him some other type of medication for the reaction.

This year, prior to his shot his was given a specific medication to help prevent that type of a reaction, and it worked, because he had no problems.

I would definitely call your vet. They need to know this information, even though your girl seems as if she will be okay.

06-03-2006, 08:33 PM
Meant to catch you before you signed off AIM... How's Sadie now?

Ginger's Mom
06-04-2006, 05:28 AM
Hope Sadie is feeling better today. I agree with Rachel, the reaction should be noted in the Vet's records, maybe they can do something different next time.