View Full Version : how many meows?

05-10-2002, 01:54 AM
okay I know we all love our cats, and pets, I love all 3 of my cats dearly, BUT still sometimes there is just too many meows, right? how many before you want to get out of the house so you don't have to listen to them anymore? LOL Muffin wakes me up in the morning anywhere from 5:30, to 7:45, she wants out on the enclosed porch, so I walk there half asleep, let her out, that wakes up the other two who then start meowing for canned food. usually then I can get back to sleep for an hour or 2, unless Muffin has one of her, I CAN'T DECIDE IF I WANT IN OR OUT days, then I am opening and closing the door several times, being the dummy that I am. Muffin is usually pretty good the rest of the day, and Emma is good, hardly ever meows, but Louise is the meower! every time I walk into the kitchen she follows and begs for food even if its just been a couple minutes. Yesterday I was ready to hand her over to the gypsies!! does that sound terrible? does anyone else ever feel like they have heard just too many meows?
:eek: :confused: :rolleyes:

05-10-2002, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by toughCookie
Yesterday I was ready to hand her over to the gypsies!! does that sound terrible? does anyone else ever feel like they have heard just too many meows?
:eek: :confused: :rolleyes:

YES!!!! It must be in the stars!
Bonzo has this most pitiful YEEEEOWW and sometimes he'll just yowl for what seems like hours. I love him with ALL my heart. He's a total Mama's Boy but there are times when he gets very annoying. And it always seems the more I talk to him the louder he gets. Lately it's been both The Beans AND Louie Barking at EVERYTHING!!! I've thought about selling them to the Gypsies but I'm sure they'd want a refund before too long!;) :D

Former User
05-10-2002, 03:10 AM
Lost count how many... Both Casper and Kitty are so vocal nowadays, sometimes it drives me crazy! Without any reason, they both might be moaning on the floor, double meows, how nice is that? ;) They meow a lot during the day, mostly I don't find it annoying, but sometimes it's just too much, I raise my voice a bit and say shut up. Guess what I get back? Yup, MEOW!!!!:rolleyes:

05-10-2002, 04:13 AM
And it always seems the more I talk to him the louder he gets.
that is exactly how these two are! I try to walk over and around them, they are always in the way, and I talk to them, and the more I do, the more they talk back to me, in a duet! meow, meow......meow, meow! :eek:

but sometimes it's just too much, I raise my voice a bit and say shut up. Guess what I get back? Yup, MEOW!!!!

hehe I don't have to feel bad now, I am not the only one! I yelled last night, shut up!, and it was quiet, for about 10 seconds!

well I guess listening to them meow is better than missing them, I missed them so much when I was in the hospitol.now the dr says it is probably an ulcer (from the meows?)
and not the gallbladder...I wondered how it got better with no surgery :confused:

05-10-2002, 04:20 AM
We're lucky here. Fister doesn't miaw much, not even when he wants food. He just sits next to his food bowl and give us the look! But he does miaw and he has a lot of different miaws, I'm sure he talks to us! ;) The time he miaws the most is at dusk when he wants to get out, then he sits by the kitchen door begging us to open it. If he sees a cat in the yard or on the street, he will also let us know! :D

05-10-2002, 09:37 AM
Livvy (who I adore but occasionally wish to strangle) has taken to retreating a room or two away and then Meows for me roughly every 5 minutes.


Cassy and I are in the office, honey.

Meow. Meow. Meow.

You know where the office is.

Meow. Meow. Meow.

It's the same place it's always been, honey.

You get the idea. It's almost funny, but I worry about the neighbors if the noise gets too bad.

Actually the meows aren't as bad as the excess energy the kids are having this spring. Livvy is jumping up and bunking her head on the wall -- I've no idea why, and both of them are much more vocal and energetic when they hold their World Federation Wrestling matches. Kids! :eek: :rolleyes:

05-10-2002, 10:46 AM
When Bagel wants out it's totally painful - just one constant miaow-miaow-miaow=miaow=miaow - don't think she even takes a paws(!) to breathe!!! eedless to say - she goes out!!!:D :eek: :D


05-10-2002, 11:02 AM
Chester has all ready used up his meow allotment for the day!! He started in at 6 AM, running from window to window in much excitement and telling the world what he saw. What he saw was: a skunk or another cat or a bird or a person or a dog or Big Foot or a flying saucer or a possum or a squirrel or all of them. Whatever it was, he was sure excited about it and felt the need to share!!! I felt the need to sleep!!! Guess who won??? Hint: it wasn't me!:rolleyes:

Heather Wallace
05-10-2002, 11:34 AM
You are not alone, we all feel the same, although we love our animals sometimes they drive us crazy.

05-10-2002, 01:29 PM
Callie is the only real talkative one...(she's part siamese) but she only meows when she wants water from the tap, or her toy got stuck under the couch, etc. It's not a persistent non-stop meow..thank goodness!!
Whisper learned from Callie to get my attention from meowing..that's pretty rare, however, and he only does it when he wants lovies...
Shadow hardly ever meows...she really only meows to me if she knows I am talking directly to her...and lucky for me, they are very good about letting us sleep in!;)

Former User
05-10-2002, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Chester has all ready used up his meow allotment for the day!! He started in at 6 AM, running from window to window in much excitement and telling the world what he saw. What he saw was: a skunk or another cat or a bird or a person or a dog or Big Foot or a flying saucer or a possum or a squirrel or all of them. Whatever it was, he was sure excited about it and felt the need to share!!! I felt the need to sleep!!! Guess who won??? Hint: it wasn't me!:rolleyes:

LOL Connie!! You are so funny! :D

05-10-2002, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
LOL Connie!! You are so funny! :D [/B]
Thank you, Niina, I think. ;) :D :D

05-10-2002, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
LOL Connie!! You are so funny! :D
         I agree! - and we love your posts!! ;) :D ;)

05-11-2002, 12:13 AM
I really only have one cat that meows too much. That would be my cat Sunny. He's half aby and half tabby. I think it's the aby part that makes him so talkative and noisy. He likes to meow in my ear as early as 5:00am. When I try to tell him to be quiet, he meows louder. Sometimes I think he's going to wake up my whole condo building. Storm will meow when I'm in the kitchen or when I'm opening up the refrigerator but he has such a tiny meow that it doesn't bother me. Pepper will meow when he wants his love so thats not too bad either. Now if I could only train Sunny to meow at more appropriate times.:rolleyes: Cats you gotta love them.:p

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-11-2002, 12:31 AM
:o maybe i am the only one :o
Tinky and Jupiter really MEOW IT UP when I am treating them with some tuna and Tinky is getting into the habbit of serenading us with meows when she is ready for us to get up in the morning. I just love it too!!!!

05-12-2002, 01:05 PM
Im lucky, mine don't really meow (for the most part) unless they are talking to me. They've all been good, sleeping when we sleep.... Only a few times they've woken us meowing.... they wanted to sleep w/us... :D don't jinx me.... LOL

05-12-2002, 06:41 PM
' Supposing that maybe I'm the only one who does not have to listen to a lot of meownig even though there are 9 full time indoor furkids. It could be because my house is very quiet, also living in a rural area, we do not have much traffic noise. Tiger makes noises, and she does this when they are chasing each other around the house. Snow cat will also make a trilling sound when he is on a search and discover foray. But other than these few noises, most of my furkids are quiet.:cool:


05-12-2002, 06:51 PM
i only have one cat, but he is such a pain!! lol
When he comes in the house, we always expect him to meow. So we take the cat food out of the refrigerator(half a can because thats what he usualy eats) and put it in his bowl. He smells it, and walks away from it and goes to us and starts meowing again. So then he have to warm it up because ''mister'' thinks its too cold!:rolleyes: After that, we put it back in his bowl and he still doesnt want it. So, he just eats the hard/dry food. LOL

The Cat Factory
05-12-2002, 11:49 PM
I have 6 cats, and sometimes the meowing can be too much. But, luckilly for me, unless there's food somewhere, my 6 dont meow that much:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-17-2002, 12:11 PM
Tubby can really meow up a storm, and yes, sometimes it gets a little irritating. Like this morning. He normally comes with me into the bathroom while I take a shower. He normally just lays down and takes a quick sauna, without saying a word. Well, this morning! He wouldn't be quiet at all. We had a regular conversation going. Me in the shower and him right on the other side of the shower door looking in at me. :rolleyes: Turns out his food dish was completely empty - poor kitty - and that's what he was trying to tell me. The only other time his meowing really gets irksome is when I am in the backyard with the back door open, but the screen door closed, and he can't come out. One time I sat there for at least 2 hours, and he didn't stop the whole time. I was trying to relax, but who can relax with such insistent meowing going on. He couldn't come out because I just got done spraying some pesticides and I didn't want him getting into it. Even though they say they're safe for pets, I don't trust the labels. So the poor, poor kitty had to stay inside while I was outside. Needless to say I couldn't take it anymore and came in. Then he was happy. :rolleyes:

05-17-2002, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
... Then he was happy. ...

See how little it takes to make a fur-baby happy? All the food they can eat and your complete, undivided attention 24/7. Is that so much to ask **ahem, demand**?? :rolleyes: Hee, hee, hee!