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View Full Version : help with a trick

06-02-2006, 12:22 AM
lol tonight I dceided "hey..why dont I teach Happy and Misty to jump through my arms in the form of a hoop" first up, Happy. I stretch my leg out and lured her over my leg a few times saying "over" after about twice I said over and she did it consistanly without luring. so I held out my arm and said "over" she had no issue at all traserfering from my leg to my arm, so I held one arm over the other while kneeling and said "over" no problem there, so I stood up, held my arms and a loop said "over" and she had it perfect, it took a grand total of 5 minuts. then I moved on to Misty, after about 5-6 lures she was willing to go over my leg without a lure, once she had without a lure solid I tried switching to my arm, only everytime I held out my arm, she ran up, and gave me five! I still have not managed to get her to tranfer jumping over my leg to jumping over my arm, as far as she is concerned if my arm is out it means I want her to give me five, it helped a little to hold my palm downwards, but not much, she is downright insistant and giving me five, no matter where I try putting a lure. any idea's?

06-02-2006, 09:46 AM
I taught Jack to jump through my arms...but I did it totally different. I had my brother be the hoop for a while and I lured Jack through a couple of times with me telling him to jump, and when he got the hang of it I became the hoop and told him to go over. He wasn't really understanding at first so I put a baited target on the other side and then took it away once he became reliable. Its still not his most favorite trick in the world, but he'll do if I ask him to :p

06-02-2006, 09:56 AM
Also if you would like to stic with the method you are using perhaps put your arm out on top of your leg just as a little jump for a while and then move the leg away and just leave the arm. perhaps that will help