View Full Version : Finn, Freckles, and, Dudley

finn's mom
06-01-2006, 11:34 PM
Well, things are going pretty well here in Texas. We aren't comfortable leaving the dogs unsupervised, yet, but, we have been letting them all sleep together, without muzzles and without putting anybody in a separate room. When we are both gone, though, Finn has a room with his bed, a queen sized bed, his water, a ceiling fan, a window, and, his chew toys. ;) So far, no major squabbles. There's a little bit of growling every now and then, but, we do our best to keep it from going too much further. Everyone is doing fine, though, and, there have actually been a few play sessions involving all three dogs. I'll keep everyone updated, and, hopefully things either stay the way they are, or improve. I haven't been able to get any great photos, but, here are a few...this is a new camera, too, with a couple more megapixels than my mom's. Still getting used to it!

Here's Finn, when I took him to the dog park, it was just him and me. I didn't feel comfortable taking all three dogs. But, Finn did really well and had a lot of fun with the few dogs that were there. It's been so long since he's really been socialized, I was nervous. Here he is in a field of flowers next to the park.

***Just as an update, all the puppies have gotten to healthier weights, especially Finn. He's right at about 70 pounds, yay! He was pushing 90 when I moved out of my parent's house (too many treats!!) in May. With a more controlled diet and consistent exercise, he's back in lean shape! Freckles is a thin dog naturally, and she's around 23 pounds, now. Dudley tends to fatten up quickly, but, he's around 18 or 20 pounds, now. We're all doing great!***


Finn and Dudley on the bed. They are easier to photograph than Freckles, she's kinda flighty and is hard to still.


Finn and Dudley outside...sorry, nothing spectacular!


more coming...

finn's mom
06-01-2006, 11:39 PM
Finn, playing with a stick, and, this is his first experience with sprinklers!


and, all three of them...this is as close as i've gotten so far to getting a picture of the three of them. :)


finn's mom
06-01-2006, 11:47 PM
And, here's pretty Freckles, chewing on a stick...


and, handsome Finn...


Finn is acclimating to Texas weather again...so, he's discovered that the bathtub is cool. ;) So, here he is, chilling in the tub.


And, a close up...


Ok, that's all for now! Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

06-01-2006, 11:47 PM
It's nice to see Finn again. It looks like he's gotten bigger?
Love Freckles, she's so cute.

Guess you'll have to change your location! :)

06-01-2006, 11:50 PM
great pics!
I think so too - looks like he has filled out a lot! :)
Still handsome as always!

finn's mom
06-01-2006, 11:52 PM
It's nice to see Finn again. It looks like he's gotten bigger?
Love Freckles, she's so cute.

Guess you'll have to change your location! :)

He did get bigger over the winter, for a few reasons...the major reason being that he wasn't able to swim. :/ Another one being my dad. Tended to give him more than rare treats. ;) But, we are exercising him again, and, he is already showing a little more of that muscle tone that he used to have. I guess he's nearing about 85 pounds or so.

And, yeah, Freckles is a beautiful dog. She's a bit of a **female dog** but we're working on that. ;) She's extremely intelligent, which makes her a bit of a challenge, but, overall, everything's good.

Haha that's funny that you mention that about the location. As soon as I typed that things were going well in Texas, I thought "I need to change that". I've changed it in myspace, but, not here. So, I'm off to do that!

finn's mom
06-01-2006, 11:56 PM
great pics!
I think so too - looks like he has filled out a lot! :)
Still handsome as always!

Thanks! Yeah, just like I told Kay, he's filled out a lot, which is good...seems like before I couldn't put weight on him. He actually needs to lose a few, but, not much. We are putting him on a good active exercise regimen of off leash dog park romping and running with David. (I may be joining them as soon as I get good shoes! eek, I hate running! :D )

06-01-2006, 11:57 PM
I'm glad everything if going good Kari :) Finn looks happy, do you think he still prefers to me an only child though? hehe.

finn's mom
06-02-2006, 12:00 AM
I'm glad everything if going good Kari :) Finn looks happy, do you think he still prefers to me an only child though? hehe.

Nah, I think he likes the doggy company. He tries to play with Freckles, but, he's a little too big for her. He'll have to learn to play softer and she'll have to learn that he's not doing it on purpose, I think they'll come to a good compromise eventually. ;) But, we give them each plenty of one on one, and, tons of group love. And, I'm not working right now, so, I'm home all day with them. It's been the best arrangement for getting them used to eachother.

06-02-2006, 12:02 AM
[QUOTE=finn's mom]Nah, I think he likes the doggy company. He tries to play with Freckles, but, he's a little too big for her. QUOTE]

How much does Freckles weigh? She's a beauty :)

finn's mom
06-02-2006, 12:06 AM
[QUOTE=finn's mom]Nah, I think he likes the doggy company. He tries to play with Freckles, but, he's a little too big for her. QUOTE]

How much does Freckles weigh? She's a beauty :)

Yeah, she is! I'm not sure, though, maybe 20 or 25 pounds? She's really light, very dainty. I think she's a Whippet mix, so, she has those small, but, sturdy bones. I need to get them all to the vet or something to get weighed. :) Especially Finn, I want to see what a difference there is once he gets into his active lifestyle again. :)

06-02-2006, 12:08 AM

Yeah, she is! I'm not sure, though, maybe 20 or 25 pounds? She's really light, very dainty. I think she's a Whippet mix, so, she has those small, but, sturdy bones. I need to get them all to the vet or something to get weighed. :) Especially Finn, I want to see what a difference there is once he gets into his active lifestyle again. :)

Oh man! I never realized she was so small.

I guess i should stop hijacking your thread now ;)

finn's mom
06-02-2006, 12:12 AM
[QUOTE=finn's mom]

Oh man! I never realized she was so small.

I guess i should stop hijacking your thread now ;)

You're not hijacking at all! I know, she looks bigger than she is, which makes Finn look huge! Come on, you know that's what you were thinking! ;) But, yeah, she's tall for her weight, but, she's really leggy. I don't think Dudley weighs a lot less than her, and, he's a couple to three inches shorter. Like I said, I plan to get them all weighed, just for my own sake, and, I'll be sure to let you know if I was way off! ;)

finn's mom
06-02-2006, 12:15 AM
Just weighed myself holding Freckles, than not holding her. She's 27 pounds! But, as you can see, she fits under Finn's waist, so, she's I guess what you'd call a medium sized dog...:)

06-02-2006, 05:06 AM
Good to see you're making progress with the pups! I hope things go well out in Texas for you. :)

finn's mom
06-02-2006, 09:17 AM
Good to see you're making progress with the pups! I hope things go well out in Texas for you. :)

Thank you! So far, it's been stellar! I finally feel great about a decision I've made, and, that has been awhile. ;) Besides moving to South Carolina last year, I haven't exactly made great choices. But, David's a great one! The dogs are doing great, even if they aren't necessarily the best of friends at this point. ;)

I see I'm getting lots of views, thanks for checking my growing family out! :)

Daisy and Delilah
06-02-2006, 09:51 AM
YAY YAY YAY!!!! Pictures of our sweet boy, Finn!! I'm so happy to see that handsome man again. That top picture has me melting. He's gorgeous in the flowers and I would choose that one for the PT calendar(or any calendar for that matter) ;) I absolutely love Freckles and Dudley too Kari!! They all look great together. It sounds like you're happy and all is going well. I'm so thrilled for you guys. Keep those pictures coming. How about a pic or two of David?? Can't wait to meet the lucky fella ;)

finn's mom
06-02-2006, 10:06 AM
YAY YAY YAY!!!! Pictures of our sweet boy, Finn!! I'm so happy to see that handsome man again. That top picture has me melting. He's gorgeous in the flowers and I would choose that one for the PT calendar(or any calendar for that matter) ;) I absolutely love Freckles and Dudley too Kari!! They all look great together. It sounds like you're happy and all is going well. I'm so thrilled for you guys. Keep those pictures coming. How about a pic or two of David?? Can't wait to meet the lucky fella ;)

Hey, Terry! Thank you! I would need to take the electrical lines out of the picture, and, the pictures have to un-photoshopped for the calendar. I do plan to take him back out there, with picture taking specifically in mind. :) I was already tired and kindof rushed when I was taking those. But, the flowers are beautiful! I am happy, and, things are going well, yay! I've had kindof a rough six years, hahahaha, but, things are looking bright. ;) And, I posted a picture of David and me in the "let's see you" thread in general, you should go take a gander. :)

06-02-2006, 10:15 AM
Awww, looks like a lot of fun! You spoiled boy, Finn, you :D

Toby's my baby
06-02-2006, 12:15 PM
Great pictures!! I'm glad things are going so well!! All three dogs are so cute! Finn does look bigger/ different, but not in a bad way! I hope we get to see more pictures soon! :D

Ginger's Mom
06-02-2006, 12:16 PM
Hi Kari, it's great to see Finn again. Glad to hear things are going so well in Texas. Finn is so big and handsome, Dudley is adorable, and Freckles is just beautiful. Lucky you. :) Well I am off to check out the Let's See You thread.

finn's mom
06-02-2006, 02:30 PM
Great pictures!! I'm glad things are going so well!! All three dogs are so cute! Finn does look bigger/ different, but not in a bad way! I hope we get to see more pictures soon! :D

;) Yeah, he's definitely bigger, but, hasn't gained weight in the last few months, he hit where he's at probably in January. I know you don't mean in a bad way, of course, but, he does need to slim down a bit, and, I hope to get him a little more lean and muscular again. Wish us luck! ;)

06-02-2006, 05:47 PM
I'm so glad to hear everything is going well. All the pups look so happy. Great pictures! :D

06-02-2006, 05:59 PM
Great pictures! I love Finn, I too was going to comment on how filled out he is looking now :) He's such a handsome boy!

06-02-2006, 08:01 PM
They are all such great looking dogs! I'm glad that they are adjusting to each other fairly well. Freckles reminds me a bit of Adele, so naturally I think she's darling. :) And as always, Finn is so handsome! :D

finn's mom
06-03-2006, 01:32 AM
Thanks, everyone for checking them out and especially to those who commented! :) I hope no one gets too let down when Finn isn't as "filled out" aka "fat" as he is now. ;) He's not too heavy, but, he does need to lose some of his extra pounds. But, he **is** still a handsome pup. :)

06-03-2006, 10:11 AM
Aw, lovely pictures Kari, especially that first one of Finn. :D And thanks for the update, I was so happy to read things are going well for you all and how Finn is settling is so well too. :D

finn's mom
06-06-2006, 12:33 PM
bumping this up to show robilee what a chunk finn has become in the last seven or eight months. i'm disappointed that i let him even get ten pounds over what he should be at, but, my vet said not to worry, that he shouldn't have any problems getting back to good form. ;) i hope she's right! at least i know exactly what he's eating now, because david doesn't give him extra treats and i only do very rarely. anyway...i'm hoping to see results in the next few months!

06-06-2006, 12:41 PM
Hey, thanks for bumping this back up for me. I guess that boy has gained weight;). Certainly not in a bad way though. Looks like he has filled out. Did he put it on over the winter? I'm sure once you and he get into a regular routine that he will drop a few pounds. I always worry so much about my girls getting fat, especailly Tori. She is built a little on the chunky side but the vet says her weight is perfect right now and that I worry too much. My RB dog was extremely overweight and I just don't want that to happen again. Plus, I'm so fat and I just want to make sure they don't follow in my footsteps;). Much easier to control the dogs than myself :p .

Love Finn and he is always so handsome! Give him a hug from me. Oh, and add a hug to those new cuties Freckles and Dudley too.

06-06-2006, 12:50 PM
You are all so cute.
Glad to hear your life is going well Kari!
Keep us updated. :)
Finn looks awesome. He looks better with a little "ciccia" on him as they say in Italy.

Anita Cholaine
06-06-2006, 01:02 PM
Glad to know that you are doing well, Kari! :D
Finn is looking adorable as always, we hand't seen him in a while! Freckles and Dudley are also so cute!
Thanks for the update :)

06-06-2006, 01:41 PM
Finn is such a lovable cutie pie.

I don't know the other 2 dogs. Did you get 2 new dogs? They're awfully cute too.

finn's mom
06-06-2006, 02:41 PM
Hey, thanks for bumping this back up for me. I guess that boy has gained weight;). Certainly not in a bad way though. Looks like he has filled out. Did he put it on over the winter? I'm sure once you and he get into a regular routine that he will drop a few pounds. I always worry so much about my girls getting fat, especailly Tori. She is built a little on the chunky side but the vet says her weight is perfect right now and that I worry too much. My RB dog was extremely overweight and I just don't want that to happen again. Plus, I'm so fat and I just want to make sure they don't follow in my footsteps;). Much easier to control the dogs than myself :p .

Love Finn and he is always so handsome! Give him a hug from me. Oh, and add a hug to those new cuties Freckles and Dudley too.

I know exactly what you mean, I have always worried about my pets being overweight. And, Dr. Ballard says the extra weight isn't dangerous, but, it would be better if he dropped a few. So, that's the direction I'm going in. I had a really fat cat once, and, I always worried about him! It's just not cool, so, I'm going to work on him. :) He did gain the weight this winter, probably because he wasn't able to swim. (and extra treats didn't help!) And, I will certainly give hugs to all three pooches!

finn's mom
06-06-2006, 02:43 PM
You are all so cute.
Glad to hear your life is going well Kari!
Keep us updated. :)
Finn looks awesome. He looks better with a little "ciccia" on him as they say in Italy.

Hey, thanks! And, yeah, it's definitely a matter of taste, I personally like him a little better just a tad on the leaner side. But, he's a handsome boy, either way, and, I'm glad you still think he looks great! :D Ciccia, huh? Sounds better than fat, for sure! :p

finn's mom
06-06-2006, 02:43 PM
Glad to know that you are doing well, Kari! :D
Finn is looking adorable as always, we hand't seen him in a while! Freckles and Dudley are also so cute!
Thanks for the update :)

You're welcome and thank YOU for the pictures of your pretty girl! ;) And, thanks for the compliments!

finn's mom
06-06-2006, 02:46 PM
Finn is such a lovable cutie pie.

I don't know the other 2 dogs. Did you get 2 new dogs? They're awfully cute too.

Finn and I moved into my boyfriend's house here in Texas last month, around the 18th or so. I posted a thread about it in General and a thread in dog general back in March with pictures of Freckles and Dudley from my visit, when I first met them! David has had Freckles since she was a couple months old, and, Dudley since he was about one. They are both around five years old. So, we merged our little families into one bigger family! :) Everything's going great so far!

06-07-2006, 07:47 AM
Finn and I moved into my boyfriend's house here in Texas last month, around the 18th or so. I posted a thread about it in General and a thread in dog general back in March with pictures of Freckles and Dudley from my visit, when I first met them! David has had Freckles since she was a couple months old, and, Dudley since he was about one. They are both around five years old. So, we merged our little families into one bigger family! :) Everything's going great so far!

Thanks for the update! I can't wait to see more pictures of the whole gang!

finn's mom
06-07-2006, 07:54 AM
Thanks for the update! I can't wait to see more pictures of the whole gang!

Are you kidding?! Thanks for being interested! :D

06-07-2006, 09:06 AM
wow. Finn has grown so much. It seems like everything is going okay with the three of them. Before you know it they will all be best buddies. I am so glad to see new pictures of Finn.

finn's mom
01-05-2007, 04:12 PM
Just as an update, all the puppies have gotten to healthier weights, especially Finn. He's right at about 70 pounds, yay! He was pushing 90 when I moved out of my parent's house (too many treats!!) in May. With a more controlled diet and consistent exercise, he's back in lean shape! Freckles is a thin dog naturally, and she's around 23 pounds, now. Dudley tends to fatten up quickly, but, he's around 18 or 20 pounds, now. We're all doing great!

01-05-2007, 05:29 PM
It wonderful everyone is making progress already! I'm glad you updated us. I like that first pic alot! Finn looks so great and he has the coolest doggy smile. Dudley and Freckles are very cute, Freckles is pulling at my heartstrings. :) Great pictures, Kari! It's great to hear from you.

Daisy and Delilah
01-05-2007, 07:25 PM
Great news!! I'm thrilled everything is going so well for all of you!! :)