View Full Version : Everythings wrong

05-09-2002, 08:33 PM
Hi. Sorry to be complaining again but I need to tell ppl who actually know what I'm talking about. All of last week I was really sick, and I had tests, so I didn't do good on the test cause of how sick I was. Now today I'm sick again, only this time I do feel up to doing anything, and again, I have a test tomorrow. I called my mom to ask her something and she told me: "Oh, I have bad news. We have to get rid of the cat" I was shocked, my whole life I've ALWAYS wanted a cat. Its stupid but I use to always make wishes on those little chips and turkey bone thingies, and finally I got one. And now after 4 years I'm told I can't have her?? I love her so much and I can't do it..I don't know what to do. These ppl have no heart, they can't allow ppl to have pets up to one day and say "Either get rid of the pets or get out" My mom can't find anything thats nice that allows cats. She tells me "You know we'll find her a good home, I wouldn't give her to anything less" Do you know what? No one will want her, she's NOT friendly and she doesn't want anything to do with ppl. Someone will be like oh well i'm sure the HS will find a good home. Then ppl will be like oh I don't want a cat thats anti social. I can just feel it, I know she'd end up getting put to sleep or in a bad home..You might be thinking "Oh well you love her, someone else will" I don't think that will happen, I've had 4 years to love and cat for this cat, and I'm almost positive that not everyone out there will love an animal to death no matter how it acts or looks. I know its stupid but I love her so much and I can't image going to my moms house and not seeing her. I'm sorry ppl..I'm sure you don't want to listen to my problems but I really needed to vent..I'm going to start looking for nice apt's that allow pets (we can't find any, and mom said she won't move into a dumb for a cat) I hope my luck changes and we find somethings..I have the worst luck and almost nothing goes my way, but I won't give up on her. Thanks for reading.

05-09-2002, 08:38 PM
Are you in college right now? Is there any way you could take the cat?

Help your mom look really hard for a place that allows animals. There has to be a decent one somewhere! Maybe you could get an Apartment locater to help?

Good luck and keep us posted please. I'm really sorry you are going through this :(

05-09-2002, 08:43 PM
I wish I could give you some advice, all I can tell you is that I know how you feel, I couldn't part with my dogs either. I don't understand why the apartment people can't accept that a pet is so important to people whether they are young or old. I'm really sorry that you may have to part with your cat I hope it all works out so that you can keep her somehow. The very best of luck.

05-09-2002, 08:44 PM
Thanks Aly. No, I'm not in college, and my dad absolutly hates cats, so theres no way I could take her in. My mom has been looking for a place to stay before they told us this, but hasn't found anywhere that allows cats..I'm gonna keep looking and hope I find something soon, cause time is running out I think :'[

05-09-2002, 08:55 PM
This is just an idea, but do you have any friends that would TEMPORARILY adopt your cat? Maybe someone you knew in school that has a house?

I am sorry to hear that you are ill and now have to face this news about your cat.

I am sure there is a good solution that will work for everyone and especially your cat.

05-09-2002, 08:56 PM
I'm sorry you're under so much stress lately.:(
Being sick, and having tests at school, and now
this about your Mom's kitty. I know what you mean
about not thinking someone else would adopt the cat.

I have an ex-feral cat named Micky. He trusts me
but nobody else. It would probably not work out
with anyone else. I sure hope things get better for
you soon . Wish I could help somehow. Good Luck to
you !!! Liz & Buddy.

05-09-2002, 08:57 PM
Thanks. My friends all either have other cats or dogs. There cats don't like other cats, same with the dogs :[ I'm stilling looking into that too..

05-10-2002, 01:46 AM
Sorry to hear about all your trouble. It has always been very hard for me to find an apartment that allows dogs and in a couple months I'll be looking again :(. Where do your dogs live? I always found most apartments will allow cats but not dogs.

Just keep looking for a place that allows cats - call everywhere. Maybe ask friends and teachers at school if they know of any cat-friendly apartments. Good luck.

05-10-2002, 04:55 AM
I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles :(

There MUST be some apartment complex somewhere that allows pets, just keep calling and calling until you find one your mom will agree to. That's the only advice I can give...

Good luck and keep us posted. And feel better soon.

05-10-2002, 06:05 AM
My heart goes out to you. I wish I could help you, I would have no problem in taking your cat in, I've had anti social cats before and I loved them just as much as the others. The only thing I can offer you is my prayers.

05-10-2002, 06:56 AM
You say your dad doesn't like cats. Is he allergic to them or just doesn't care for them? Certainely if you tal with him and explain your feelings he may reconsider?

My dad had always had a no pet policy growing up. We lived in a show case home and an animal, evencaged, would ruin that. I wanted these hamsters so bad and after I pleaded and told him how broken hearted I would be if I didn't get them, he said no. Rose, Daisy, and Iris were the only furry things to set foot in that house ever!

05-10-2002, 07:05 AM
I'm sorry to hear the problems you are having lately. So much going on for you and all seems to be so negative right now. :( I think you may eventually be able to find a "cat friendly" apartment, but it may take some more looking. Usually apartments who allow pets charge a slightly higher rent to offset any damage they may cause. Your dad might not be happy about that. :( When we were having our house built, our former home was sold and our new one wasn't finished. We had to get a month-to-month lease at an apartment to wait for our new home to be finished. The charge back then (20 yrs. ago) was $15.00 per month per pet added on top of the rent. I assume nowadays it is more. :( Good luck to you. This has to be so hard.

Souraya, I am so sorry you grew up "petless." I can see you have started to make up for it with Drake!! Good girl! I see lots of furkids in your future! ;)

05-10-2002, 08:19 AM
Sorry I don't have any more advice for you, I just wanted to let you know you can lean on us, don't be sorry, that's what we're here for right?! Hopefully you find some kind of solution, we're keeping our fingers & paws crossed for you!

05-10-2002, 10:15 AM
If there are any animal shelters in your area, you could ask them if they know of places that rent to animal owners. They might also know of a temporary foster home that would be willing to help out for a short time until your mom can get relocated.

Privately run animal organizations will be more help than government run ones. They know someone who knows someone who might ............. Government agencies don't need the contacts for foster homes. They don't care if your landlord will or won't accept an adopted animal, so they don't keep lists of animal friendly places.

You could even discuss it at pet stores in your area. The more people who know you need help, the better your chances of finding a solution.


05-10-2002, 11:32 AM
Thank you everyone. Its great knowing I have someone who actually understands this. My dad isn't allergic, but it hates cats and nothing would change his mind about one living her. Plus, Ruf also has a thing against cats..My dogs live here with me at my dads.

As for selters, we really only have one, and they don't do that. I wouldn't trust her there anyway, long story lol. I am looking for someone to take care of her temp. but haven't found anyone yet. Thanks so much ppl. it means a lot

05-10-2002, 11:42 AM
I hope you find a solution for your cat/apt. Don't ever feel bad about coming here to tell your problems. People here really do care and try to help one another - if nothing else just by listening.

05-10-2002, 11:43 AM
Sorry you had so many problems lately. I hope your health is improving and also that you can find a temporary solution for keeping your cat.
Good luck!!!

05-10-2002, 06:51 PM
Hi Audrey! Oh, you are having a tough time, aren't you?? I hope you're feeling better physically. You have to take care of yourself, you know. I hope you're eating and sleeping enough and all of that!! I am so sad to hear about your precious kitty. I think the suggestion that finding a friend who might temporarily foster her is your best bet. Apartments that allow pets are hard to come by!! I wish I could offer you more help. I know that in the US there are kitty "havens" and rescue groups that provide shelter for hard to place kitties with issues, but I'm not familiar with any in Canada. Please let us know how your search goes. It must be so difficult for you...But we're here for you, ok?? Love to you, Jo, Rufus and kitty...

05-10-2002, 07:46 PM
Thanks Sandra. I actually think the lack of sleep is what made me sick (from when I was just getting over a sickness) I got no sleep for about 4 days, when I got really sick. I'm feeling a little better, but still am worried about my kitty. We don't have anything here where I live. Its a very small island, and all we have is evil pet stores and a HS which puts animals not adopted to sleep..I think..I am looking for someone to 'babysit' her for a while if I can..I'd rather that then never seeing her again..I just hope my mom finds a home..