View Full Version : I hate my hair.

05-31-2006, 11:29 PM
After having caught my hair in my mouth and/or food for the quintillionth time, I have decided that I hate my hair. It is always getting caught in my mouth, on my glasses, in my food, on my ring, in the car door, under me when I sleep, or numerous other things. I have attached a picture so you can see my hair. It is a tad wavy, greasy, and very thin. It has started to get horrendously greasy and ratty since I've been here in Louisiana. I am using Aussie and that seems to ease it a little bit. I want to cut it but I am not sure how to go about picking a hair cut. Am I the only one who dislikes her hair?

05-31-2006, 11:35 PM
I like it, I love having blonde hair, except for being called a dumb blonde. But I am growing my hair out so I can't really change it right now!!! :eek: :D My hair gets really dry in the summer depending on what I use, I am using paul mitchill shapoo and tresemma(sp) conditioner.

05-31-2006, 11:44 PM
I love my hair! I used to not like it because it's very very asian and so it's really silky and won't stay in a ponytail or bun. On the other hand, it looks greyt when it's permed (like it is now) :p Since my perm is growing out, I'm probably going to grow it really long and cut off the permed part and get red or blonde tips.

My hair is naturally really thin and used to get REALLY greasy like the way you're describing. You should try using Pantene Pro-V every day. It gets my hair "squeaky clean", hehe. From the picture you attached, your hair looks really nice!! I thought it looked full of body, actually :p

06-01-2006, 12:13 AM
I like it, I love having blonde hair, except for being called a dumb blonde. But I am growing my hair out so I can't really change it right now!!! :eek: :D My hair gets really dry in the summer depending on what I use, I am using paul mitchill shapoo and tresemma(sp) conditioner.

Hmm, how well do those products work for you? :)

06-01-2006, 12:19 AM
I love my hair! I used to not like it because it's very very asian and so it's really silky and won't stay in a ponytail or bun. On the other hand, it looks greyt when it's permed (like it is now) :p Since my perm is growing out, I'm probably going to grow it really long and cut off the permed part and get red or blonde tips.

My hair is naturally really thin and used to get REALLY greasy like the way you're describing. You should try using Pantene Pro-V every day. It gets my hair "squeaky clean", hehe. From the picture you attached, your hair looks really nice!! I thought it looked full of body, actually :p

Ah, sounds awesome! Red tips on black hair are very nifty looking! :D

I will definitely try the Pantene as nothing worked so far (Aussie, Suave, VO5)! How long does it stay clean? I have a problem with it getting greasy about the middle of the day. Thank you for the tips and compliment! :D

06-01-2006, 06:51 AM
I really couldn't vote! I typically do like my hair. But I needed it cut so I went and did that yesterday.... and now I'm practically bald and I could cry. She didn't do what I asked her for. Instead of long layers, its super short all over and long in the back --- it feels like a modified MULLET! :eek: I hate hate hate it.

Then last night I dyed it to cover the greys since the new cut really shows the greys that weren't as obvious when it was longer.... I tried out a new color. It turned reddish (fnnny, the box showed no hint of red). Now I feel like Ronald McDonald's wife. Waaaahhhhhhhhh

Toby's my baby
06-01-2006, 07:17 AM
I didn't pick, but some days I love my hair, and some days I hate it. It's really boring, but it is REALLY soft, and all my friends love my hair. I'm actually going to get it cut this morning! :p I'll attach a pic....

06-01-2006, 07:39 AM
First let me say I like your hair and if your thinking about cutting it how about maybe shoulder length. You could have it layered. I think that would look really nice. A girl I work with had hair similar to your and she did that and loves it and it looks great.
As for the greasy part, aside from washing it every day have you tried Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo (http://www.neutrogena.com/ProductsDetails_16.asp)? I find this works really great to get out all the products I put on my hair that can weigh it down and make it look greasy. Good luck on finding a product that you like and finding the cut for you (I find just asking my hairdresser what she thinks is a good cut works great). Here's a nice site with lots of great hair styles...Beautiful Haircuts (http://hairstyles.free-beauty-tips.com/haircuts.shtml)

Now as for the poll I didn't pic. I don't really "hate" my hair but definitely don't love it either. I wish I could grow it longer and it would look nice, but now it seems my hair has aged. It's so much different feeling than when I was younger....I'd love to have my "young" hair back:D

06-01-2006, 09:25 AM
I think my hair is boring but all my friends love it. My hair is straight and jet black. I don't like ponytails so it is always down and in my face. lol It has always been that way. I want to grow it out to around my shoulder blades and then I think I will like it. I also have the greasy problem. I wash it one day and that very day it becomes greasy, but it's a soft greasty, not a dirty greasy so I'm ok with it.

Queen of Poop
06-01-2006, 09:40 AM
I loved my hair before my surgery. Since the surgery it's been a nightmare. As my hair stylist advised it would be. I just don't know what to do with it/about it any more. It suddenly has a mind of it's own, won't do what I want, and unless I use the ultra heavy conditioning shampoo/conditioner it flys everywhere.

06-01-2006, 09:55 AM
My hair is okay I don't hate it it just gets really poofy after it dries from getting washed. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

06-01-2006, 10:05 AM
I love my hair I have coloured it a few times tho Blong high lights,red high lights black for a week but now im gona colour my hair Black for a month I think its called a colour perm or somthen I like black hair my dad has it black but not me I got Dirty blond lol. :p

Maybe colouring my hair black may also give me more of a metal punk head.hehehe but no perircings.

06-01-2006, 11:02 AM
Im so tired of having long hair. Its almost to my bottom now and its thin and strandy. I have alot of hair its just very fine.
When I eat it gets into my food, when I sit back it gets pulled, when I sleep it gets pulled, I wake up and its a notty mess, dogs tromple on it when I am sleeping, its just a pain.
I really want to have 6 inches cut and give it to Lockes of love. I will still have fairly long hair after that.

So yeah I feel ya!

06-01-2006, 11:16 AM
My hair has basically been the same 'style' for a couple of years. I like it, sometimes, but I'd like a change. I've tried growing it out a couple of times and get frustrated because it just won't grow, so I chop it off again. I guess it works for now.

06-01-2006, 11:45 AM
My hair has changed many times in my life, all on its own. When I was little, it was strawberry blonde and curly.

When I was 4 1/2, it turned brown, and was stick-straight.

In high school, it was straight, but a little wavy once it got past my shoulders.

It has always gotten blonder streaks in the summer if I get any sun.

It has always had plenty of "body" and a will of its own. It is now wavy, but if I want it straight, I just have to take 20 minutes to blow it dry. And on special occasions, if I bother with a curling iron, it holds a curl pretty well.

Every hairdresser I have ever used has told be I am lucky, because I have a lot of hair, but it is fine in texture (a.k.a. "slippy hair" - I need to redo a ponytail several times during the day). I do, however, have the Peterson family cowlicks, so the hair on the back of my head will never be shorter than 4 inches long, or it would stick straight up, right, Lady's Human? (He goes the opposite - keeps it short enough so you can't tell.)

06-01-2006, 11:53 AM
You complaining about your hair reminds me of the girls I went to high school with complaining about a 94. He he he.

Just keep it in a pony tail. From someone that HAD long hair, and got it cut, I hate it short. I am slowly growing it back out. I wouldn't cut it short again for all the tea in China.

06-01-2006, 12:52 PM
I hate my hair. I'm growing it out though.

What I hate is, I have bangs!! They're very annoying. I'm not sure if I'd look ok without them though. My forehead isn't BIG but my hairline starts in a weird place or somthing that makes it look like it's big.

I have blonde hair. Which I don't like. I hate it when my face tans and my hair lightens in the summer. It's thick, but it's fine. It's super-straight and NEVER holds ANY curl!! :mad:

06-01-2006, 01:17 PM
I have been letting my hair grow since Thanksgiving and it is driving me NUTZ!

I had a very short hairdo (think above the ears). I cut it myself and knew where all the weird waves would fall. I had put in a temporary light brown,that washed out to a permanent orangey-pink. The natural color is white-gray-light brown-dark brown. I refuse to color again. The gray hair has a stiffer texture than the rest, so it's a strange mixture!

It's reached my shoulders in back but the sides are still too short to put up. No matter what project I'm working on, it's in my face. And the 95 degrees/90 percent humidity makes it stick to my neck. It's very thick but the top layer is sorta fuzzy, so I use a gel on the fuzzies only and wash every three days.

I'm not sure what a "mullet' looks like, but I may be sporting a crewcut if my patience runs out.

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-01-2006, 03:20 PM
Well, I like my hair as it is now : medium lenght with curls.
But I like a change sometimes. 3 years ago I had long hair, and it was always in a ponytail :D


I have a ponytail here, but it is on my back :rolleyes:

And this is 16 years ago, with short hair :eek:

06-01-2006, 03:54 PM
MY hair is OK, but I never am happy with the style. It is thick and just wavy enough to be annoying. I prefer it all one length and about chin level (which it is right now) but even with the entire back underside shaved out it is as hot as hades!! and I usually tie it in a pony tail.

I have had everything from super short (think feminine version of crew cut) to long, long, long (all the way down my back). When it was long I never let it down, too hot, too "in the way". I would always braid it to sleep in it or it would not comb out in the morning. (and this was before I started shaving the back).

06-01-2006, 04:14 PM
I don't mind my actual hair but I absolutely hate the cut I have right now. :o I usually get it "feathered" in the front. It looks layered but not layered all over...I've had it layered all over and it just made it look very thin (I don't curl it or anything). I'm not sure if I was confusing to the stylist or what but she didn't feather it very well and she gave me bangs. I HATE bangs. Not on other people, just on myself. I can't wait until it grows out. I had about 4-5 inches cut off the length too which is different but it's quite nice it doesn't take as long to brush out.

06-01-2006, 06:06 PM
I hate it, but can't do anything about it. I hate hair in my face constantly, so I always just keep it up now which really porably isn't good for it (everyone keeps telling me that) but I don't really care as I can't stand it at all.

06-01-2006, 10:23 PM
First let me say I like your hair and if your thinking about cutting it how about maybe shoulder length. You could have it layered. I think that would look really nice. A girl I work with had hair similar to your and she did that and loves it and it looks great.
As for the greasy part, aside from washing it every day have you tried Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo (http://www.neutrogena.com/ProductsDetails_16.asp)? I find this works really great to get out all the products I put on my hair that can weigh it down and make it look greasy. Good luck on finding a product that you like and finding the cut for you (I find just asking my hairdresser what she thinks is a good cut works great). Here's a nice site with lots of great hair styles...Beautiful Haircuts (http://hairstyles.free-beauty-tips.com/haircuts.shtml)

Now as for the poll I didn't pic. I don't really "hate" my hair but definitely don't love it either. I wish I could grow it longer and it would look nice, but now it seems my hair has aged. It's so much different feeling than when I was younger....I'd love to have my "young" hair back:D

Thank you! Yes, maybe layers ought to do it! I can't go overboard any time soon as I am still looking for a job. Yarrgh.

06-01-2006, 10:25 PM
Im so tired of having long hair. Its almost to my bottom now and its thin and strandy. I have alot of hair its just very fine.
When I eat it gets into my food, when I sit back it gets pulled, when I sleep it gets pulled, I wake up and its a notty mess, dogs tromple on it when I am sleeping, its just a pain.
I really want to have 6 inches cut and give it to Lockes of love. I will still have fairly long hair after that.

So yeah I feel ya!

Wow, that sounds like my moms hair! It is down to her butt and she has such a hard time with it but doesn't want to cut it because it took too long to grow! :D

I would love to do the Locks of Love thing if I could but I wouldn't know how to do it.

06-01-2006, 10:28 PM
My hair has changed many times in my life, all on its own. When I was little, it was strawberry blonde and curly.

When I was 4 1/2, it turned brown, and was stick-straight.

In high school, it was straight, but a little wavy once it got past my shoulders.

It has always gotten blonder streaks in the summer if I get any sun.

It has always had plenty of "body" and a will of its own. It is now wavy, but if I want it straight, I just have to take 20 minutes to blow it dry. And on special occasions, if I bother with a curling iron, it holds a curl pretty well.

Every hairdresser I have ever used has told be I am lucky, because I have a lot of hair, but it is fine in texture (a.k.a. "slippy hair" - I need to redo a ponytail several times during the day). I do, however, have the Peterson family cowlicks, so the hair on the back of my head will never be shorter than 4 inches long, or it would stick straight up, right, Lady's Human? (He goes the opposite - keeps it short enough so you can't tell.)

Ohnoes! That reminds me of my brothers cowlick for some reason. All the way back, as long as I can remember, up until a couple of years ago, my brother always had a cowlick in the front right on his forehead. It stuck straight up. I never had it but it seems that the 'lick had a mind of its own and now I have a problem with it sticking up in the front!

06-01-2006, 10:31 PM
You complaining about your hair reminds me of the girls I went to high school with complaining about a 94. He he he.

Just keep it in a pony tail. From someone that HAD long hair, and got it cut, I hate it short. I am slowly growing it back out. I wouldn't cut it short again for all the tea in China.

I realized how girly it sounded after I posted! XD I don't do that, except for this once, because I am just so flipping frustrated with it. It really grosses me out when I swallow a piece of my hair and I have to pull it back out. *ew*

Heh, I cut it short and cried. Then I found a short cut that I liked and I wasn't so upset after that. Mental note: Buy pony tail things.

06-01-2006, 10:33 PM
I hate my hair. I'm growing it out though.

What I hate is, I have bangs!! They're very annoying. I'm not sure if I'd look ok without them though. My forehead isn't BIG but my hairline starts in a weird place or somthing that makes it look like it's big.

I have blonde hair. Which I don't like. I hate it when my face tans and my hair lightens in the summer. It's thick, but it's fine. It's super-straight and NEVER holds ANY curl!! :mad:

Yes, bangs = huge pain. Quite a bit more maintenance.

Have you tried braiding it after you get out of the shower and/or using a product on it?

06-01-2006, 10:35 PM
MY hair is OK, but I never am happy with the style. It is thick and just wavy enough to be annoying. I prefer it all one length and about chin level (which it is right now) but even with the entire back underside shaved out it is as hot as hades!! and I usually tie it in a pony tail.

I have had everything from super short (think feminine version of crew cut) to long, long, long (all the way down my back). When it was long I never let it down, too hot, too "in the way". I would always braid it to sleep in it or it would not comb out in the morning. (and this was before I started shaving the back).

Oh man, I got my hair cut super short in the back and kept it long in the front about four or five years ago and it still isn't even. Yarrgh.

06-01-2006, 10:43 PM
I absolutely HATE my hair. I love to have it long, but it is annoying! I mean, it's sooo frizzy. I just had my hair trimmed and like it the way is now. ;) but 95% of the time it annoys me. :rolleyes:

06-01-2006, 11:27 PM
I think your hair looks good out long. I think the ponytail would be a great idea also.

My hair is long, and no bangs. Took a long time to grow my hair out, and well I just haven't found any other way I would want it. So until I do, it will stay long. Besides I love long hair!

Willie :)

06-01-2006, 11:57 PM
U hated it till I cut it recently lol now I love it so so does everyone else. I cant complain about the colour, as its naturally a deep, rich red lol I wont let it get longer then shoulder length however, any longer and its puffs out and looks like 10 inches thick lol

finn's mom
06-02-2006, 12:17 AM
I didn't vote because I love my hair but am always up for a change! :)

06-02-2006, 12:40 AM
I hate my hair most days. I have naturally dirty blonde hair- which ends up looking mousey. I get highlights in my hair which look great for about 3 weeks then to me it starts going down hill. I have had super short hair. ^ months ago it was then down to my mid back as my dad just trim straight across 1" - hence never ask your dad to trim you hair. I ended up with a bob just aboce y shoulders. hence its getting longer again. I am just going to highlight again net week and let this grow, Trying to grow bangs out is something I intend on doing this summer. I wear my hair up all the time while I work so hopefully it will be easier for me now.

06-02-2006, 10:05 AM
i hate my hair it is fizzy puffy mess that is short and if you grow it long looks more horriable

06-02-2006, 11:32 AM
Yes, bangs = huge pain. Quite a bit more maintenance.

Have you tried braiding it after you get out of the shower and/or using a product on it?

Yes, they're a pain. While I'm growing my hair out I'm going to try getting my bangs to me cheekbones.... That might look better. I split them on the side and push them out of my face already;)

Yeah, I braid it a least 3 times a week after the shower. That helps make my ponytail stay in and have more body. But I once did it every night for for a week and my hair started breaking and getting really frizzy.:(

06-02-2006, 03:01 PM
I didn't vote because I say: I hate it and there's no possibility to change it :( It's fine and few and I only can get it cut regularly and live with it.

Suki Wingy
06-02-2006, 03:14 PM
I love it but It just needs a new coat of pink. I'm waiting till the dye goes on sale. :)

06-03-2006, 01:12 PM
I hate my hair. It doesn't matter what I do to it or how it's cut it always does the same thing. The second I walk outside into the Florida humidity my hair falls flat. I also don't like my hair in my face so I always default to a ponytail. :rolleyes:

06-03-2006, 09:03 PM
I love it but It just needs a new coat of pink. I'm waiting till the dye goes on sale. :)

You know, my hair is about due for another coat of red. Red as in these faces red = :o :mad: . Yep.

Suki Wingy
06-04-2006, 12:10 AM
You know, my hair is about due for another coat of red. Red as in these faces red = :o :mad: . Yep.
Cool. I'll put anything in my hair just to try it out :) A few months ago it was orange from the roots down about 4 inches, in November I had pink/red highlights, and a few weeks ago I added a few purple highlights but of course the chances of my hitting the spots I bleached were pretty low, and only a few spots showed up, but it was still awsome sexy. I have a bit of a hard time dying because my hair is long and incredibly thick. :rolleyes:

06-04-2006, 12:19 AM
Cool. I'll put anything in my hair just to try it out :) A few months ago it was orange from the roots down about 4 inches, in November I had pink/red highlights, and a few weeks ago I added a few purple highlights but of course the chances of my hitting the spots I bleached were pretty low, and only a few spots showed up, but it was still awsome sexy. I have a bit of a hard time dying because my hair is long and incredibly thick. :rolleyes:

Wow! :D I have dyed my hair, solidly, these colours: pink (accidentally), red, green (several different shades, including turquoise), blue, purple, burgundy, and then some general natural colours besides natural red of any variation. Also, I did several colours with different tints (which I regret). I feel like I am forgetting some, though. A year or so ago, I had black hair and bleached the tips and four inches up plus some nicely placed random pieces in the back of my hair. Then, I dyed it red red. Very awesome. My hair is getting longer, too. I have gotten to the point where I need two boxes of dye now! Eeep!

Oh, Manic Panic = crap. =/

Suki Wingy
06-04-2006, 12:25 AM
about maniac panic, yeah I know :rolleyes: I want to do purple again but I'm not up for the bleaching. Right now I love the loreal one step stuff. Maybe some time in the future I'll make my mom come and we'll do my whole head but I'm too lazy to do it. :) I like the idea of turquoise!

06-04-2006, 03:10 AM
about maniac panic, yeah I know :rolleyes: I want to do purple again but I'm not up for the bleaching. Right now I love the loreal one step stuff. Maybe some time in the future I'll make my mom come and we'll do my whole head but I'm too lazy to do it. :) I like the idea of turquoise!

Some good advice, don't go swimming in pools and whatnot that have chlorine in them with dyed blonde or bleached hair. Not the best idea, I've learned. XD Loreal does some to be a pretty good brand, huh? Have you tried those semi permanent foams?

Suki Wingy
06-04-2006, 08:41 PM
I haven't tried the foams yet. I guess I'll just stick to the one step once school starts then because I'm taking aquatics for gym class, 90 minutes of swimming in a chlorinated pool every other day.

06-04-2006, 09:25 PM
I love my hair and have no intention of changing it any time soon!

06-05-2006, 10:22 AM
I actually like my hair, but this wasn't always the case. I just got it cut, trimmed actually and it looks much healthier. My hair is all one length and sits right at my shoulders. :)

There is nothing more I hate than to see people with hair that has awful split ends and looks ratty at the ends, for pete's sake folks, get it cut, you are doing nothing for your hair or yourself to have it looking like that.