View Full Version : The guilty look.

Heather Wallace
05-09-2002, 04:02 PM
Does anyone have pics of their cat looking really guilty, as if they have been caught doing something naughty?

here is a pic of Max as a young cat getting caught with the guikty look on his face, I love this picture. LOL!

05-09-2002, 04:22 PM
Awwww, Max, you didn't do it - did you?

Such a cute picture!

05-09-2002, 04:29 PM
Who? Me? I didn't do nothin'! That's what Max seems to be saying to me. What a great picture.:D

05-09-2002, 05:23 PM
I'm not sure if cats have any concept of "guilty".
I know Freckles doesn't.

05-09-2002, 06:02 PM
He was definately 'up to something' when you took that picture! :rolleyes:

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-09-2002, 08:13 PM
LOL Heather what a cute picture!!!!!!!

If my two are ever sitting anywhere being still they look like they are in troube or they know they will be soon!!!!!

Former User
05-10-2002, 03:17 AM
Here guilty young Casper-boy:


And here guilty Kitty-girl:


05-10-2002, 06:03 AM
Originally posted by Freckles
I'm not sure if cats have any concept of "guilty".
I know Freckles doesn't.

FIRST...Max is MOST adorable - love the "undercarriage" markings ;)

And I would have to agree with Freckles, I'm thinking it's more a look , "Hey, what's YOUR problem, I'm a cat, this is what I do!"

05-10-2002, 07:39 AM
Heather, the picture of Max is adorable!

And we all know what I think about Casper and Kitty ;)

05-10-2002, 03:02 PM
I've got one...

It's Gucci and Tsoomi Playing innocents...


05-11-2002, 12:00 AM
Great pictures everyone. Max sure is a cutie pie.

05-11-2002, 12:58 AM
such cute pics! I don't have any guilty looks pics, only because I couldn't get the camera in time... but I have seen that look on muffins face more than once. shes so spoiled now tho, she wouldnt think of feeling guilty!

one time, i looked over at her, she was sitting by cookie when cookie was eating, and she was just about to swat her(playing) or something, because as she saw me looking at her, she slowly pulled her paw back!!:D she also likes to wait on the top on the litter box, and when the poor unsuspecting kitten comes out, she jumps down on them! Emma and Louise have not been too keen on that, like cookie was, cookie would just play along and chase or run, but these two screech, and I can't blame them. who would want to be scared when coming out of the bathroom?:eek: :eek:

muffin is quite the character:cool: :D

Heather Wallace
05-11-2002, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by toughCookie
muffin is quite the character:cool: :D

Yes she certainly sound like it!!:) :)

05-11-2002, 09:04 AM
Heather, it appears to me that he is saying ; "Mommy, I can explain everything"! A great picture as well as the others on this post.:D


05-11-2002, 06:51 PM
........either that or he is saying "what are you doing home so early ???" :p

05-11-2002, 07:02 PM
Great pictures everyone! I have never seen either of my cats act guilty. They have absolutely no remorse when they are guilty of some bad deed. :) When Andy has been a naughty boy (such as pushing something off a table) he immediately goes into "fast motion grooming." It's as if he is trying to say "Don't get yourself all worked up. That was no big deal. I've got more important things to do like clean my fur!" :D