View Full Version : Old Navy Mascot Search

05-30-2006, 12:22 PM
We entered Bob into the OLD NAVY MASCOT SEARCH. Well actually, my girls did. My youngest Lizzie, and my wife Betsy saw the advertisement for it while out shopping yesterday. DID ANYBODY ELSE ENTER???

Seems like every U.S. dog owner did!!! LOL. Yesterday was the last day and when Bob was entered (around 2:00 pm EST), there were 115,242 entries. When the end bell rang (I guess at midnight) there were 119,322 entries. SO... Bob's odds are pretty good, eh???????? LOL.

I guess the way it works is "they - OLD NAVY" will review all entries and narrow the search to just 6. These will be posted on their site and the public has like a week or something to select the final winner. All those dogs - and just 6! Who knows how they will decide. I guess it is sort of like a baby contest. We all think our own is just darling and "immediately" stands out from the others!!!

If you want to check out some dogs (say like 119,322 of em), go to www.oldnavy.com/magic. Want to see Bob - you can find him by setting your browser to view 48 at a time, view by "name" and Bob will be on page 269 - with all the "other BOBS"!!!

05-30-2006, 12:33 PM
Yup I entered Jack and Shadow :D

Here are two other recent threads ;)


http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=105499&highlight=Navy highlight=Navy (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=104969&highlight=Navy)

05-30-2006, 12:42 PM
Oh Wow...

I didn't realize this was "old news". And yes, I agree with everyone that being recognized in that lineup is sorta like being hit by lightning!

Someone did mention though (and I tend to agree) that a "Mutt" might have a better chance. Their old mascot was a mutt and mutts tend to be more unique looking. Purebreds are unique "in person", after you spend some time with them. But lets face it, a Beagle or a GSD (or other PB) looks like every other dog of his breed. Some breeds (Pug, Rottweilers, Dobermans) even more so - with their identical markings.

Well, let's just hope someone from PT gets a nod from the judges!!!

05-30-2006, 01:01 PM
:( :D :D that is why we didn't enter snuggles!!