View Full Version : Old Navy Contest

05-30-2006, 12:17 PM
We entered Bob into the OLD NAVY MASCOT SEARCH. Well actually, my girls did. My youngest Lizzie, and my wife Betsy saw the advertisement for it while out shopping yesterday. DID ANYBODY ELSE ENTER???

Seems like every U.S. dog owner did!!! LOL. Yesterday was the last day and when Bob was entered (around 2:00 pm EST), there were 115,242 entries. When the end bell rang (I guess at midnight) there were 119,322 entries. SO... Bob's odds are pretty good, eh???????? LOL.

I guess the way it works is "they - OLD NAVY" will review all entries and narrow the search to just 6. These will be posted on their site and the public has like a week or something to select the final winner. All those dogs - and just 6! Who knows how they will decide. I guess it is sort of like a baby contest. We all think our own is just darling and "immediately" stands out from the others!!!

If you want to check out some dogs (say like 119,322 of em), go to www.oldnavy.com/magic. Want to see Bob - you can find him by setting your browser to view 48 at a time, view by "name" and Bob will be on page 269 - with all the "other BOBS"!!!

05-30-2006, 12:18 PM
I watned to but didn't. I have heard of others who did though! :)

05-30-2006, 01:07 PM
I entered Marta and Adele, but now that the contest is closed I don't know how to get to their pages! I like your touch about Bob being a "lovable crowd stopper" though! :D

05-30-2006, 01:24 PM
I entered Fenway but his submission got messed up and there is a blank space for one of the questions.

I was thinking they may not want a terrier this year because that's who they had as their mascot before. So I entered George (my Neice's pug). But then I found out that the dog you enter has to be owned by you!

So I think my chances with Fenway or George are pretty slim.

That's funny how we think our babies just stand out from all the other dogs. When Fenway won a local Pet Idol contest last October, I just assumed fame and fortune would follow. But no such luck. :D

05-30-2006, 01:34 PM
Kiara is entered as well, but I'm not sure how high/low her chances are. There aren't many Kiara's listed, she "looks" like a Rottweiler/common breed to everyday people, but if only they met her in person (and got past the scared, shy dog!)

I accidently submitted the wrong picture and I'm unable to change it, but here it is. The one I wanted to submit is her with her Old Navy frisbee and collar.

I just bought 4 new collars from Old Navy, too. :rolleyes:

05-30-2006, 01:38 PM
I saw it, and if Nicki wasn't so old and set in her ways, I might have considered entering her :D:p

05-30-2006, 01:41 PM
I think that is a great shot of Kiara. Doesn't really look like a Rottweiler in that shot (less so than in others I've seen). I'm thinking you've got as much of a chance as any other (whatever slim chance that is)!!! :D

05-30-2006, 02:11 PM
Good luck to those that entered! I meant to enter Kia but just never got around to it.

05-30-2006, 04:07 PM
I entered both my girls. One of the dogs they liked that was featured on the front page looked ALOT like Roxy! It would be awesome if a PT dog was in the finals.

Suki Wingy
05-31-2006, 12:13 AM
Niño's entered too
here's a screenshot, complete with my usual typo, "Dalamtian" I always go too fast and that always happens. I've decided to settle on just telling people that cross so they get the picture, even though that doesn't explain the gun dog type body oils he has and his longer, wirey hair.

Aspen and Misty
05-31-2006, 11:40 AM
Konnor was also entered. I can't find him though :D

Good luck to everyone. I really hope a Pet Talk dog wins! That would be so awesome!


05-31-2006, 02:26 PM
Konnor was also entered. I can't find him though :D

Good luck to everyone. I really hope a Pet Talk dog wins! That would be so awesome!


...on page 1206 by looking ALPHABETICALLY and VIEWING 48 Pages at a time. He is about halfway down. WOW!!! There are really alot of dogs here!!!

How do you think they will ever narrow it down to 6??? And I was thinking, they must not be looking for a well known breed type (or maybe they are)... cause when I look at it by breed it seems even harder to narrow and even more unfair (if it can really be characterized by fairness) when maybe 3 pages of Maltese's look identical to each other. How would they ever pick one Maltese over the others????

05-31-2006, 06:40 PM
Anybody know when they're gonna have the top 6 picked?

05-31-2006, 09:22 PM
Anybody know when they're gonna have the top 6 picked?

Right now, the pup-loving celebrity judges are pawing through the litter to dig up 6 pups with that Old Navy magic.

But then we’re turning it over to the public to help chews which one is truly mascot mutt-terial.

The Pooch Polls open June 23rd!
Don’t forget to come back and vote June 23 –July 7, 2006. You’ll be able to vote for the dog you dig once a day, every day.

Aspen and Misty
05-31-2006, 10:05 PM
...on page 1206 by looking ALPHABETICALLY and VIEWING 48 Pages at a time. He is about halfway down. WOW!!! There are really alot of dogs here!!!

I can't beleave you searched through all thouse pages!!

Thanks for finding my lost puppy :D
