View Full Version : The last straw??

05-29-2006, 06:25 PM
THis might be the last straw, I love to have a cold soda with a straw stuck in it....Not any more.

For the last two nights I have had my toes sticking out of the blankets.

I awoke to a cat jumping on the corner of the bed.




Ed, what are you doing?

Jump scramble scratch.


Seems like the Edster loves a good straw.

Ed knocks over any can that I leave with a straw in it.

Brings it to bed and plays with it.

Last night I got a little scratch because the Edster was a little too zealous
in his pursuit of fun and keeping me from sleeping.

Again, never a dull moment when I fall asleep! :rolleyes:

05-29-2006, 07:16 PM
That's so funny.I can picture Ed having the time of his life while you sleep ;) :D

05-29-2006, 07:31 PM
Ed just likes to keep you amused Richard.
Maybe if he had a nice little Girlfriend, he wouldnt have all that time on his paws.

05-29-2006, 09:26 PM
Ed needs to meet my Junior. I have to drink out of a straw due to asparation risks (I choke easily) and Junior will just come along and take it right out of whatever I am drinking. Many times, I will see the straw walking away then see Junior with it in his mouth. What a riot!!! LOL!!

05-29-2006, 11:33 PM
Maybe a sippy cup is the answer. Built in straw and no spill. ;)

05-30-2006, 08:41 AM
I think Ed believes that you look WAY too serious while you are sleeping, so he feels the need to entertain you! Nothing wrong with that! Last night, I awoke ot about the same scenario, except it was Sasha with a milk ring! Silly kitties! :rolleyes:

05-30-2006, 09:02 AM
Ed thinks you're boring when you're asleep, so of course, he'll find new ways to wake you up. :D

I'm happy that Fister is civilised when I'm bed, he only tells me what to do in the daytime - in a loud tone!! :rolleyes: ;)

05-30-2006, 09:30 AM
Last night I got a little scratch because the Edster was a little too zealous in his pursuit of fun and keeping me from sleeping


Are ya sure the Edster isn't a little wired from the caffeine from the soda you left in the can?????

I have never met a cat that didn't like straws. Except for my Shortie Girl who absolutely LOVES my smelly, worn socks. She actually sleeps with one!! Ya gotta love 'em (the cats I mean).