View Full Version : Pet Peeves

05-29-2006, 01:06 PM
I was just wondering what are some of the things your pet(dog cat hamster chinchilla rat turtle etc.) hates the most.

Snuggles hates water loud noises kids yelling and playing screaming and any one who towers over her and looks directly at her!!! :rolleyes:

05-29-2006, 06:16 PM
Windy(horse) hates animals except other horses, Belle(dog) hates when people blow in her face, Woo(wolf) hates not being the center of attention, Birdie(bird) hates when I'm asleeo, so he chirps untill I put him in my closet, and I could keep going and list all of my pet's pet peeves, but I won't because people would be bored to tears if I went through the list.

05-29-2006, 06:37 PM
Here's my pet's pet peeves

Nicki: Someone else getting attention instead of her

Allen: Getting attention when he doesn't want it

Pouncer: being told he can't do something he wants to do

Abby: Pouncer

Harry: the fact that we don't just dump food in his dish each time he demands food

Flutter: being ignored when she's demanding loves.... then she really gets offended if we pic her up to give her the love she's demanding

05-29-2006, 07:23 PM
I don't think Finnigan has any pet peeves.

If I drop whatever I'm doing every time he demands something we get along just fine! :D

05-29-2006, 09:15 PM
Molli (dog): When people (or other dogs) don't know that everything belongs to her ;) :p

Sammy (dog): new people who immidiatly wants to pet him (he's shy at first)

Oreo (cat): If she doesn't get attention when she demands it

Dreamer (horse): loud noises, sudden movements, and when the poultry fly down from the rafters

Hershey (bunny): Being picked up

Daisy (bunny): Being ignored

Sebastian, Black Jack (goats): They hate having their horns grabbed

Buddy (goat): Not being able to steal Dreamers food :rolleyes:

Sweetie, Tweety (goats): Being touched

05-29-2006, 09:20 PM
Teddy hates when I tickle his feet :D and when I fidget in the bed at night lol. he will usually get up and move to his arm chair and flop down with a big SIGH.

05-29-2006, 09:21 PM
All my pigeons hate it when I screem at them from my pigeons being just so darn cute I say {''Myyyyy baaabbbyyyyyy''} or {''Naaaggaana time''} lol they all start cooing angrly at me and if I put my hand in the cage they'll bite me soo hard.

05-29-2006, 09:25 PM
Shadow - Kyra constantly getting in her face, getting baths or trying to trim her (horrendous :( ) nails

Micki - Little children, fire crackers, lighters, fire, things that make loud noises or move really fast, skateboards

Mini - Shadow getting attention or playing

Kyra - Nobody paying attention to her, if you don't play with her when she wants you to she'll chase you and bite your pant legs :o

Jack - can't think of any for him!


Jasper - holding him or brushing him

Motchka and Batman - can't think of anything

05-29-2006, 11:09 PM

Soni: Not getting the attention he wants (in exorbitant amounts).

Isis: Anyone, except her meowmie, touching her.

Tiger Lily (foster): Baths.


Bijou and Rota: Not being allowed to crawl all over me, yet.

05-29-2006, 11:23 PM
Zoey (dog)- men that wear baseball hats
T.j(dog)- people touchig his tails
Kendy, Keshaw, Kasey(cats)- not getting attention when they want attention
Quackers, Waddles, Puddles(ducks)- family not talking to them
fish-the fish net

05-29-2006, 11:58 PM

- Hyper, little kids
- Strangers who stare at her
- Dogs who steal her ball (she doesn't get angry, she just gets depressed and doesn't know what to do...lol)
- Any loud noises
- Being left alone


- Other male dogs in his house
- Men with facial hair


- Cats, squirrels, etc.
- Strangers who want to hold her


- New people who reach down to pet her right away

Aspen and Misty
05-29-2006, 11:58 PM
Konnor (dog)- If you are petting Nova, he will grab onto her back legs and knock her down just to get you to pay attention to him.

Nova (dog)- if you touch her feet, she hates that!

Julian (Rabbit)- when you pull the fur from around his tail out

Jaxom (rabbit)- if you accidently pet his nose when you are rubbing his forehead

Sharra (rabbit) - She doesn't really have any. She loves attention though so I guess when someone else is getting the attention she wants.

Butternutt (rat) - when it's to hot

05-30-2006, 02:13 AM
This is what my pack hates:

Buttons: Being told she cannot go for a car ride when I pick up the truck keys.
Bandit: Not being able to get out of the yard and run around the neighborhood.
Prissy: Not being the center of attention.
Sasha: Not being able to be with me at all times.
Arizona: Unknown animals approaching me.
Cowgirl: Getting her nails clipped. I need a suit of armor for myself. Figures the smallest gives you the most trouble. :eek:
Redd: Don't know yet. He's only been around for a little over a month.
Everyone of them: When anyone approches the truck. Help! :eek: I need ear plugs then!

Miss Z
05-30-2006, 03:02 AM

-Other cats on her territory
-Barking dogs
-Being woken up
-Cheap cat food :p
-Beig excessively messed with
-Taking any form of medication

Tia Maria

-Loud noises
-Having her claws clipped
-Wooden surfaces (she pees on them for some reason :rolleyes: )
-Tomatoes unless the skin is peeled off
-Being left in her cage when she is hyper

05-30-2006, 09:34 AM
Micki - Little children, fire crackers, lighters, fire, things that make loud noises or move really fast, skateboards

That is basically what snuggles hates too!!! :rolleyes:

05-30-2006, 09:53 AM
Precious (cow) doesn't like having her horns grabbed.

George (cat) doesn't like strangers touching him.

Mama (donkey) doesn't like anyone else except me.

Choco (chihuahua) he's a mama's boy plain and simple. :D

Baby (bull calf) doesn't like being bothered when he's eating.

Miss Bunny (miniature lop ear) doesn't like the new addition (another mini bunny) to the family.

05-30-2006, 10:53 AM

Marta: My mom's EVIL BROOM!!!!!!!!!!! (The only broom she hates, I think because it's metal and makes a weird sound). When we come over the broom has to be safely hidden.

Adele: Baths, kids, and being fed late.

Vallis: Not getting to ride in the front seat of the car and anyone walking by our house. :rolleyes:


Seine: Not getting to go outside or in the attic. When this happens she proptly starts biting the dog closest to her to vent her frustration!