View Full Version : A Happy and Sad Tale of Two Rescued Kittens

05-29-2006, 04:38 AM
Kenya on the left and Nairobi on the right
http://www.geocities.com/[email protected]/Kenya-n-Nairobi.jpg

In September 1991 at the Santa Monica Cat Show my friend Patty was taken by two five-week old kittens available for adoption from one of the rescue organizations. They were brothers and littermates. She decided to take them both home with her and named them Nairobi and Kenya (for some place she like to travel to one day). They were so cute and they immediately took over her home with Kenya being a bit shy while Nairobi brash and always needing to be noticed. They were to be indoor cats but got supervised outings in the backyard so there was some “outside” time for them. That turned out to be fortuitous.

Just a few years ago Nairobi slipped out the door between the house and the garage while Patty was leaving for work. He then slipped out the garage door to the Great Unknown. Patty returned home ten hours later and after conducting a tail count found she was one short but Kenya was fussing at the back door. Patty found Nairobi sleeping on a lawn chair in the backyard – that was the only safe place he knew and stayed there until she returned home to rescue him.

Nairobi was a food thief too. Having dinner there meant protecting your dinner from his unrelenting attempts to borrow food from your plate or any serving dish. At about age ten Nairobi developed a heart condition but that could be controlled by a daily medication but, unfortunately, his health got worse while his brother Kenya stayed perfectly healthy.

On January 12 Patty sent out a note that turned out to be Nairobi’s death announcement and eulogy:
Nairobi, the Best Cat Ever, 1991-2006

I lost my dear furry friend Nairobi on Tuesday. Nairobi finally succumbed to the heart, kidney, thyroid and inflammatory bowel diseases that he had. Happily, Nairobi exceeded the vet's life expectancy by 2 years. He was a trooper. How many cats do you know that took 5 meds a day for years without complaint? I'd call him; he'd come over, take his pills, and go back to his business.

Nairobi was the most loving, sweet kitty I have ever known. In 15 years, he never once bit or scratched anyone in anger. Quite the opposite -- he loved nothing more than to cuddle or play (or eat, if I tell the truth!). I have so many terrific memories of him -- from playing "Kamikaze Kitty" when he was younger, to his tolerance of Sarah [Patty’s five-year old daughter] tying ribbons to his tail in his last year. He was my buddy and pal, and saw me through much sorrow and joy. He was even the first being other than me to know I was pregnant! I was truly blessed to have my little guy for as long as I did. He will be missed greatly. Nairobi was, is and will always be loved.
So with only Kenya left in the household he took over the lap duty that was Nairobi’s province. A week after Nairobi’s passing, Kenya was stretched out purring on Patty’s lap when he sat up and let out a loud meow and jumped down to the floor. He then died within a few seconds of a fatal heart attack. My suspicion is that he missed his littermate, brother and life-long companion and the stress was too much for him.

Patty’s daughter Sarah complained the house didn’t feel right without a kitty so they adopted two five-week old littermates, a male and a female. Maybe there will be another fifteen years of happiness.

Killearn Kitties
05-29-2006, 05:50 AM
That is indeed a happy and sad story. What beautiful cats Kenya and Nairobi were. I hope the new kittens have a long and happy life.

05-29-2006, 06:00 AM
Yes, happy and sad. They were truly soul-mates. I hope they are both at the RB, playing happily together again.

How are the babies coming along? What are their names?

05-29-2006, 06:26 AM
I am sending my best thoughts to Patty- yes it looks as if Kenya just missed Nairobi so much that his little heart broke :(

I remember Nairobi stealing food from a plate on Mango's website and he and Kenya will now have all the delicacies of Rainbow Bridge.

Glad to hear that their passing created a place for two newcomers- a house without a cat is just too empty and in the rooms of this house there must be many happy cat memories :)

05-29-2006, 07:36 AM
Oh, that story really is sad, but also happy. Kenya and Nairobi must have had a wonderful life with Patti, and I know they are very missed. :(

Stay together at the RB, play and have fun, Kenya and Nairobi! You were very special. :)

I'm glad to hear that Patti now has two new kittens.

Edwina's Secretary
05-29-2006, 08:37 AM
What a lovely story of the bond of two cats and two humans. And now, two cats and two humans...the circle of life continues....

05-29-2006, 05:16 PM
Their two new kittens - now about 10 weeks old - are named Koko and Pelli. Patty's five year old daughter came up with the names from the long lost civilization of the Anasazi and their rock art of the flute player Kokopelli. Pretty creative for a five year old.

The kittens have free run of the house. Patty says they wrestle and run and generally have a great time being kittens. They then sleep in whatever lap is available - usually together - and at night on Sarah's bed with her. They are already an ingrained part of the household in just a few weeks.

05-29-2006, 05:42 PM
Nairobi And Kenya Had Such A Wonderful And Happy Life With You.
They Just Couldnt Bear To Be Seperated.
They Are Angels Now, And Are Now With The Pet Angel Army In Calgary Alberta.
They Miss You So Much And Thank You For The 15 Years Of Love And Friendship.
And They Will See You Again.
One Fine Day.

05-29-2006, 11:29 PM
What a touching story.

Now there are two new little ones to make years of memories for Patty and her family.

*ABYCAT* Alice
05-31-2006, 01:02 AM
What an amazing story of two beautiful cats. Fantastic he stayed and waited for her in the backyard.
I’m glad they found two new kittens.