View Full Version : Advice needed

05-28-2006, 08:54 PM
Sammy and Molli used to occasionally fight and they mostly got along. Now they fight at least twice a day and I have to break them up and I get bitten. It's usually over toys. It's really stressful for me and I don't know why they won't just get along! :( Why do you think they do this and how should I break them up so I don't get bitten?

05-28-2006, 09:06 PM
Probably for now i would take away all toys away from both of them.Thats what i have to do when Kodie gets protective of his ropes :rolleyes: .I'm not sure what else would help them though,i'm sure someone has much better advice for you.

05-28-2006, 09:08 PM
almost all dogs have little scuffles. just to proove who's the dominant one. the rare occation that my dogs fight i grab a back leg or tail. that's too keep away from the mouth. after i get the dogs apart. i take away whatever they are fighting over.

05-28-2006, 09:09 PM
I agree with sammy101. You could use spray bottles when they start fighting. (it doesn't hurt them) or you can just keep them seperate when they have their toys. :) Good luck!

05-28-2006, 09:32 PM
Thanks for the replies. I suppose I could try a spray bottle. Would a can filled with pennies work? Sam has to have toys all the time because for some reason he is acting like he's teething. (he's almost 10 months) He chews on EVERYTHING. :rolleyes:

05-29-2006, 10:46 AM
This morning while we were sleeping they got in another fight. :rolleyes: Then my mom woke up and went down stairs to find Sam had ripped up her sandals. She held the shoe in front of Sam and yelled at him! I was so angry at her for it. I told her that it wasn't his fault, she shouldn't have left her shoes down there. I tried to make her understand he doesn't know any better and when she yells at him he doesn't understand! She told me to be quiet. :mad:

05-29-2006, 10:59 AM
It doesn't sound like there is a pack order. Luka and Mandy used to fight but they have finally established a pack order and quit. We haven't had a fight in almost 6 months. Sometimes people reccomend to let them fight unless if they are clearly hurting each other. We didn't let Mandy and Luka fight because Luka is much, much stronger and could have seriously injured Mandy. Mandy did lose two teeth in one fight, even though we stopped it really fast.

I would do the can with pennies over the water bottle. To break up a fight without getting hurt grab one of the dogs' back legs and pull them up into the air.

As I'm typing Mandy is growling at Nova for trying to step over her, but there is no fighting because Mandy is top dog and the other three know it.

05-29-2006, 11:14 AM
So should I let them fight? Even though Sam is 15 pounds bigger then Molli?