View Full Version : Thank you Veterans!!!

05-27-2006, 11:58 AM
I just want to take a few minutes to thank all the Veterans, past and current who have risked everything for our country.

No matter what views you have on war, our service men and women are doing what their country asks of them and risking everything. A lot of them gave everything they had: their lives for our country.



Please feel free to post pictures of your loved ones who are or were Veterans.

Here's my dad and his father!
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/th_Dad.jpg (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/Dad.jpg)
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/th_AlfredHedges.jpg (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/AlfredHedges.jpg)

Lady's Human
05-27-2006, 01:04 PM
One of these days I'm going to create a montage of the Sgts Peterson. I'm 1400 miles away from the scanner, and the pics of dad, my great uncle, and others in the family who served or are serving are another 300 miles from that.

05-27-2006, 01:20 PM
This is a beautiful post, Connie. Great idea!

A whole-hearted THANK YOU to all who have served our country.

05-27-2006, 02:32 PM
Wonderful Idea!! I totally agree!! Thank You!!! :D

05-27-2006, 05:23 PM
One of these days I'm going to create a montage of the Sgts Peterson. I'm 1400 miles away from the scanner, and the pics of dad, my great uncle, and others in the family who served or are serving are another 300 miles from that.
I'd love to have a scanner. The pic of my Dad was scanned in by a friend a long time ago. The one of my grandfather is a digi pic of a pic. What a difference, eh? :D

I probably couldn't figure out a scanner though, but then, that's what I thought about my computer and digi camera. :D

05-27-2006, 06:35 PM
THANK YOU to all veterans.

05-27-2006, 06:54 PM
Heres my dad Bob Kager In the korean war.

05-27-2006, 08:00 PM
Corinna, those are great pictures. I love the close up of your dad. :D

05-27-2006, 11:47 PM


Thank you Connie, for starting this thread.

05-28-2006, 12:17 AM
Thank you Veterans. Here is a picture of my father. I believe this is from the korean war, I should have paid more attention to his war stories, they undoubtedly would fascinate me now. I still have this uniform in my husbands closet.


edit size

05-28-2006, 01:06 AM
I totally agree as well! My political views have nothing to do with how I feel about our veterans and servicepersons.
My darn scanner isn't working. Now I can't gloat and show off my hotsy-totsy dad in his Army uniform, or shirtless in the jungles of Panama! He looked so yummy handsome then (and til the end)

05-28-2006, 01:37 AM
What a wonderful person you are to think of this! I agree, Thank you Veterans for all you have done to keep our country free!!!

05-28-2006, 08:06 AM
Good idea!
Lots of military in our family - My dad was a Navy PT boatman. Also have a brother and several uncles & cousins (male & female) who served in the Navy. My hubby is an ex-marine, his dad was Army, and his nephew just returned from 3 tours in Iraq as a special forces Marine.

05-28-2006, 08:36 AM
my dad's a veteran :)

05-28-2006, 08:46 AM
This is a truley beautiful thread.

I also want to say:
Thanks you for risking everything for your country.

05-28-2006, 09:12 AM
I agree, also, that despite my veiws on the war, I'm still thankful for those that have risked/gave their lives for this country.
We have had alot of our family in wars, though none of my imediate family (though my mum had planned to join when she was younger, and my dad didn't have well enough eyesight to join). I know for sure that both of my grandfathers were in a war... and one took ammunition to the front line, and the other worked on the ships (something to do with translating morse code).
Thats my grandfather from my mum's side.
Neither of my grandfathers died while in the war, though they died before I was born, I'm still proud to say that my family had a part in the war. My father still has his dad's uniform, and if its in good enough shape, it will probably be donated to the new museam in town.
So, Thank you all Veterans!! ^__^

05-28-2006, 09:33 AM

Our family is military as far back as I know. My dad served in WWII in the USAF and FIL served in USN. Hubby served in the USAF in Vietnam and Desert Storm 1. My brother served in Desert Storm. SIL is serving right now in the USAF.

Both hubby and I grew up in military families, and it is all we have ever known - always moving around the country and often separated from our servicemember family. Since I also married a servicemember, my kids grew up military. Now, daughter Missy is also married to military. They just had a separation while her hubby served in Iraq.

It is a good life and we are all very proud of our miltary men and women.

Below are pictures of hubby and of his father.

05-28-2006, 11:14 AM
My dad was a Veteran, too. I'll have to get a pic scanned so I can put it here. I am so thankful to those both past and present that have insured our freedom. So many people abuse and take that for granted. They just don't realise that our freedom is a great treasure.
My Brian is also a Veteran and here's a pic he sent to me. He really loves his country and spends a lot of his personal time helping Veterans and even some that are in the service now. He likes to joke about me collecting antiques :D He was and still is a very handsome man.
So, thanks to all who have helped keep this our country great. You are so appreciated. Great thread!

05-28-2006, 11:29 AM
Thank you Veterans. Here is a picture of my father. I believe this is from the korean war, I should have paid more attention to his war stories, they undoubtedly would fascinate me now. I still have this uniform in my husbands closet.


edit sizeFor some reason your picture isn't showing up. I think it has something to do with the edit size. Maybe it needs in [] ??? or something.

We would love to see his picture if you can figure out why it's not showing up. I'm sure I have no clue myself. ;)

I love all the pictures. It's nice to put faces to the ones who are/have served our country. Sometimes we forget veterians are real people with real families. This brings them all close again. :D

05-28-2006, 11:40 AM
My dad was a Veteran, too. I'll have to get a pic scanned so I can put it here. I am so thankful to those both past and present that have insured our freedom. So many people abuse and take that for granted. They just don't realise that our freedom is a great treasure.
My Brian is also a Veteran and here's a pic he sent to me. He really loves his country and spends a lot of his personal time helping Veterans and even some that are in the service now. He likes to joke about me collecting antiques :D He was and still is a very handsome man.
So, thanks to all who have helped keep this our country great. You are so appreciated. Great thread!

Thank You sweetie.

I'll remember those Brothers and Sisters
who's name are on the Wall,
and all others from the other wars.

05-28-2006, 11:40 AM
For me his picture showes up huge and I tried for an hour last night to make it smaller...is everyone not seeing it just me??? That is so strange...

05-28-2006, 11:41 AM
I will attach the pic since the other one is having problems

05-28-2006, 11:42 AM
For me his picture showes up huge and I tried for an hour last night to make it smaller...is everyone not seeing it just me??? That is so strange...
Not showing up for me but when I quoted you earlier, the code is there. I have no idea why it's not showing up.

Can anyone help us? :(

05-28-2006, 11:45 AM
I even see it huge in your quote??

05-28-2006, 11:45 AM
I will attach the pic since the other one is having problems
There he is!!!
WOW! that was worth the wait. What a handsome fellow he is!
Thanks for sharing !!! :D

05-28-2006, 11:45 AM
MOFF, I attached it above...see if you can see that one?

edit...I see you see it and thank you, he was a handsome man. He had alzheimers for the last 7-10 years of his life. He was a good man and I miss him.

05-28-2006, 11:46 AM
I even see it huge in your quote??
Nope not there. Maybe my computer is going nuts. I did see the thumbnail and it opened fine. Again, well worth the wait!!!

My dad had that too! I really feel your pain and loss. He was my best friend. :)

05-28-2006, 12:27 PM
Just so you know, I can see the thumbnail and can enlarge it just fine.

Yes indeed, he was truly a very handsome man. Alzheimers! - That makes me so sad for both of you.

05-28-2006, 12:35 PM
Gini, can you see the picture in my first post? I just don't get why I see it and others dont.

Yes alzheimers is a very sad disease. My Dad was an immaculate record keeper. He kept extensive records of maintenance to the cars and the motorhome. When he couldn't remember who I was it broke my heart. There was one part that looking back I can smile a bit about, every morning he would tell my mom "we really ought to get married, its not right us not being married" They were married for 40+ years, he thought they were livin in sin I guess.

05-28-2006, 12:53 PM
No, I can't see the picture in your first post - only the thumbnail that I can enlarge. I went back to your properties to see if I could understand the problem and I fooled around with it too - but couldn't bring it up properly.

My own dad didn't have alzheimers but dimentia. It saddened me so much to see him like that. But he always knew who I was. He lived in the past a lot, so I would just go along with it. It just seemed to be the final insult in life - and I will never understand why it needs to be that way.

05-28-2006, 12:57 PM
I don't understand it either Gini, thankfully my father never got mean, that is one thing that can happen with alzheimers. I remember at the beginning him saying "what the hell is happening to me" that was really sad.

05-28-2006, 07:14 PM
My step mom put my dad in a nursing home that was supposed to be secure. He managed to get out - twice! Once he just walked onto the elevator with a group of visitors. He was wearing street clothes and they just thought he was a visitor too.

The second time, he got out because he had watched the staff punch in the code that opened the door to the stair way. It was our zip code. Well, he wasn't as dumb as they though. He just punched the number in and got out. He managed to walk several miles to the motel where my step mom worked. She was sure surprised to find him in the lobby waiting for her!!!

Bless his heart; he had made it half way home!!!

One of the hardest things for him was having to stop driving. He loved cars and was the best shade tree mechanic I've ever seen. He always asked where my car was parked. I kept my keys safely in my pocket just in case.

I really miss him on Memorial Weekend. We always watched the Indy 500 together. Even when he was in the nursing home, I would go watch it with him. I don't think he realized which race it was by then but he still loved watching the cars. :)

05-28-2006, 10:15 PM
Great thread! THANK YOU to all the Veterans

I'd also like to thank my brother who served in Iraq three times.

05-28-2006, 11:52 PM
Thank you to all those vets and families missing them not home becouse of being deploed. I had an cousin in the army but I can't find the picture right now. He develped MS after his serving in the first gulf war. Mom has been working with him in the aqua therapy to get him walking again. Thanks James!!

smokey the elder
05-29-2006, 08:11 AM
Many thanks to all the veterans, past, present and future, and looking forward to a day where they will not be needed.

05-29-2006, 10:27 AM
I've been looking at this thread for a couple days now trying to come up with the right words to say. Today is Memorial Day for you folks and I see that many of you have had family members connected to the service in one way or another.

Apparently one of my distant relatives was in the Boer War, but that's all I know. Don't know who it was and Mom can't remember. No other family members have been involved. When I read stories and think about what it must be like to have family abroad, it bring shivers to my spine.

I first want to say how much I admire those who have chosen to go overseas and I thank you for giving me the freedom that I have. To those family members left behind, I can only image how it must be for you.

Even though it is a workday for me, I will take time out to pause, remember, and give thanks.

05-29-2006, 11:04 AM
Thank you MOFF for starting this. So many people look at Memorial Day as just a day off. It is so much more. So many have given so much. My hubby was in the USAF during Vietnam and my brother was also in the USAF during the Korean War. Thank God both are fine and here today. So many families have lost loved ones and I cannot even begin to know how that feels. For those who have served and gone on to their heavenly rewards, to those who have served and are still with us, and even for those yet to serve, I am in awe of your decision to do your part to keep our nation safe and will be grateful always.

06-01-2006, 12:44 AM
There is a wonderful documentary about the soldiers who care for the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier.......

It's a tribute to the men who become members of that detail.

It's an incredible story about men who attempt to join that detail.

It's far beyond duty.....

The TOTUKS is guarded 24/7 by this detail.....

When a storm threatened the area and they asked that detail to stand down because of the weather, the soldiers complained and kept watch over the memorial....