View Full Version : How to keep your cat in the yard

05-25-2006, 10:20 PM

This product is being offered on the Cat of the Day site today.

I was just curious what other cat owners thought of it and if you thought it would work.

I would love to find a way to allow Rascal to go outside but keep him
in the yard.

05-25-2006, 11:56 PM
1. It takes the recreation out of jumping. I would be afraid that kitty would associate jumping with whatever negative affects this has on kitty. Therefore, kitty may never more jump on the bed, the couch, etc. Don't really like that idea.

2. but when she attempts to jump the weight will disturb her balance...this disturbs me alot.

3. Backyard fence should be privacy fence style. Backyard must have no holes in the fence.Well, duh!!! Isn't that a given??? I was going to comment "what is to stop kitty from walking over to the neighbour's place?"

On the upside, dragging a weight around might reduce Rascal's **ahem** fluffiness ???? I think that can be the only benefit. :p :D

Sorry. Just my opinion.

05-26-2006, 12:57 AM

I don't own kitties, as you know, but I must admit that Miss Meow's purchase and setup of her kitty snactuary in the backyard looks mighty impressive!!!

The Pink Kitchen - Kitty Litter (http://www.thepinkkitchen.com/garden/house4.html)

05-26-2006, 07:50 AM
Id rather stick with the harnus and long leash thats connected to my clothsline.That seems to be working fantastic for Felix,he is happy to enjoy the backyard with this teqnique :)

Edwina's Secretary
05-26-2006, 08:46 AM
After watching the video I can think of nothing so much as Igor....dragging around with a ball and chain on his neck! (Notice I have refined my vision.... :rolleyes: )

On the other hand....I have found the harness serves much the same purpose...."keeping them that teensy bit off balance until it becomes habit"

Might be worth a try :D :D

05-26-2006, 08:57 AM
I Truly Cannot See The Found Cats Liking At All Dragging That Around With Them At All.
I Agree With Sarahs Ball And Chain Anology.
That Just Looks Like Something That The Cats Would Hate.
What If A Dog Got Into Your Yard, Your Cat Would Be An Easy Target.
No Thanks.

05-26-2006, 10:05 AM
Thanks for your thoughts. It does seem rather an unnatural item to use on a cat. Rascal, Annie and Emma sit at my back door looking so sad, as though I have them in a prison. As all three were originally feral, to be outdoors is natural for them. But short of building a huge run or screened in area for them, I have been trying to find a solution that would make them happy and keep them safe.

Russian Blue
05-26-2006, 10:29 AM
Oh my, I can just imagine Nakita having this around her neck. Since she's so small I don't think she would have the strength to lift her head. She'd look really peculiar! She would look like she is permanently mooning the world. ;) :D

I say stick with the leash and harness. All cats should be supervised when they are outdoors, whether they are enclosed or not. You never know when one may get stung by an insect or something else happens.

This is another option I came across awhile back:

Purrfect Fence (http://www.purrfectfence.com/prod_acc_gates.asp)

This one is based out of Toronto, but I'm sure you can find them elsewhere (beware...expensive!).

The Cat's Den (http://www.thecatsden.net/)

05-27-2006, 12:54 AM
I have a wroght iron fence so the kitties can walk right through anyway. No privacy fence. I did have a chain link and my last kitty never left the yard. I would tell him to stop when he started to jump the fence and he was so smart he got the idea never to jump over the fence.

I could leave him out in the yard by himself for hours at a time and he would sleep in the bushes and go around the yard getting the smells of everything. Never a problem unless the gate was left open then he would walk out and I had to go find him. That didn't happen much.

Now my two kitties go out but I am supervising them at all times to stay in the yard. If they look like they are about to walk through the fence I go get them fast and bring them back to the patio.

05-27-2006, 06:38 AM
I was surprised seeing the kitties so CALM with those things hanging from their necks. Orion freaks out if I leave a leash dangling for too long. :eek: