View Full Version : Zsa-Zsa's eye

Miss Z
05-25-2006, 12:41 PM
As most of you know, Zsa-Zsa is blind. Whilst she is extremely good at finding her way around the house and garden, she does occasionally bump into things and hurt her face or eyes. She does occasionally get bruised eyes, where she keeps one shut for a while and it will go slightly discoloured, but they do eventually heal up.

She's recently done it again, and she must have done it big style. A few days back, she wouldn't open her eye at all, and it was weeping dreadfully. Not pus or anything like that, but just lots of tears. When she did open it, it was pretty nasty. Her whole iris is a dark blood-red, which contrasts a lot to her other golden coloured eye. I had a close look at her eye, much to her protest even though it did not seem to bother her anymore, and there doesn't appear to be any cuts or abbrasions on the eye. And there's certainly no infection. Now, it's not weeping at all, and Zsa-Zsa is perfectly fine in herself, but still the eye is a terrible blood-red.I would like to take her to the vet to get her checked out, but my mum will not take her unless she shows signs of discomfort, which she clearly isn't doing.

I'm quite worried, she would have had to have really whacked something to hurt herself like she has. Do you think anything else could be responsible for it? I have a horrible feeling that it could be something inside her eye causing this, like a ruptured blood vessel. If anyone has any more info on any of this I'd be grateful to hear it.

05-25-2006, 03:00 PM
Sorry i don't know but
Prayers for Zsa-Zsa.Zippy sends meows and head bumps.

05-25-2006, 03:32 PM
Aw, poor Zsa-Zsa. I am sorry to hear she bumped her eye. I have no advice.... just lots of good wishes and prayers that she is well again soon!

05-27-2006, 06:32 AM
Hmm. I think I'd probably take her in. Spunk, my blind punk, hasn't had anything like that since the herpes that scarred her eyes. I wonder if your baby might've gotten a piece of dust or something in it when she smacked it? She might've badly bruised it, too.

Miss Z
05-27-2006, 07:15 AM
Critters, if it was up to me I would take her to the vets. But unfortunately my mum will not take her unless she shows signs of discomfort. I think my mum doesn't want to pay for a vet if it does turn out she's just bumped it and we could have just let it be anyway. On the plus side, it does seem to be healing up a bit, it's not quite as red as it was now. I don't think there is anything in her eye. But I will tell my mum what you said and see if it works. Thanks everyone.

05-27-2006, 08:53 AM
I know lying isn't good, but if that's what you have to do to get Zsa-Zsa to the vet then do it. I have a feeling it could be a raptured blood cell in her eye because this happened to my friends dog and it turned out a blood cell exploded. Tell your mom you saw her scratching at her eye or something. I know it's not right but Zsa-zsa needs to see a vet. Instead of lying, maybe you can find some information on the condition/illness or whatever it is and prove that she needs to go to the vets. I got some links:

I hope they help! Good luck! :D

Miss Z
05-27-2006, 01:59 PM
Thanks for the sites Alyssa. Earlier today I was looking at the second site you posted. Even though I am worried, I noticed for the first time today that some of the golden is beginning to come back in her eye. She has bumped her eye before and it does take a while to heal, but this one is so much worse. My mum has just gone out to dinner so I will show her this thread tomorrow.

I've had a good look at her eye myself. It did cross my mind that it's a ruptured blood vessell, but I found some pics of that on the internet and it's not really like what she's got. I would post pics but my dad still hasn't uploaded my digital camera software, he just can't be bothered. Dads :rolleyes:

I will try to get her to the vets. Although I'm going to watch her very closely as I think it is healing.

05-27-2006, 05:44 PM
Happy Zsa-Zsa eye is better! :D

05-29-2006, 11:08 PM
Don't you still have the PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) in the UK?
It was available when I lived there 20 or so years ago. They help people with financial issues around regular vet bills, for much lower fees or for free. I'm sure if you went along there on your own with her and explained how your Mum feels, they would at least look to see if it was anything serious that would not heal without intervention. Wear your oldest daggiest jeans and jumper and look really sad, I'm sure they'll help you out! ;)

Miss Z
05-30-2006, 02:49 AM
Don't you still have the PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) in the UK?
It was available when I lived there 20 or so years ago. They help people with financial issues around regular vet bills, for much lower fees or for free. I'm sure if you went along there on your own with her and explained how your Mum feels, they would at least look to see if it was anything serious that would not heal without intervention. Wear your oldest daggiest jeans and jumper and look really sad, I'm sure they'll help you out! ;)

Yes, we still have the PDSA, although I'm not so sure where our nearest centre is. Money's not an issue at all, my mum's just wary of vet bills;) Hope I haven't made it sound like we're poor:p :o

Sorry, I forgot to update this thread, as I updated it on her other accident thread. Zsa-Zsa was taken to the vets and given eye drops. It seems to be healing up quite well and the redness has almost gone. Thanks though for the suggestion. :)

LOL, I've probably grown out of my old jeans by now and wearing jumpers is a definite no-no for me :p ;)