View Full Version : Smelly Kitty!!!! {{HELP!!}}

05-25-2006, 10:45 AM
Here's the deal:

Hobo's urine smells AWFUL. We have the litter box downstairs in the laundry room and the WHOLE basement smells the icky smell of kitty pee. We just switched to Fresh Step litter that says is for MAXIMUM odor control. It helped a little. He's not neutered yet, could that be the problem?? We don't know what to do?? Any ideas? Are we doing something wrong? :confused:

05-25-2006, 10:53 AM
Yes, it's been my experience that the pee of an unneutered male smells alot stronger than that of a neutered male. You will notice a difference once he has had the "snip job." Is he due to go in soon?? Sorry, I've not been keeping up with Cat General so don't know how old he is. :o

05-25-2006, 11:06 AM
Un-neutered cat pee reeks, it's very obvious and travels. It's too strong to cover up with perfumes and the only course is to neuter your cat. If he is creating this type of pee, he's more than ready to be neutered. You will also find that the smell will cling to him if you wait.

05-25-2006, 11:12 AM
He's not neutered yet, could that be the problem??

That's very likely. How old is he?
Maybe the smell is not only coming from the litter box, but from spraying also? I would have him neutered as soon as possible. And to remove the smell, I made good experiences with baking soda.


05-25-2006, 08:45 PM
Thats True As Tubby 2 Used To Stink Out The Place, Now Its Only His Poos That Pu.