View Full Version : Veg.or Vegan????

05-23-2006, 05:11 PM
I think i am going to try to become a veg.but i don't know if i can do it but i will try.I just got a veg.info kit but how healthy is veg life style???vegan is with no milk or chesse right?
P.S.Bri how is veg going for you?Miss z aren't you are veg.?

05-23-2006, 05:16 PM
Being vegetarian is very healthy!! Just like when you eat meat, you need to make the right choices. Being vegan means you don't eat any dairy, either. I was vegan for 1.5 years before I decided to just go back to being vegetarian, since there are a lot of ingredients derived from milk that are in everything, and it's much harder to make sure you're getting proper nutrition.

I'd even venture to say that being vegetarian is healthier than not- you don't have tons of cholesterol or fat in your diet, and you most likely get more fiber- a type of diet that is very healthy! Good luck!!! :D It's great that so many PTer's are going veg!

05-23-2006, 05:34 PM
Been one for 9 days! :D I find it incredibly easy. I mean it's a bit hard watching my mom eat meat, or going into the grocery store and seeing the meat RIGHT there waiting to be eaten, but I know I'm helping, and that this is a much healthier lifestyle. I just act like I know I can't have it, and it works really well. :)

05-23-2006, 05:43 PM
I'm Vegan. Started out just eating Fish, ended up being Vegetarian, then resulted in being Vegan.
Being Vegetarian, is by far, in my opinion, healthier than eating meat. I say go for it! :D People always thought that it would be hard to go Vegetarian (or Vegan in my case), but its not that hard at all. :) You just MUST make sure you get enough protein and all.
Good luck if you do!

05-23-2006, 05:50 PM
In september it will be one year that I have been a veg. I feel so much healthier and when I wasn't a veg I would feel guilty eating meat!!

05-23-2006, 07:49 PM
thanks everone for you help.

05-23-2006, 08:05 PM
Good luck! Just, be sure your diet consists of a lot of vegetables and fruits, and eat plenty of beans/nuts/and tofu if you can stomach it. In best case scenarios, you should see your doctor or a nutritionist.

I actually disagree with vegetarians being healthier. I think most people are equally unhealthy, but some I know just replace meat (which, some lean meats & fish can be very good for you) with potato chips. ALL of the vegetarians that I know who are in high school, except for myself and my friends Grace & Christine, are extremely unhealthy. They eat fries, bread, chips, and pizza with the Pepperoni taken off (ew.) for lunch. I have seriously spoken with all of the vegetarians I know of at school, all of them seem very unhealthy and have even admitted they have low energy, binge, eat tons of sugar and don't work out at all. I feel that most of them are just trying to follow a trend or whatever. I'm doing it for health reasons (and for some moral issues) so it would be pointless for me to do this if I was just going to eat pancakes, pasta and grilled cheese everyday. YEAH, that's what most young vegetarians eat! >_< Eating meat & veggies is much healtheir than that.

05-23-2006, 08:07 PM
Good luck! Just, be sure your diet consists of a lot of vegetables and fruits, and eat plenty of beans/nuts/and tofu if you can stomach it. In best case scenarios, you should see your doctor or a nutritionist.

I actually disagree with vegetarians being healthier. I think most people are equally unhealthy, but some I know just replace meat (which, some lean meats & fish can be very good for you) with potato chips. ALL of the vegetarians that I know who are in high school, except for myself and my friends Grace & Christine, are extremely unhealthy. They eat fries, bread, chips, and pizza with the Pepperoni taken off (ew.) for lunch. I have seriously spoken with all of the vegetarians I know of at school, all of them seem very unhealthy and have even admitted they have low energy, binge, eat tons of sugar and don't work out at all. I feel that most of them are just trying to follow a trend or whatever. I'm doing it for health reasons (and for some moral issues) so it would be pointless for me to do this if I was just going to eat pancakes, pasta and grilled cheese everyday. YEAH, that's what most young vegetarians eat! >_< Eating meat & veggies is much healtheir than that.
Yeah, but people who only eat chips and cheese pizza all the time are not going to eat better eating meat!! They will just go to McDonald's instead...not exactly eat meat & veggies. ;)

05-23-2006, 08:11 PM
Another reason I did this, was so my mom would have to start cooking instead of buying me fast food. I feel like a cow, and I'm trying hard to lose some weight.

05-23-2006, 10:16 PM
I have been vegetarian for 1.5 years now, and I wouldn't have it any other way! I could never go vegan. I am extremely picky. I hate tofu and soy, and I just don't think it would work. I buy organic and free range milk and eggs right now so I feel better about my decision. Usually I cook most of my food from scratch so I don't get a lot of milk and eggs from other sources unless if we eat out, in which case I try to eat vegan, but that isn't always possible. I can't wait until I can live on my own, it will be so much easier to plan meals. At this point I hear a lot of complaining from my dad and brother if I make a vegetarian meal, so I get kicked away from the stove a lot. They like it when I bake though :p

05-24-2006, 12:26 AM
i admit that i eat meats occassionally. however, john and i have vegetarian friends so i have enjoyed preparing meals for them when we entertain. john was shocked how inventive i was and our guests gobbled it all up and didn't get sick! :D john and i eat a lot of tofu, balsami rice, beans, nuts, veggies, fruiits. i do cook chicken or fish for my brother, so john and i do partake if i cook in volume. i know this is hypocritical but i won't touch lamb or veal. there are some really excellent veggie cookbooks out there!

05-24-2006, 10:55 AM
I know i am 100lbs overweight.I am Bi-polar and some of my meds made me eat tons.I even sleep walked eat my parents said.I am now on meds that are good for me mentaly and don't have any pshyical side eftets.It took 4 years and many diff.meds before i found the right ones.I want to eat veggies for my health and to start exercising again.Ever time a did eat meat i fell so bad.So i am going to try this my mom said if it works for me she will try it

05-24-2006, 12:19 PM
It might just mess with your already messed up emotions. I know lack of certain vitamins can make one irratable, many vegans and vegetarians I know are cranky people. So for the sake of yourself and others around you, find other ways to get all of your vitamins and minerals. I'm about to shove a funnel in a friend's mouth and spoon in the meat if she gets any crankier, she wasn't like this before she went vegan.

05-24-2006, 03:01 PM
Thank You all!

05-24-2006, 03:43 PM
What is a Vegan?

05-24-2006, 03:44 PM
What is a Vegan?

I think it is when you don't eat cheese,milk,ect..

05-24-2006, 03:52 PM
What is a Vegan?
When you consume no animal products, use products (cleaning agents, etc.) without animals in them and wear no animal products, or the best you can help it. There are so many products out there that people wouldn't think have animal by-products in them but do, so it can be hard to be completely and totally vegan.

05-24-2006, 03:53 PM
Oh, thanks for telling me.

05-24-2006, 03:57 PM
I tried about 6 months ago to become a vegetarian, and I went a week. But the harassment from my family and friends was too much for me :( Especially from my family, they are huge meat eaters and couldn't understand why I no longer want to eat meat. In the fall I'm going away to college so I will definatley give it another shot then!

Anita Cholaine
05-24-2006, 04:59 PM
I haven't eaten meat for a week now! I'm still eating seafood, so I'm not a 'vegetarian', but I'd like to stop eating it someday too...
It's not so hard for me, since I never liked meat very much, but I feel the pressure from my parents and friends... Everybody eats meat in Argentina, and in really big amounts!

Make sure you eat a big variety of fruits, veggies and beans, and you will be fine ;) (Veggie burgers are really good!) You should also try to get enough iron... Lentils are great for this!

Suki Wingy
05-24-2006, 10:31 PM
Bri, I have the opposite problem. I don't like my food too textury so soy and tofu is like my heaven. If I saw meat sitting in front of me, the longer I stare at it, the more likley I'm NOT going to eat it. I start thinking about gaging on a vein or some springy peace of fat that tasts like rubber *shutter* Chick (soy) patties by morningstar farm are really good, as well as their mini corn soy dogs. Smart Dogs are my fav, you should try them. My parents basically raised us on soy, lean meat, and organic foods. We got Gushers the other day and we all went crazy, "OMG I want one! I want two packets! These are soooooo good!" lol