View Full Version : What am I to do?

05-22-2006, 07:57 PM
Here's my problem: my MIL, BIL (whose 16) and SIL (whose 6..yes 6!) will be here for three weeks in June/July. I currently live in a 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment (app. 1100 square feet) and they will be staying with us. :eek: My cats hate children (when my nephew was here for four days Callie hissed the whole time and she's not normally like that) and of course, do not appreciate being messed with.

The last time the 16 year old was here he threw Whisper on me and the cat freaked out so bad, he ended up scratching me. I still have the scar on my stomach. We normally just leave the cats in the bedroom but since we've moved here they are no longer allowed in my bedroom because I am allergic to them (I have developed asthma since having cats but manage it fairly well if I'm able to limit their access to my bedroom so I can sleep/breathe at night. I also take allergy medication and haven't had any health issues/bronchitis/astham attacks since moving here).

I don't know what to do with the cats. I know if I'm home they won't mess with them but when I'm at work I can't trust the kids to leave them alone. My cats shouldn't have to be stressed out for THREE WEEKS and I was thinking of putting them in the laundry room during the day (to limit access to them) but it's not fair the three of them should be stuck in a little room all day while I'm gone.

I can talk until I'm blue in the face about not picking the cats up, not messing with them, etc. but while I'm gone at work, how do I know the kids can be trusted?

I would never go to someone else's house and treat their animals in an ill manner nor would I allow any children I may have to act like this. ::sigh::

PS. It's not just my husband's family. I was constantly telling my nephew to leave the cats alone. :( :rolleyes:

05-22-2006, 08:01 PM
Um - how did it come to be that they are staying with YOU for three weeks? Even without cats, that's not a lot of space.

Would a motel be an option, even if they stayed only a week?

Explain your allergies, and difficulties with the cats.

Does your husband have any ideas?

This sounds like a family disaster waiting to happen...maybe...


05-22-2006, 08:08 PM
There Would Be No Ifs, Ands Or Buts About It.
I Would Never Tolerate A Situation Where My Cats Could Be Hurt.
Tell Those Freeloaders That You Are Not Going To Put Up With Them For Three Weeks.
Get A Motel.
If They Dont Like You After That, Too Bad.
Your Cats And You Dont Deserve To Be Mistreated.

05-22-2006, 08:48 PM
There Would Be No Ifs, Ands Or Buts About It.
I Would Never Tolerate A Situation Where My Cats Could Be Hurt.
Tell Those Freeloaders That You Are Not Going To Put Up With Them For Three Weeks.
Get A Motel.
If They Dont Like You After That, Too Bad.
Your Cats And You Dont Deserve To Be Mistreated.

I couldn't agree more, your cats and you come first, tell 'em to stay elsewhere.

Laura's Babies
05-22-2006, 09:16 PM
I hate to admit it but that really sounds like the only option open to you. Your house is to small to have 2, 3 week visitors even without the cat issue involved. You all will be tripping all over one another and I agree, your cats should not have to be punished because you have company in the house that can't respect them. Three weeks of that is a disaster waiting to happen and I strongly suspect that it would not last 3 weeks and end on a very sour note.

05-22-2006, 10:10 PM
ITA with Catmandu. This is your house, and your cats - how dare they come in and take over!!

05-23-2006, 04:36 AM
My uncle always said that relatives, like fish, tend to smell after 3 days!

I'd give them a couple of days at your place, then it's time to move on. Three weeks is a LONG time for any family to be thrown together in a small area.

Your cats deserve better.

05-23-2006, 09:07 AM
You know, if they can not afford to rent hotels rooms for three weeks, they can try one of the "long term" rental options. These are designed for business travellers who will be in a location for more than a week or so. They usually provide a little kitchen, living room, and bedrooms. That way everyone has their own space (and their own kitchen)

05-23-2006, 12:17 PM
Like Catty1 said, "3 weeks???????" I'd tell them under no uncertain terms to get a room. No one, and I mean NO ONE screws with my furbabies, family or no family.

I like the way Catmandu put it. Gary, you have SUCH a way with words.