View Full Version : I've Finally Had It!

K & L
05-22-2006, 12:43 PM
Yesterday I finally reached the end. I found spray/urine all over. It took me 2 or more hours to just clean that alone. I finally lost it and put Mouser in the garage/cat run. I was about ready to open the back door and let Leila out, but I held back. I decided to do a test and see if I find anymore urine after Mouser’s been out before I put Leila out. This morning I didn’t find any. We’ll see what happens when I get home today. I figure if it’s Mouser he will just have to be one of the cats that comes in only when we’re around to supervise. The thing that made me lose it was there was spray from one end of my monitor to the other. Our new digital camera has already been ruined, and I just had it. I do feel terrible about changing his “routine” but what else can I do? It’s just getting worse and worse and I’m worn out from cleaning and cleaning.

Speaking of cleaning..we introduced Scooter to the cat run and he loves it. We will put him out there when we’re home and back in his room when we’re not. Once he’s grown and out of the woods for any UTI’s he’ll be able to spend more time out there.

05-22-2006, 12:46 PM
I hope ya'll can find out why he is doing the spray thing and get it fixed. Will keep ya in the prayers!

05-22-2006, 12:48 PM
Sometimes that's all you can do. Don't beat yourself up over it, and you are NOT a horrible person at all. Some cats, pets, animals, just have problems that we can't fix no matter how badly we want to or try to fix them. You've already done more for him so far than others would have done!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-22-2006, 01:12 PM
Eeeeewwww....all over the monitor? I think I'd be a bit upset too.

I don't know....but in my opinion being banished to your cat run isn't too harsh for punishment - I LOVE that cat run and I'm sure Mouser will too. Maybe some of the "big boys" out there will help to put him in his place and stop all that spraying. ;)

05-22-2006, 01:36 PM
Oh Lisa, I am so sorry that you are still having this problem.

You did what you had to do and like Debbie said, being put out in the cat run is no punishment at all. I'm sure Mouser will probably enjoy it out there also.

You have gone way beyond the call of duty for these cats. At least you didn't do what many people would have done (and I don't mean anyone on here) and that is just throw him outside. A person can only take just so much, before they've had enough. My heart goes out to you and I pray that this solution will be the end of your problems.


05-22-2006, 01:38 PM
Mouser- that is really too nawtee!

Lisa, we are all with you in that decision.

05-22-2006, 02:11 PM
Oh, I understand the problem way more than you know. It drives me right up the wall - after I get up off my hands and knees from cleaning.

All over the monitor?? That would be more than enough for me.

Laura's Babies
05-22-2006, 02:17 PM
That may have been what he wanted all the time anyway! If that cat run is as nice as everyone says, what cat wouldn't want to be out there 24/7?

K & L
05-22-2006, 02:18 PM
It's a good thing I don't have carpeting. I can only imagine what the house would smell like. He seems to be adjusting well in the short time he's been out there. I can tell he misses us and we have made special efforts to go out and pet him more. I have to admit I miss his antics in the house. Now we'll see if Miss Leila does any of her peeing. If so, it may be the cat run and garage for her also. I'm trying to talk Kevin into extending the run, so we'll see what happens.

05-22-2006, 03:03 PM
Tubby 2 Will Spray Once In A While But S Far Its In The Basement.
I Dont Know What I Wiuld Do Ih He Sprayed On The Computer.
I Know It Hurts But You Cant Have Him Ruining Your House.
One Sprayed A Smell Is So Hard To Get Rid Of Totally.
We Are Praying That Theres A Solution.

05-22-2006, 04:04 PM
There has to come a point where we break and shift them into less cozy living conditions because we are sane people (ignoring the opinions of non-PT people). It makes you writhe with guilt, no matter that their conditions are still many times better than most cats in this world, because you want to offer them the best, but their behavior won't allow it. So, guilt and frustration are what we live with, and the glimmer of hope that things will somehow change as they age.

I had to make the same kind of choice this weekend with Macduff and it breaks my heart, but the destruction was too great and on top of what Tom had destroyed, and much more than I could afford.

K & L
05-22-2006, 07:23 PM
This is the first time in months I've come home and didn't have pee to clean-up. I'm not getting my hopes up totally that the problem may be solved, but this is a good start. He's out there meowing wanting inside and it does break my heart. I had to do this with Bentley and now he doesn't even want to come inside. Why do they have to do what comes naturally? ;) They should know a good thing when they have it! :)

05-22-2006, 08:46 PM
Sounds like your cat run is a great place. The cats are safe and they can do the things that are part of being a territorial predator without harming their human's home. Some cats "get" human rules and some just don't. It sounds like the best possible compromise. It is hard that he cries for inside time, but his behavior inside was "crying" for freedom to be free to act out his needs too. In my opinion you have given him a really great gift.

05-23-2006, 02:12 AM
you all in my prayers, lucks for whatever you will figure out! I absolutely feel your frustration, they can't speak, you can't scold. I'm curious if leila have stopped..

(((gentle hug)))

(p.s. amelia and brock hasn't come back at all).. :(

05-23-2006, 05:09 AM
Everyone has their breaking point. To keep us sane, sometimes we need to think of ourselves over others. And putting Mouser in the cat run is certainly NOT an inhumane thing to do. It will soon become his HOME and he will still have the beneifts of both of you visiting.

Good luck with Leila.

K & L
05-23-2006, 07:32 AM
Thanks Everyone!
Day 2 and NO pee! Keep your fingers crossed the trend keeps going.

05-23-2006, 08:20 AM
Fingers crossed and good thoughts being sent to all that have even THOUGHT about spraying in your house! That is a defintie No-No! ;)

Hope the no pee trend continues!

Laura's Babies
05-23-2006, 08:21 AM
He may eventually outgrow that or something clicks in his head and he stops on his own where you can let him back inside. Putting him outside in a safe cat run is a lot better than what some people do with a cat that has a problem like that.. I have to commend you for caring enough not to toss him out on the streets.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-23-2006, 09:20 AM
Thanks Everyone!
Day 2 and NO pee! Keep your fingers crossed the trend keeps going.
Woo hooo!!!!! :D

05-23-2006, 09:35 AM
Lisa - am am sooo with you on this - I can feel your frustration.

Two days with NO PEE - sounds good!!

05-23-2006, 11:51 AM
Lisa, I'm just know reading this and I'm sorry to hear that you've been having more spraying and peeing problems.:( Both you and Kevin care so much about your cats so please try not to feel guilty. Mouser is still young and will adjust to his new routine. I'm glad to hear that so far the spraying has stopped. Good luck.:)