View Full Version : Gggggrrrrrrrrrrrr ( Pics Added)

05-22-2006, 08:38 AM
the neighbor across the road her dog's got loose and we caught them and gave them some food and water these poor baby's were starving and thirsty as h#ll i felt so bad putting them back in their pin...

I gave them some Xtra food for over t here in the pen

they NEVER get attention or go for walks.. they are not FIXED

I took some pic's of them while they were in our yard and i am gonna call AC when they are open

05-22-2006, 10:36 AM
Poor baby, I am sure glad you helped her!

05-22-2006, 01:52 PM
Aw poor baby! Im so glad you saved him. Keep us updatesd. :D

05-22-2006, 01:54 PM
I was just gonna say, call AC!!!

I hope those poor babies get the attention and care they deserve! Thank God for people like you looking out for them!

05-22-2006, 02:36 PM
Well they took the dog's away and they are gonna get vetted and fixed (FINALLY) and they are gonna work on potty training them and they will go to new home's.. i felt so bad but i could not let it go on any longer and the lady is po'd at me but i could give a rat's butt less...

05-22-2006, 02:42 PM
Oh, good! And good for you! Don't feel bad at all; its for the best, and you saved those pups from a bad situation and are giving them a second chance!

05-22-2006, 03:15 PM
Oh, good! And good for you! Don't feel bad at all; its for the best, and you saved those pups from a bad situation and are giving them a second chance!

Yea i know that but i wish that i could of kept them but there is no way in heck i could..

they are good dog's they do have a couple small issiuse`S but those are easily fixed but they are soo cute.. here are some of the pic's of them that i took this morning








I don't know why you can't tell how skinny they really are that is why i gotta get a new camera

but they look WAY Skinnier in person

05-22-2006, 03:23 PM
This picture shows it all too well!:(

Yea i know whenever they got out they ALWAY come over here cause they know they would get some food and treats and some petting and attention...

but now they are gone from there and on to bigger and better places :)

05-22-2006, 04:47 PM
OMG they are SO unbeliviby pretty!!!

How can someone not pay attention to them! I'd be in trouble for not leaving them

05-22-2006, 05:05 PM
OMG they are SO unbeliviby pretty!!!

How can someone not pay attention to them! I'd be in trouble for not leaving them

yea i know they are beauitful and i told that lady time and time b4 if she needs someone to take them for walks and what not i would be willing to do that for nothing and what not but she never took me up on it :(

05-22-2006, 05:17 PM
What breed are they? They are way to skinny. Would you be able to adopt them if they were adoptable?

05-22-2006, 05:18 PM
What breed are they? They are way to skinny. Would you be able to adopt them if they were adoptable?

i can't adopt i have my limit and then some

they are weinerymer mix (mispelled)

05-22-2006, 05:22 PM
Good for you! :D And don't feel bad about calling AC on them, those dogs deserve way better than what they were getting, and you did a very admirable thing.
They sure are adorable! Their coloring reminds me of a Weimaraner, sooo pretty.

05-22-2006, 05:24 PM
Good for you! :D And don't feel bad about calling AC on them, those dogs deserve way better than what they were getting, and you did a very admirable thing.
They sure are adorable! Their coloring reminds me of a Weimaraner, sooo pretty.

that is w hat they are mix with they also have some lab in them too

05-22-2006, 05:26 PM
Some people do not deserve the love a pet gives them. How they can do that to those gorgous dogs is beyond me. :( :mad:

They are so pretty! I'm very glad you stood up and did something about it! They will go to a loving family now and get all the attention and care they need. :)

05-22-2006, 07:06 PM
That poor poor dog. I'm so glad that AC came to pick him up. Why is the owner pissed off at you if she never gave the dog attention? I bet that maybe she thinks she'll have to pay a fine or press charges, which she deserves. He's so beautiful and handsome! I hope he gets the home he truley deserves. Look at how skinny he is! :eek: Gosh, poor guy. And in the picture it looks like he's scarfing down the food.

I'm not trying to be rude here, but I'm glad you can't adopt him. I mean you are a wonderful dog owner and all, but I think the neighbor will demand him back or something even worse if she knew you had him. I wish him luck!

05-22-2006, 07:17 PM
She is sure beautiful, I don't see how anyone could abuse her, nevertheless any dog... :(

I'm glad you helped her out though! That was very nice of you.

05-22-2006, 08:27 PM
That is terrible! I would give the nieghbors a piece of my mind if I were you. >_<

I can tell from the protruding vertebrae/hips that they really are thin! There is also obvious hairloss going on. Poor pups, they're lucky they have you as a nieghbor. Good for you for calling AC!

05-22-2006, 10:46 PM
That poor poor dog. I'm so glad that AC came to pick him up. Why is the owner pissed off at you if she never gave the dog attention? I bet that maybe she thinks she'll have to pay a fine or press charges, which she deserves. He's so beautiful and handsome! I hope he gets the home he truley deserves. Look at how skinny he is! :eek: Gosh, poor guy. And in the picture it looks like he's scarfing down the food.

I'm not trying to be rude here, but I'm glad you can't adopt him. I mean you are a wonderful dog owner and all, but I think the neighbor will demand him back or something even worse if she knew you had him. I wish him luck!
cause she know's that i am the one who called them and she thinks i am nosey person and i have told her i don't care who the heck you are if i see an abused animal i am gonna make sure there is something done about it and if ya don't like it then kiss it where the sun doesn't shine...

Yea they were scarfing down that food they were sooo hungrey and those bowls that were in the pic's they slurped down that water we put in there like crazy.. :(

05-22-2006, 11:09 PM
Good for you! You did a great job! :D