View Full Version : Need advice please!

05-21-2006, 08:20 PM
Hey there!

I have a question about what I should do with my kitty. It is a very long story but basically I am going to be moving soon and about a month before I move I will be traveling all over the US.

My parents are going their summer home for the whole summer and offered to take my kitty with them so he has some stability by being in one place. My problem is that my little bugar is SOO attatched to me, more than any other cat I have ever seen. He follows me from room to room, always has to be in my lap, always watching me. In the morning when I wake up he is curled up by the outside of my door waiting for me.

With this kind of personality is he better off in the one place for the summer? Or better off traveling everywhere with me?

If he were to go with my parents we would be separated for a month. I am worried that our relationship will change and he won't remember me.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Thank you :)

05-21-2006, 08:21 PM
How does he do in his carrier? In the car? If he hates car rides, he'd be better off staying with your parents. I guarantee he will not forget you.

05-21-2006, 08:44 PM
How does he do in his carrier? In the car? If he hates car rides, he'd be better off staying with your parents. I guarantee he will not forget you.

I agree with Karen. If he does ok with car rides and everything, he should be ok with you. He won't forget you if you bring him to your parents. If he's that attatched he will never forget you I'm sure.

05-21-2006, 09:02 PM
Hey thanks for replying so quickly! He does fine in car rides. He usually just sits in my lap the whole time. But, if you think he won't forget me then he's probably better off in one place. It's my fears that he'll forget me that make me want to take him with me so much.

I would be driving over 5,000 miles and I'm sure if he could talk he would say, "nooo!"

05-21-2006, 09:10 PM
Oh boy, 5000 mile trip? Wow, I know my guys would be singing a very loud song the whole way!

If he's ok with your parents and they're willing to take him on while you explore the country then I'd leave him with them. He'll be happy tosee you home. He might give you the cold shoulder for a few days as "punishment" so remember to return with lots of goodies (FOOD!) to help him forgive you faster.

05-21-2006, 09:48 PM
Haha, thank you. I will stock up on some treats for him.

Yes, dreading the miles! A trip out to CA and back. Probably will be much easier without kitty yelling at me!

Thanks again for helping me with decision!

05-21-2006, 10:14 PM
I'd leave him with your parents where he'll be safe.

I left my lover boy RB Fritz for two months with my parents when I did my college internship. He was my baby!

When I got back he punished me by ignoring me...for a whole day! :p

On the other hand, my parents later were traveling with their cat across country and he almost escaped at a rest stop when he had enough...

05-21-2006, 10:27 PM
I was going to say that it would be safer for your kitty to stay with your parents and I'm glad that you decided to do that.

Yes, he will be a little ticked off with you at first, but then he will be his loveable self again, if not more so, once he forgives you. Don't worry, he will not forget you. :)

What kind of kitty do you have and how old is he?

05-21-2006, 11:13 PM
Well, I hope he doesn't stay mad at me for too long! Maybe after all the hugs and kisses he'll forgive.

He's about 7 months old. He's a Siamese. I didn't know a whole lot about the breed before I got him, but I'm learning very quickly that they are so peculiar and needy! (I don't mind though :) )

05-22-2006, 12:06 AM
Oh he is absolutely gorgeous. :) What's his name?

05-22-2006, 12:14 AM
It's Tom :)

I see your puppy is outnumbered by many kitties! How does he/she like being surrounded? Does he/she get beaten up a lot? :D You must have so much fun with all those kitties! I would have 10 if I could, haha!

05-22-2006, 12:22 AM
My son also has a cat named Tom. :)

Yes my Buddy is out numbered by the cats, but he loves them as much as they love him. They never really jumped on him, they just rub up against him and give him headbumpies.

By the way, Welcome to Pet Talk and I hope you are able to stick around and show more pictures of your beautiful Tom. :)

05-22-2006, 01:31 PM
My cat and I are very closely bonded. My house (in South FL) was messed up from the hurricanes and was vacant and under construction for a long time. I was living with my Mom (no cats allowed) and my cat was living in another city and I would come and visit with him on weekends. The longest we were separated was 3 weeks. Now we are back together and happy as ever. He was well taken care of but we are both happiest with each other.

It sounds funny, but when you call to check up on him, have your parents bring the phone over and give him some praise, so he'll know you are thinking about him.

It will be OK!