View Full Version : Operation Pill Ripley

05-21-2006, 02:15 PM
I found a trick that worked for today. I slipped Ripley a valium with a glob of peanut butter. It worked, hooray!

About an hour later when he was nice and mellow I wrapped him up like a baby in a towel and held him in my lap for a bit. Once he was almost asleep I handed him to hubby and then I used the pill shooter to get the antibiotic down his throat. Success!!!

I then took the baby back and held him for for a while until he wanted to get down and eat.

Picture of the baby.

Now he is in the cat tree being nice and mellow.

Okay that worked for one pill. Now I just have to figure something out for twice a day for 10 days. :rolleyes:

05-21-2006, 03:53 PM
The One Thing That Works Here Is To Dip The Pill In Fancy Feast Juice.
Miquelito Ate His Pills Right Up.

Laura's Babies
05-21-2006, 04:14 PM
It took 3 treats to get Giz's heart meds in her last night but it was a big one and I chopped it into smaller pieces.. She will take the small ones with no problem along with her treat but the big ones, she spits right back out..

Glad you found a way to get Ripley's pill in him without stressing him and lets hope it works until he is done!! A Mama gotta do what a Mama gotta do!

05-21-2006, 04:42 PM
Excellent news!!!!!!!!!

The one thing you might be able to count on is that they (sometimes) fight less with time.

When I first started giving Sterling his twoce daily pills, it was a struggle. So much that I tried an ear cream and a treat form (neither of which worked for him) So it was back to pill. And over time he got VERY used to it.

05-21-2006, 10:43 PM
Oh Lori, what a sweet picture of you and your baby Ripley. :)

Obviously you can't keep giving him the valium every time.

If you crushed the pill up in something, would it still serve it's purpose?

05-21-2006, 10:49 PM
Poor Riupley -- look how sweet he seems there (we all know the truth behind that sweet looking pose!)

Good luck finding 20 more ways to trick him into accepting his pills!

05-22-2006, 10:42 AM
I am not sure what you are giving him, but I am currently giving one of my guys Metronidazole (the really yucky tasting foaming at the mouth antibiotic). I got the liquid form and it is sooooooo much easier than a pill. I still have to do the burrito and he still fights me all the way. But at least he can't spit the pill out when I am finished! I also give him treats immediately afterwards to get rid of the yucky taste (and because I am a soft touch :rolleyes: )

05-22-2006, 10:59 AM
I am not sure what you are giving him, but I am currently giving one of my guys Metronidazole (the really yucky tasting foaming at the mouth antibiotic). I got the liquid form and it is sooooooo much easier than a pill. I still have to do the burrito and he still fights me all the way. But at least he can't spit the pill out when I am finished! I also give him treats immediately afterwards to get rid of the yucky taste (and because I am a soft touch :rolleyes: )
That is what I am giving him and he hates the taste. I spoke to the vet this morning and she is getting the liquid ready for me this afternoon. She said it has a cherry taste. I asked why not tuna or chicken?? Makes more sense to me. Anyway, I hope the liquid will go down easier.

05-22-2006, 11:28 AM
One down, 19 to go! :eek: I AM glad you managed to get the one down, but we can't have you turn him into a drug addict .... so I hope he'll take the rest with no problems - now that he knows it's not such a big deal. ;)

Good luck!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-22-2006, 11:30 AM
Awww....poor Ripley. :( And poor you!

I'm glad you were able to get him medicated this time and hope he'll continue to cooperate - poor guy.

Peanut is a piece of cake to pill. The last time she had a UTI, the vet gave me the liquid form and we had pink stuff everywhere except in her tummy. :rolleyes: :( I finally got the pill form again and that worked much much much better....but like I say, she's easy to pill.

05-22-2006, 12:03 PM
They can make it have a chicken flavour (or at least my vet does). The one good thing is that the dose is very small (0.75ml) versus 2.0mls for amoxicillin. So you are fighting for a much shorter length of time ;)

I have also found that a sweatshirt makes a better burrito than a towel does...

Good luck!

06-06-2006, 06:12 AM
So how is Ripley??

06-06-2006, 09:03 AM
The picture of meowmie and baby Ripley is just adorable :) (Lori - you look so tiny, like a teenager ;) )

I hope the medicating is going well. I also think - how odd to make medicine for a kitty taste like - cherry?? Can't they make it good and stinky like with fish oil or something??