View Full Version : Advantage?

05-20-2006, 09:20 PM
I have a question about Advantage(for fleas). Piddle & Wiggles went to the groomers yesterday. The groomer was telling me that a dog someone else had brought in had two fleas(yes, two), so she had to give all the dogs a flea bath. She was so angry(and rude), with ME, that I questioned ever bringing our dogs back there.

Anyway I told her mine did not need flea baths. That I would be putting Advantage on them that night, as I do every month. She told me that she doesn't "agree" with people who POISON their dogs just to prevent fleas :eek:. I've never heard anything like that before, so I asked her what she meant. She kept telling me that it was "just her", and wasn't giving me any reason(s) at all.

Is Advantage safe? We've used it for a while without problems, but after that I had to ask for opinions.


05-20-2006, 09:26 PM
In my opinion I would rather use Advantage or Frontline (which is what I use) and not give a bath with flea shampoo that contains pyrethrins.
It sounds like the person is over reacting anyway. Why should every dog get a bath because one dog had two fleas?
If the groomer made you feel uncomfortable, I would find a new one.

05-20-2006, 09:32 PM
While I do not agree with the way the groomer handed herself, I do agree that it is poison. It says right on the package that your skin should not come in contact with it, so why should your dogs? Even down here in Florida I haven't had a problem with fleas after taking them off of preventatives. And if I did, I would give them some garlic to repel fleas instead.

05-20-2006, 09:51 PM
While I do not agree with the way the groomer handed herself, I do agree that it is poison. It says right on the package that your skin should not come in contact with it, so why should your dogs? Even down here in Florida I haven't had a problem with fleas after taking them off of preventatives. And if I did, I would give them some garlic to repel fleas instead.

Do you agree with a flea bath that the groomer wanted to give?

DL, I also wanted to mention, you should wait a couple days to administer the advantage after the dog gets a bath. The topicals use the oils in the skin to distribute the flea preventative. After a bath the oils in the dogs skin are somewhat depleted. So to get the full protection, you should wait a couple days. :)

05-20-2006, 11:21 PM
i've never heard of it being "poison". i think the groomer was way out of hand.

i also don't like the way the box says not to come in contact with it, but our dogs can. dog's have even more sensitive skin then we do. i use to use Bio-Spot on my dogs, but now i just give them garlic. i don't use flea/tick shampoo on my dogs. unless i have a rescue that needs it. i don't see i need for it if your dogs are correctly protected in some other form.

05-21-2006, 06:43 AM
I am glad you stopped using Bio Spot. :)
There are really sooooooooo many reactions to that. I wouldn't use that on
my dogs either.
Just google it, there are so many sad stories.

05-21-2006, 09:27 AM
The flea shampoo is more poisonous. Autumn had ONE flea on her the other day after our walk. It was right on the edge of a hair, must have hopped onto her. I picked it off and smooshed it.

05-21-2006, 11:38 AM
Thanks for the input, all.

I know the Advantage says it should not come in contact with your skin, but it has been on my skin many times before. It didn't bother/harm me. Does anyone know *how* it is poisonous, what it does?

That being said, I would like to use something which is 100% safe. I have tried Sentinel before(the tablets for fleas/worms). Is that more safe?

Thanks again guys