View Full Version : New bettas, until tomorrow

05-20-2006, 08:33 PM
I was at petsmart and was drawn in by the bettas. I picked out two juvinile girls. But unfortunately they go back tomorrow. I wasn't worried about my big bully girl picking on them because she puts up with younger fish good so I put em in and stood guard. Here the little ones are so aggressive they even go after a fish three times bigger than they are. All they did was fight and bite so I had to put them back in their cups. I'm gonna suggest that petsmart get a community tank started so that one can find peaceful females with ease. When they find aggressive girls they can cup them. Maybe I'll try some new ones out tomorrow.
BTW, I did some online customer complaint thing with walmart about their bettas and am waiting for a reply.

05-21-2006, 08:16 AM
Too bad the two new girls didn't work out, I think it would be a good idea for Petsmart (and Petco, too) to start community tanks, thats how our petstore in town has their females.
And I'm glad you sent a complaint to Wal-mart^^ You're on your way to helping the bettas! :D

05-21-2006, 09:16 AM
I might keep the little blue one, she seems a little better on her own, but the green one swam around the tank with her gills displayed and her mouth wide open biting at everyone. I double checked to make sure it wasn't a juvie male. Petsmart used to have most of the bettas in dividers in the tanks, but I guess they sell so fast now they have them in cups again. They've got nice deep cups so that even though they aren't as big around, the fish still have plenty of space.

05-21-2006, 09:17 AM
Sorry the girls didn't work out.They sould do the commuty tank with the female bettas.Good hope walmart listens to you.