View Full Version : Calling all Husky owners..

05-20-2006, 02:35 PM
My boyfriend is looking through different breeds of dogs that he'd like.

He has always been interestd in the Huskie.

Now.. his lifestyle right now is this;

he enjoys jogging, camping, swimming, etc etc. basically anything outdoorys.

Would a Husky fit that description?

Also, if it does(I think it does..) how did you find training your Husky and what methods did you use?
Can you trust your Husky off leash?
Where did you get your Husky from?
Have you noticed any breed characteristics that you were never forwarned about?

Hes looking at purchasing a Husky from a respected breeder(IF thats the breed he gets).

He wants a dog that he can trust off leash(after proper training of course).

If a Husky would suit him.. what would?
Hes not interested in any hounds or toy breeds.Nothing that is high maintanence for their coat either and something that is regocnized in the CKC as he'd like to do showing as well. Either Conformation/Obedience doesn't matter.

05-20-2006, 03:23 PM
A husky would be a great fit for his outdoor activities, but the vast majority of huskies can not, ever be trusted off leash. I have some husky mixes that can be, but the purebreds vanish into the mist. One of the purebreds comes back eventually, but it's not really what I'd call reliable recall! It is a rare husky who returns on their own after an escape. It's usually a big hunt to find them and they are often a very long way from home. It took a month to find my Delta when he escaped and he was over 50km from home! (He's a husky cross). For most huskies, no amount of training will ever make them reliable off leash.

Husky breeders lie when they tell that the breed only sheds when they blow their coats twice a year. Huskies shed year round. Huge chunks of fur come out when they are blowing their coats, but they leave fur everywhere, all year.

What kind of yard does he have, particularly the fencing? One of my dogs, Mac, can clear a six foot fence from a standstill; several of them are great climbers. Muskwa thinks chainlink is a ladder. My fence is 7 feet high in most spots with a layer of fencing along the ground for about a foot and another layer buried about a foot underground. That stops the diggers. I use the same fencing that elk ranchers use to confine their herds!

That's one of the things I wasn't fully aware of--huskies dig alot! I have craters in my yard big enough for two or three dogs to nap in! I can't plant flowers or landscape in my yard. Even my greenhouse is outside of the fenced area!

Huskies are not known for their obedience skills. They are stubborn and can be very difficult to train. You have to make it worth their while or they'll completely ignore you. Huskies have selective hearing...they may not hear a command or their name no matter how many times you say it, but they can hear a cat or a treat bag from a mile away!

Don't confuse their stubborness with stupidity. Huskies are extremely smart. They actually problem solve and if you don't keep them tired and entertained, they will find their entertainment. Often that involves destroying things, digging, escaping, ect.

Does he have smaller animals? Huskies have a high prey drive. I do have cats, but I'm very careful about letting the dogs near them. When one of the cats did get outside last May, the dogs killed her immediately. They are not aggressive at all, they just saw a small furry thing and their instincts took over. I'd never let any of mine near a small dog and they never see my cats unless they are directly supervised.

Several of my dogs are featured on this page, showing their typical husky behavior!
Another great page if you thinking of a husky:

If he really wants an off-leash dog, I would not recommend a husky. A Lab might be a better bet for off-leash activities and for obedience.

05-20-2006, 03:40 PM
Thanks soo much for the great reply! I'll have to get him read this when he gets home from work! :)

I think he'd want his dog to be off leash and reliable that way - like my Belgian(hes been off leash reliable since he was 4 months old he did however go threw a "i'm a boy and the king" stage where he needed to go through basic obedience 101 again though lol)

I know that hes not fond of Labs or Retrievers much.

Would there be any other breed that might suit his lifestyle that you could think of?

The breeds I have suggested to him were;
Bernese Mountain Dogs
Irish Wolfhound
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Shetland Sheepdog
and a few others I can't think of right now lol

He does love the look of the Husky though hehe A friend of mine has three - well one is a Dobie Husky mix(no CLUE how that happened lol), Malamute and a Siberian Husky. All shed like its going out of style! Its insane the amount of fur comes outta those guys! lol

05-20-2006, 04:00 PM
I know this is a Husky thread but since you asked what other breeds might be suitable....

The Toller sounds like they may be a good match just judging by your description of what he wants unless he'd like a bigger dog, as Tollers are pretty small (well, to me they are anyway). I've already PMed you before on chaz with specifics of the breed, so I'm not going to go through all the details agin unless you'd like me to. Just let me know. You said he's not fond of retrievers though. Does he have any other breeds in mind besides the Husky, or just the oens you've listed?

05-20-2006, 04:14 PM
I dont think that hes picky on sizes because hes always carting Jada around town lol and then me with Riot! lol looks kinda funny.. the guy having the little fluffy dog lol

When I mentioned the Tollers to him hes like "but they are a retriever" then I showed him pictures of them and he liked the look of them. I think he means Goldens and Flat Coats etc. the "lab types".

05-20-2006, 04:32 PM
Of the breeds you listed above, I'd check out the Bernese Mountain Dog. I love them! A friend of ours has four of them. They are great dogs. He takes them with him when he goes horseback riding and they all stick around. I don't know much about the breed's specific traits, but the ones I have met have all been delightful dogs!

05-20-2006, 04:47 PM
Of course I agree with Glacier 100% :D ;) . I know someone who had a husky and went through obedience, past the test, and was very good in that. But off leash...they no longer have that dog!

05-20-2006, 07:00 PM
Seems like several herding breed would fit his requirements. Maybe look at a Smooth Collie. Low maintenance coat, although be warned it does shed. Very trainable and very good off leash. Generally not prone to escapism. Active enough for jogging and outdoor activities. They make good draft dogs, being big enough to carry a back pack. Both of mine are frisbee dogs too. Big drawback is they can be barkers and when they bark it's loud.

Here's a pic of Oz out on a hike:



05-20-2006, 07:12 PM
i think a golden retriever would be great for his lifestyle! :D ;)