View Full Version : Drama Queen

05-20-2006, 09:43 AM
yeesh Misty is SUCH a drama queen. I posted a few days ago that Misty has got some blisters on one of her feet, but almost nobody even looked. basicly the hot pavemnt gave her feet blisters and she cant walk on that foot, I made her a vet wrap boot to protect the foot and so she can put a little weight on it when nessissary. but good greif she is a drama queen! I mean when Happy twisted her nail out and upside down she continued on as if nohing was wrong, we never would have know if blood had not been puring out. Happy scraped her pads raw a couple times when she was younger, and not so much as a wimper. Misty gets blisters on one foot and suddenly "oh woh is me!" "oh mom *whimper* I cant get down the stairs! you must carry me!" then this morning she ran through the living room and up the stairs completly normal, not a limp in sight, and as soon as she noticed me watching her her blistered paws goes in the air and she startes hobbling! :rolleyes: like I SAW that!

05-20-2006, 09:57 AM
aww lol. Hope she gets well soon.

05-20-2006, 10:43 AM
Silly Misty. Lily is a drama queen, too. If you don't hold her when she wants attention, she cries. :rolleyes: AND, when we leave to go somewhere, she sits by the door and cries, and bangs herself against the door. Anyways, Misty, it's okay to be a drama queen :D.

Ginger's Mom
05-20-2006, 01:24 PM
:) Yeah, my RB girl was like that. Whenever she wanted attention she would start limping.

05-20-2006, 01:28 PM
LOL! Earle does the same thing. Four years ago, he hurt his left front leg--nothing major, needed a few stitches. Ever since, if he thinks he's in trouble, up comes the paw, suddenly reinjured. Funniest part is he can't remember which leg was hurt so he switches around mid-limp!

05-22-2006, 07:10 AM
Too funny, silly Misty. Tinny cut her foot open quite deeply last week and we did not know because she was not limping, she walked a whole 6km's without a limp and when we got home started limping (Maybe she thought we would go home if she started limping when we were out having fun and didnt want to go home early :confused: ). We knew she did it before we left as there was dry blood in the back room we did not notice before leaving and the dogs did not go out there when we got home ;).

Weird animals.

05-22-2006, 11:13 AM
Hahaha that is hilarious! I've heard of people doing that but not dogs. :rolleyes: :D