View Full Version : Please help me, somebody. :( *UPDATED w/ old pic*

05-19-2006, 12:50 AM
I have a vicious little 6-7 week old kitten on my lap. She is cuddled up and purring and everything! SOMEONE SAVE ME! *flails*

I think she is getting attached but I have to avoid doing so as I have decided it would be easier for her to find a home than an adult or senior cat that is already in the shelters (which is what I was looking for). She didn't even get mad after her bath!

Edit: A pic by request (even though it's not new). :P



05-19-2006, 06:58 AM
I think she will find a better home if she is able to feel attached to humans. :)

05-19-2006, 07:36 AM
She'll definately be able to find a home - you are doing a most important job of getting her socialized. Thanks to you, she'll find a wonderful home real fast. You did a great job :)

05-19-2006, 08:01 AM
What Catnapper said. The more you handle that little peanut, the more socialized she'll become. You'll have absolutely NO problem finding her a home.

05-19-2006, 08:42 AM
Just Think Of It As You Getting Herv Ready For Her New Furr Ever Home.
The Way A Test Driver Tries Out A New Mercedes.
She Will Work On You Though, And Dont Be Suprised If You Fall In Love.
I Was Going To Give Munchkin Up Too.

Laura's Babies
05-19-2006, 09:06 AM
Failing fostering 101 here is cheered! Don't you know they are here for us to LOVE... so love the little thing all you can while you have her!!!!

05-19-2006, 10:26 AM
Sounds to me like it will be very hard to let this one go. She is adorable. Just keep socializing her and she will be a great kitty for a new furrever home.

05-19-2006, 10:50 AM
I think what will help is posting a pic of her! :D

05-19-2006, 10:48 PM
I think she will find a better home if she is able to feel attached to humans. :)

Yep, I know she will as well. Now, I've just got to get her wormed, tested, and inoculated and she will be accepted into a shelter program (Of course, I'll still hold on to her while she awaits her furrever home!)! :D

What I mean when I said avoid doing so was I have to avoid getting *myself* attached to her. Heh.

05-19-2006, 10:49 PM
She'll definately be able to find a home - you are doing a most important job of getting her socialized. Thanks to you, she'll find a wonderful home real fast. You did a great job :)

Heh, thank you. :D

05-19-2006, 10:51 PM
What Catnapper said. The more you handle that little peanut, the more socialized she'll become. You'll have absolutely NO problem finding her a home.

She's a very take charge kitten but loves to just plop right over and purr/sleep on you! :D

05-19-2006, 10:52 PM
Just Think Of It As You Getting Herv Ready For Her New Furr Ever Home.
The Way A Test Driver Tries Out A New Mercedes.
She Will Work On You Though, And Dont Be Suprised If You Fall In Love.
I Was Going To Give Munchkin Up Too.

I think my husband may already be attached! :D

05-19-2006, 10:54 PM
Failing fostering 101 here is cheered! Don't you know they are here for us to LOVE... so love the little thing all you can while you have her!!!!

I am! I hug, pet, cuddle, etc, with her and she adores it! :D I know she'll make an excellent baby for some very lucky person! :)

05-19-2006, 11:01 PM
Sounds to me like it will be very hard to let this one go. She is adorable. Just keep socializing her and she will be a great kitty for a new furrever home.

She is doing really well. The only problem that I see is her slight food aggression. See, she's *VERY* take charge and has had no problem running and pushing the other cats out of the way for some food (even though she has had a constant supply of food for the past two weeks). Isis, our girl, is really passive and will just let it go as will Soni, the boy, except Soni will just sit and eat right next to Tiger Lily and Isis goes away (Isis has her own saucer and Soni & TL eat off of their plate). It's hard to describe. Okay, here's how it usually goes: I put out the big and little plate of food. Isis goes and eats out of hers, Soni eats out of his and TLs, and TL RUNS straight for the middle and I make sure her plate is close to her so she doesn't run Isis off. She then eats like she hasn't had a morsel in weeks and you can hear a faint growl but other than that she is fine. She doesn't bite, scratch, hiss, or anything else when the other are near her. She'll even let you touch, pet, pick her up, and pull the food away (I've since learned that I need to because she has a tendency to overeat. she made herself throw up, once). I don't interfer while they are eating except to take the food up so TL doesn't over indulge. She's not mean or protective, really, just scared that she won't get her share.

Bleh. Quite a mouthful.

Laura's Babies
05-20-2006, 08:10 AM
It took Samantha almost a year of aggresive eating and running bowl to bowl to eat everything there was before she finally realized the food would be there ALWAYS. (or she got her fill?) She was so malnourished for so long before I got her that even eating the light food, she gained weight. Now she eats like a normal kitty does, nibbles off and on all day.

With beautiful little Lily, I think it is the discovery of the taste of food and no Mama to teach her good eating habits (table manners so to speak). I think she will slow down faster than Samantha did since Samantha was starved almost to death for 2 years before I got her and Lily is just starting out.

05-20-2006, 11:15 PM
It took Samantha almost a year of aggresive eating and running bowl to bowl to eat everything there was before she finally realized the food would be there ALWAYS. (or she got her fill?) She was so malnourished for so long before I got her that even eating the light food, she gained weight. Now she eats like a normal kitty does, nibbles off and on all day.

With beautiful little Lily, I think it is the discovery of the taste of food and no Mama to teach her good eating habits (table manners so to speak). I think she will slow down faster than Samantha did since Samantha was starved almost to death for 2 years before I got her and Lily is just starting out.

Ah, okay. thank you very much! I figured it would subside eventually! There has been no problems with her, other kitties, or us and food. So, she's doing pretty well!